# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <lukas.schrangl@tuwien.ac.at>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Module containing a class for analyzing and filtering smFRET data"""
from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence,
Tuple, Union)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from . import utils
from .. import flatfield, helper, changepoint, config, roi
[docs]def gaussian_mixture_split(data: pd.DataFrame, n_components: int,
columns: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = [
("fret", "eff_app"), ("fret", "stoi_app")],
random_seed: int = 0
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Fit Gaussian mixture model and predict component for each particle
First, all datapoints are used to fit a Gaussian mixture model. Then each
particle is assigned the component in which most of its datapoints lie.
This requires scikit-learn (sklearn).
Single-molecule FRET data
Number of components in the mixture
Which columns to fit.
Seed for the random number generator used to initialize the Gaussian
mixture model fit.
Component label for each entry in `data` and mean values for each
component, one line per component.
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
rs = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)
d = data.loc[:, columns].values
valid = np.all(np.isfinite(d), axis=1)
d = d[valid]
gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=n_components, random_state=rs).fit(d)
labels = gmm.predict(d)
mean_sort_idx = np.argsort(gmm.means_[:, 0])[::-1]
sorter = np.argsort(mean_sort_idx)
labels = sorter[labels] # sort according to descending mean
return labels, gmm.means_[mean_sort_idx]
[docs]def apply_track_filters(tracks: pd.DataFrame, include_negative: bool = False,
ignore: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = [],
ret_type: str = "data"
) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, np.array]:
"""Apply filters to `tracks`
This removes all entries from `tracks` that have been marked
as filtered via a ``"filter"`` column.
If `False`, include only entries for which all ``"filter"`` column
values are zero. If `True`, include also entries with negative
``"filter"`` column values.
``"filter"`` column(s) to ignore when deciding whether to include an
entry or not. For instance, setting ``ignore="bleach_step"`` will not
consider the ``("filter", "bleach_step")`` column values.
If ``"data"``, return a copy of `tracks` excluding all entries that
have been marked as filtered, i.e., that have a positive (or nonzero,
see the `include_negative` parameter) entry in any ``"filter"`` column.
If ``"mask"``, return a boolean array indicating whether an entry is to
be removed or not
Copy of `tracks` with all filtered rows removed or corresponding boolean
if "filter" in tracks.columns:
flt = tracks["filter"].drop(ignore, axis=1)
if include_negative:
mask = flt > 0
mask = flt != 0
mask = ~np.any(mask, axis=1)
mask = np.ones(len(tracks), dtype=bool)
if ret_type == "data":
return tracks[mask].copy()
return mask
[docs]class SmFRETAnalyzer:
"""Class for analyzing and filtering of smFRET data
This provides various analysis and filtering methods which act on the
:py:attr:`tracks` attribute.
Correction of FRET efficiencies and stoichiometries for donor leakage and
direct acceptor excitation is implemented according to [Hell2018]_,
while different detection efficiencies for the different
fluorophores are accounted for as described in [MacC2010]_ as well
the different excitation efficiencies according to [Lee2005]_.
bleach_thresh: Sequence[float] = (500.0, 500.0)
"""Intensity (mass) thresholds upon donor and acceptor excitation,
respecitively, below which a signal is considered bleached. Used for
bleaching step analysis.
tracks: pd.DataFrame
"""smFRET tracking data"""
cp_detector: Any
"""Changepoint detector class instance used to perform bleching step
leakage: float
r"""Correction factor for donor leakage into the acceptor channel;
:math:`\alpha` in [Hell2018]_
direct_excitation: float
r"""Correction factor for direct acceptor excitation by the donor
laser; :math:`\delta` in [Hell2018]_
detection_eff: float
r"""Correction factor(s) for the detection efficiency difference
beteen donor and acceptor fluorophore; :math:`\gamma` in [Hell2018].
Can be a scalar for global correction or a :py:class:`pandas.Series`
for individual correction. In the latter case, the index is the
particle number and the value is the correction factor.
excitation_eff: float
r"""Correction factor(s) for the excitation efficiency difference
beteen donor and acceptor fluorophore; :math:`\beta` in [Hell2018].
columns: Dict
"""Column names to use in DataFrames. See :py:func:`config.set_columns`
for details.
def __init__(self, tracks: pd.DataFrame, cp_detector: Optional[Any] = None,
copy: bool = False, reset_filters: bool = True,
keep_filters: Union[str, Iterable[str]] = [],
columns: Dict = {}):
smFRET tracking data as produced by :py:class:`SmFRETTracker` by
running its :py:meth:`SmFRETTracker.track` method.
