# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <lukas.schrangl@tuwien.ac.at>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""PELT changepoint detection"""
import math
import numpy as np
from ..helper import numba
[docs]class CostL1:
r"""L1 norm cost
The cost is :math:`\sum_i |y_i - \operatorname{median}(y)|`.
min_size : int
Minimum size of a segment that works with this cost function
def __init__(self):
self.min_size = 2
self._data = np.empty((0, 0))
[docs] def set_data(self, data):
"""Set data for cost function
data : numpy.ndarray, shape(n, m)
m datasets of n data points
self._data = data
[docs] def cost(self, t, s):
"""Calculate cost from time `t` to time `s`
t, s : int
Start and end point
if s - t < self.min_size:
raise ValueError("t - s less than min_size")
sub = self._data[t:s]
# Cannot use axis=0 argument in numba
med = np.empty(sub.shape[1])
for i in range(sub.shape[1]):
med[i] = np.median(sub[:, i])
return np.abs(sub - med).sum()
CostL1Numba = numba.jitclass(
[("min_size", numba.int64), ("_data", numba.float64[:, :])])(
[docs]class CostL2:
r"""L2 norm cost
The cost is :math:`\operatorname{var}(y) Δt`, where :math:`Δt` is the
duration of the segment.
min_size : int
Minimum size of a segment that works with this cost function
def __init__(self):
self.min_size = 2
self._data = np.empty((0, 0))
[docs] def set_data(self, data):
"""Set data for cost function
data : numpy.ndarray, shape(n, m)
m datasets of n data points
self._data = data
[docs] def cost(self, t, s):
"""Calculate cost from time `t` to time `s`
t, s : int
Start and end point
if s - t < self.min_size:
raise ValueError("t - s less than min_size")
sub = self._data[t:s]
# Cannot use axis=0 argument in numba
var = np.empty(sub.shape[1])
for i in range(sub.shape[1]):
var[i] = np.var(sub[:, i])
return var.sum() * (s - t)
CostL2Numba = numba.jitclass(
[("min_size", numba.int64), ("_data", numba.float64[:, :])])(
def segmentation(cost, min_size, jump, penalty, max_exp_cp):
"""PELT changepoint detection
Implementation of the PELT algorithm [1]_. It is compatible with the
implementation from `ruptures <https://github.com/deepcharles/ruptures>`_.
Usually, this function will not be used directly. Users may find the
:py:class:`Pelt` class more convenient.
cost : cost class instance
This needs a `data` attribute with the data to find changepoints in
and a `cost` function that computes the cost of a data segment.
See :py:class:`CostL1` and :py:class:`CostL2` for details.
min_size : int
Minimum length of segments between change points
jump : int
Consider only every `jump`-th data point to speed up calculation.
penalty : float
Penalty of creating a new changepoint
max_exp_cp : int
Expected maximum number of changepoints. Memory for at least this many
changepoints will be pre-allocated. If there are more, a larger array
will be allocated, but this incurs some overhead.
numpy.ndarray, shape(n)
Array of changepoints
.. [1] Killick et al.: "Optimal Detection of Changepoints With a Linear
Computational Cost", Journal of the American Statistical Association,
Informa UK Limited, 2012, 107, 1590–1598
n_samples = len(cost._data)
times = np.arange(0, n_samples + jump, jump)
times[-1] = n_samples
min_idx_diff = math.ceil(min_size/jump)
if len(times) <= min_idx_diff:
return np.empty(0, dtype=np.int64)
costs = np.full(len(times), np.inf)
costs[0] = 0
le = len(times) - min_idx_diff
partitions = np.empty(le * max_exp_cp, dtype=np.int64)
partition_starts = np.zeros(len(times) + 1, dtype=np.int64)
start_idx = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.int64)
for new_start, end_idx in enumerate(range(min_idx_diff, len(times))):
new_costs = np.empty_like(start_idx, dtype=np.float64)
for j, s in enumerate(start_idx):
new_costs[j] = cost.cost(times[s], times[end_idx]) + penalty
new_costs += costs[start_idx]
best_idx = np.argmin(new_costs)
best_cost = new_costs[best_idx]
best_real_idx = start_idx[best_idx]
if best_real_idx == 0:
best_part = np.empty(0, dtype=np.int64)
best_part_start = partition_starts[best_real_idx]
best_part_end = partition_starts[best_real_idx+1]
best_part = partitions[best_part_start:best_part_end]
if end_idx == len(times) - 1:
return times[best_part]
new_partition = np.empty(len(best_part)+1, dtype=np.int64)
new_partition[:-1] = best_part
new_partition[-1] = end_idx
new_part_start = partition_starts[end_idx]
new_part_end = new_part_start + len(new_partition)
while new_part_end > partitions.size:
old_part = partitions
partitions = np.empty(2 * old_part.size, dtype=np.int64)
partitions[:old_part.size] = old_part
partitions[new_part_start:new_part_end] = new_partition
partition_starts[end_idx+1] = new_part_end
costs[end_idx] = best_cost
s2 = start_idx[new_costs <= best_cost + penalty]
start_idx = np.empty(len(s2) + 1, dtype=np.int64)
start_idx[:-1] = s2
start_idx[-1] = new_start + 1
segmentation_numba = numba.jit(nopython=True, nogil=True)(segmentation)
[docs]class Pelt:
"""PELT changepoint detection
Implementation of the PELT algorithm [Kill2012]_. It is compatible with the
implementation from `ruptures <https://github.com/deepcharles/ruptures>`_.
>>> det = Pelt(cost="l2", min_size=1, jump=1)
>>> # Make some data with a changepoint at t = 10
>>> data = np.concatenate([np.ones(10), np.zeros(10)])
>>> det.find_changepoints(data, 1)
cost_map = dict(l1=(CostL1, CostL1Numba), l2=(CostL2, CostL2Numba))
def __init__(self, cost="l2", min_size=2, jump=1, cost_params={},
cost : cost class or cost class instance or str, optional
If "l1", use :py:class:`CostL1`, "l2", use :py:class:`CostL2`.
A cost class type or instance can be passed directly.
min_size : int, optional
Minimum length of segments between change points. Defaults to 2.
jump : int, optional
Consider only every `jump`-th data point to speed up calculation.
Defaults to 5.
cost_params : dict, optional
Parameters to pass to the cost class's `__init__`. Only relevant
if `cost` is not a class instance. Defaults to {}.
engine : {"python", "numba"}, optional
If "numba", use the numba-accelerated implementation. Defaults to
use_numba = (engine == "numba") and numba.numba_available
if isinstance(cost, str):
cost = self.cost_map[cost][int(use_numba)]
if isinstance(cost, type):
cost = cost(**cost_params)
self.cost = cost
self.segmentation = segmentation_numba if use_numba else segmentation
self._min_size = max(min_size, self.cost.min_size)
self._jump = jump
[docs] def find_changepoints(self, data, penalty, max_exp_cp=10):
"""Do the changpoint detection on `data`
data : numpy.ndarray, shape(n, m)
m datasets of n data points
penalty : float
Penalty of creating a new changepoint
max_exp_cp : int, optional
Expected maximum number of changepoints. Memory for at least this
many changepoints will be pre-allocated. If there are more, a
larger array will be allocated, but this incurs some overhead.
Defaults to 10.
numpy.ndarray, shape(n)
Array of changepoints
if data.ndim == 1:
data = data.reshape((-1, 1))
return self.segmentation(self.cost, self._min_size, self._jump,
penalty, max_exp_cp)