Source code for sdt.changepoint.utils

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import itertools
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def plot_changepoints(data, changepoints, time=None, style="shade", segment_alpha=0.2, segment_colors=["#4286f4", "#f44174"], ax=None): """Plot time series with changepoints Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray Data points in time series changepoints : list-like of int Indices of changepoints time : numpy.ndarray or None x axis values. If `None` (the default), use 1, 2, 3… style : {"shade", "line"}, optional How to indicate changepoints. If "shade" (default), draw the background of the segments separated by changepoints in different colors. If "lines", draw vertical lines at the positions of th changepoints. segment_alpha : float, optional Alpha value of the background color in case of ``style="shade"``. Defaults to 0.2. segment_colors : list of str Sequence of background colors for use with ``style="shade"``. Defaults to ``["#4286f4", "#f44174"]``, which are purple and pink. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes or None Axes object to plot on. If `None` (the default), get it by calling pyplot's ``gca()``. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object used for plotting. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if time is None: time = np.arange(len(data)) else: time = np.asanyarray(time) if style == "shade": for s, e, c in zip(itertools.chain([0], changepoints), itertools.chain(changepoints, [len(data)-1]), itertools.cycle(segment_colors)): t_s = time[s] t_e = time[e] ax.axvspan(t_s, t_e, facecolor=c, alpha=segment_alpha) else: for c in changepoints: t_c = time[c] ax.axvline(x=t_c, linestyle="--", color="k") ax.plot(time, data) return ax
def indices_to_segments(indices, length): seg = np.arange(len(indices) + 1) reps = np.diff(indices, prepend=0, append=length) return np.repeat(seg, reps)
[docs]def segment_stats(data: np.ndarray, changepoints: Union[np.ndarray, Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]], stat_funcs: Union[Callable, Iterable[Callable]], mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, stat_margin: int = 0, return_len: str = "segments", ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Calculate statistics for each segment found via changepoint detection Parameters ---------- data Data for which changepoints are calculated. Either a 1D array or a 2D array of column-wise data. changepoints Sequence of changepoints or function that calculates changepoints from `data` stat_funcs Apply these functions to `data` segments identified via changepoint detection. :py:func:`numpy.mean` and :py:func:`numpy.median` are prime candidates for this. The functions should accept an `axis` keyword argument like many numpy functions do. mask Boolean array of the same length as `data`. Changepoint detection is only performed using `data` entries that have a corresponding `True` entry in the mask. `None` is equivalent to a mask whose entries are all `True`. stat_margin Data at the changepoint may be influenced by the change. This parameter specifies the number of datapoints before and after a changepoint to ignore in the calculation of the statistics. return_len If ``"segments"``, return arrays of length ``len(changepoints) + 1``. If ``"data"``, return arrays of the same length as the `data` parameter. Returns ------- Array of segment numbers, starting at zero and increasing by one after each detected changepoint. -1 if changepoint detection failed, e.g. due to NaNs in `data`. Also returns the corresponding 2D array in which each column holds the result of one of `stat_funcs` applied to each segment. If ``return_len == "segments"``, the arrays contain a single entry for each segment in the trace. If ``return_len == "data"``, each entry in the returned arrays corresponds to one entry in `data`. """ if return_len not in ("segments", "data"): raise ValueError('`return_len` has to be "segments" or "data"') if mask is None: m_data = data else: m_data = data[mask] if callable(stat_funcs): stat_funcs = (stat_funcs,) stat_axis = False else: # Turn into tuple to be sure we can iterate multiple times stat_funcs = tuple(stat_funcs) stat_axis = True # Cannot find changepoints if there are NaNs or if there is no data if ((callable(changepoints) and np.any(~np.isfinite(m_data))) or len(m_data) < 1): shape = [len(data) if return_len == "data" else 1] if stat_axis: shape.append(len(stat_funcs)) return np.full(shape[0], -1, dtype=int), np.full(shape, np.NaN) # `cp` are changepoint indices with respect to masked data if callable(changepoints): cp = changepoints(m_data) else: if mask is None: cp = changepoints else: cp = changepoints - np.cumsum(~mask)[changepoints-1] # Skip `stat_margin` frame(s) after changepoint since # fluorophore could be half bleached md_start = itertools.chain([0], cp + stat_margin) # Skip `stat_margin` frame(s) before changepoint since # fluorophore could be half bleached md_end = itertools.chain(np.maximum(cp - stat_margin, 0), [len(m_data)]) if data.ndim == 1: stat = np.empty((len(cp) + 1, len(stat_funcs))) else: # Support multivariate, columnwise data stat = np.empty((len(cp) + 1, len(stat_funcs), data.shape[1])) for i, m_s, m_e in zip(itertools.count(), md_start, md_end): for j, func in enumerate(stat_funcs): stat[i, j] = func(m_data[m_s:m_e], axis=0) if m_s < m_e else np.NaN seg = np.arange(len(cp) + 1) if return_len == "data": if mask is None: cp_pos = cp else: m_pos = np.nonzero(mask)[0] cp_pos = m_pos[cp] reps = np.diff(cp_pos, prepend=0, append=len(data)) seg = np.repeat(seg, reps) stat = np.repeat(stat, reps, axis=0) if not stat_axis: stat = stat[:, 0] return seg, stat