Changepoint detetctor. If `None`, create a
:py:class:`changepoint.Pelt` instance with ``model="l2"``,
``min_size=1``, and ``jump=1``.
If `True`, copy `tracks` to the :py:attr:`tracks` attribute.
If `True`, reset filters in :py:attr:`tracks`. See also
Filter columns to keep upon resetting. See also
Other parameters
Override default column names as defined in
:py:attr:`config.columns`. Relevant names are `coords` and `time`.
This means, if your DataFrame has
coordinate columns "x" and "z" and the time column "alt_frame", set
``columns={"coords": ["x", "z"], "time": "alt_frame"}``. This
parameters sets the :py:attr:`columns` attribute.
self.tracks = tracks.copy() if copy else tracks
if reset_filters:
if cp_detector is None:
cp_detector = changepoint.Pelt("l2", min_size=1, jump=1)
self.cp_detector = cp_detector
self.columns = columns
self.leakage = 0.
self.direct_excitation = 0.
self.detection_eff = 1.
self.excitation_eff = 1.
self._reason_counter = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
[docs] def reset_filters(self, keep: Union[str, Iterable[str]] = []):
"""Reset filters
This drops filter columns from :py:attr:`tracks`.
Filter column name(s) to keep
if "filter" not in self.tracks:
if isinstance(keep, str):
keep = [keep]
cols = self.tracks.columns.get_loc_level("filter")[1]
rm_cols = np.setdiff1d(cols, keep)
self.tracks.drop(columns=[("filter", c) for c in rm_cols],
[docs] def calc_fret_values(self, keep_d_mass: bool = False,
invalid_nan: bool = True,
a_mass_interp: str = "nearest-up",
skip_neighbors: bool = True):
r"""Calculate FRET-related values
This needs to be called before the filtering methods and before
calculating the true FRET efficiencies and stoichiometries. However,
any corrections to the donor and acceptor localization data (such as
:py:meth:`flatfield_correction`) need to be done before this.
Calculated values apparent FRET efficiencies and stoichiometries,
the total brightness (mass) upon donor excitation, and the acceptor
brightness (mass) upon direct excitation, which is interpolated for
donor excitation datapoints in order to allow for calculation of
For each localization in `tracks`, the total brightness upon donor
excitation is calculated by taking the sum of ``("donor", "mass")``
and ``("acceptor", "mass")`` values. It is added as a
``("fret", "d_mass")`` column to the `tracks` DataFrame. The
apparent FRET efficiency (acceptor brightness (mass) divided by sum of
donor and acceptor brightnesses) is added as a
``("fret", "eff_app")`` column to the `tracks` DataFrame.
The apparent stoichiometry value :math:`S_\text{app}` is given as
.. math:: S_\text{app} = \frac{I_{DD} + I_{DA}}{I_{DD} + I_{DA} +
as in [Hell2018]_. :math:`I_{DD}` is the donor brightness upon donor
excitation, :math:`I_{DA}` is the acceptor brightness upon donor
excitation, and :math:`I_{AA}` is the acceptor brightness upon
acceptor excitation. The latter is calculated by interpolation for
frames with donor excitation.
:math:`I_{AA}` is append as a ``("fret", "a_mass")`` column.
The stoichiometry value is added in the ``("fret", "stoi_app")``
If a ``("fret", "d_mass")`` column is already present in `tracks`,
use that instead of overwriting it with the sum of
``("donor", "mass")`` and ``("acceptor", "mass")`` values. Useful
if :py:meth:`track` was called with ``d_mass=True``.
If True, all "d_mass", "eff_app", and "stoi_app" values for
excitation types other than donor excitation are set to NaN, since
the values don't make sense.
How to interpolate the acceptor mass upon direct excitation in
donor excitation frames. Sensible values are "linear" for linear
interpolation; "nearest" to take the value of the closest
direct acceptor excitation frame (using the previous frame in case
of a tie); "nearest-up", which is similar to "nearest" but takes
the next frame in case of a tie; "next" and "previous" to use the
next and previous frames, respectively.
If `True`, skip localizations where ``("fret", "has_neighbor")`` is
`True` when interpolating acceptor mass upon direct excitation.
tmp_mask_col = ("__tmp__", "__sdt_mask__")
self.tracks.sort_values([("fret", "particle"),
("donor", self.columns["time"])],
self.tracks[tmp_mask_col] = self.apply_filters(ret_type="mask")
# Calculate brightness upon acceptor excitation. This requires
# interpolation
cols = [("acceptor", self.columns["mass"]),
("donor", self.columns["time"]),
("fret", "exc_type"),
if skip_neighbors and ("fret", "has_neighbor") in self.tracks:
cols.append(("fret", "has_neighbor"))
has_nn = True
has_nn = False
a_mass = []
if "a" in self.tracks["fret", "exc_type"].cat.categories:
# Calculate direct acceptor excitation
with utils.numeric_exc_type(self.tracks) as exc_cats:
for p, trc_p in helper.split_dataframe(
self.tracks, ("fret", "particle"), cols,
type="array_list", sort=False):
ad_p_mask = (trc_p[2] == np.nonzero(exc_cats == "a")[0])
# Locs without neighbors
if has_nn:
nn_p_mask = ~trc_p[-1].astype(bool)
nn_p_mask = np.ones(len(trc_p[0]), dtype=bool)
# Only use locs with direct accept ex and no neighbors
mask = ad_p_mask & nn_p_mask & trc_p[3]
a_direct = trc_p[0][mask]
if len(a_direct) == 0:
# No direct acceptor excitation, cannot do anything
a_mass.append(np.full(len(trc_p[0]), np.NaN))
elif len(a_direct) == 1:
# Only one direct acceptor excitation; use this value
# for all data points of this particle
a_mass.append(np.full(len(trc_p[0]), a_direct[0]))
# Enough direct acceptor excitations for interpolation
# Values are sorted.
time = trc_p[1][mask]
a_mass_func = interp1d(
time, a_direct, a_mass_interp, copy=False,
fill_value=(a_direct[0], a_direct[-1]),
assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False)
# Calculate (interpolated) mass upon direct acceptor
# excitation
a_mass = np.concatenate(a_mass)
a_mass = np.full(len(self.tracks), np.NaN)
# Total mass upon donor excitation
if keep_d_mass and ("fret", "d_mass") in self.tracks:
d_mass = self.tracks["fret", "d_mass"].copy()
d_mass = (self.tracks["donor", self.columns["mass"]] +
self.tracks["acceptor", self.columns["mass"]])
with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
# ignore divide by zero and 0 / 0
# FRET efficiency
eff = self.tracks["acceptor", self.columns["mass"]] / d_mass
# FRET stoichiometry
stoi = d_mass / (d_mass + a_mass)
if invalid_nan:
# For direct acceptor excitation, FRET efficiency and stoichiometry
# are not sensible
nd_mask = self.tracks["fret", "exc_type"] != "d"
eff[nd_mask] = np.NaN
stoi[nd_mask] = np.NaN
d_mass[nd_mask] = np.NaN
self.tracks["fret", "eff_app"] = eff
self.tracks["fret", "stoi_app"] = stoi
self.tracks["fret", "d_mass"] = d_mass
self.tracks["fret", "a_mass"] = a_mass
self.tracks.drop(columns=tmp_mask_col, inplace=True)
[docs] def apply_filters(self, include_negative: bool = False,
ignore: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = [],
ret_type: str = "data") -> Union[pd.DataFrame, np.array]:
"""Apply filters to :py:attr:`tracks`
This removes all entries from :py:attr:`tracks` that have been marked
as filtered using e.g. :py:meth:`query`, :py:meth:`query_particle`,
:py:meth:`bleach_step`, and :py:meth:`image_mask`.
If `False`, include only entries for which all ``"filter"`` column
values are zero. If `True`, include also entries with negative
``"filter"`` column values.
``"filter"`` column(s) to ignore when deciding whether to include
an entry or not. For instance, setting ``ignore="bleach_step"``
will not consider the ``("filter", "bleach_step")`` column values.
If ``"data"``, return a copy of :py:attr:`tracks` excluding all
entries that have been marked as filtered, i.e., that have a
positive (or nonzero, see the `include_negative` parameter) entry
in any ``"filter"`` column.
If ``"mask"``, return a boolean array indicating whether an entry
is to be removed or not
Copy of :py:attr:`tracks` with all filtered rows removed or
corresponding boolean mask.
return apply_track_filters(self.tracks, include_negative, ignore,
[docs] def mass_changepoints(self, channel: str,
stats: Union[Callable, str,
Iterable[Union[Callable, str]]
] = "median",
stat_margin: int = 1,
"""Segment tracks by changepoint detection in brightness time trace
Changepoint detection is run on the donor or acceptor brightness
(``mass``) time trace, depending on the `channels` argument.
This appends py:attr:`tracks` with a ``("fret", "d_seg")`` or
`("fret", "a_seg")`` column for donor or acceptor, resp. For
each localization, this holds the number of the segment it belongs to.
Furthermore, statistics (such as median brightness) can/should be
calculated, which can later be used to analyze stepwise bleaching
(see :py:meth:`bleach_step`).
**:py:attr:`tracks` will be sorted according to
``("fret", "particle")`` and ``("donor", self.columns["time"])`` in the
In which channel (``"donor"`` or ``"acceptor"``) to perform
changepoint detection.
Statistics to calculate for each track segment. For each entry
``s``, a column named ``"{channel}_seg_{s}"`` is appendend, where
``channel`` is ``d`` for donor and ``a`` for acceptor.
``s`` can be the name of a numpy function or a callable returning
a statistic, such as :py:func:`numpy.mean`.
Number of data points around a changepoint to exclude from
statistics calculation. This can prevent bias in the statistics due
to recording a bleaching event in progress.
Keyword arguments to pass to :py:attr:`cp_detector`
`find_changepoints()` method.
Pass ``penalty=1e6`` to the changepoint detector's
``find_changepoints`` method, perform detection both channels:
>>> ana.mass_changepoints("donor", penalty=1e6)
>>> ana.mass_changepoints("acceptor", penalty=1e6)
time_col = ("donor", self.columns["time"])
tmp_mask_col = ("__tmp__", "__sdt_mask__")
self.tracks.sort_values([("fret", "particle"), time_col], inplace=True)
self.tracks[tmp_mask_col] = self.apply_filters(ret_type="mask")
e_type = channel[0]
if e_type not in "da":
raise ValueError("`channel` has to be \"donor\" or \"acceptor\".")
mass_col = f"{e_type}_mass"
seg_col = f"{e_type}_seg"
if isinstance(stats, str) or callable(stats):
stats = [stats]
stat_funcs = []
stat_names = []
for st in stats:
if isinstance(st, str):
stat_funcs.append(getattr(np, st))
elif callable(st):
with utils.numeric_exc_type(self.tracks) as exc_cats:
trc_split = helper.split_dataframe(
self.tracks, ("fret", "particle"),
[("fret", mass_col), ("fret", "exc_type"), tmp_mask_col],
type="array_list", sort=False)
exc_num = np.nonzero(exc_cats == "d")[0]
def cp_func(data):
return self.cp_detector.find_changepoints(data, **kwargs)
segments = []
stat_results = []
for p, trc_p in trc_split:
mask = trc_p[2] & (trc_p[1] == exc_num)
seg_p, stat_p = changepoint.segment_stats(
trc_p[0], cp_func, stat_funcs, mask=mask,
stat_margin=stat_margin, return_len="data")
self.tracks["fret", seg_col] = np.concatenate(segments)
stat_results = np.concatenate(stat_results, axis=0)
for st, name in zip(stat_results.T, stat_names):
self.tracks["fret", f"{seg_col}_{name}"] = st
self.tracks.drop(columns=tmp_mask_col, inplace=True)
def _bleaches(self, steps: Sequence[float], channel: int) -> bool:
"""Returns whether there is single-step bleaching
Intensity values (e.g., mean intensity) for each step
0 for donor, 1 for acceptor. Used to get bleaching thershold from
`True` if track exhibits single-step bleaching, `False` otherwise.
return (len(steps) > 1 and
all(s < self.bleach_thresh[channel] for s in steps[1:]))
def _bleaches_partially(self, steps: Sequence[float], channel: int
) -> bool:
"""Returns whether there is partial bleaching
Intensity values (e.g., mean intensity) for each step
0 for donor, 1 for acceptor. Used to get bleaching thershold from
`True` if there is a bleaching step that does not go below threshold,
`False` if there is no bleaching step or bleaching goes below
threshold in a single step.
return (len(steps) > 1 and
any(s > self.bleach_thresh[channel] for s in steps[1:]))
def _update_filter(self, flt: np.ndarray, reason: str):
"""Update a filter column
If it does not exist yet, append to :py:attr:`self.tracks`. Otherwise,
each entry is updated as follows
- If ``-1`` before, use the new value
- If ``0`` before, leave at 0 if the new value is 0. Set to the
appropriate reason count (i.e., ``1`` if the filter reason is used
for the first time, ``2`` if used for the second time, and so on).
- If greater than ``0`` before, leave as is.
New filter data, one value per line in :py:attr:`tracks`. ``-1``
means no decision about filtering, ``0`` means that the entry
is accepted, ``1`` means that the entry is rejected.
Filtering reason / column name to use.
self._reason_counter[reason] += 1
rc = self._reason_counter[reason]
if ("filter", reason) not in self.tracks:
self.tracks["filter", reason] = flt
fr = self.tracks["filter", reason].to_numpy()
old_good = fr <= 0
self.tracks.loc[old_good & (flt > 0), ("filter", reason)] = rc
self.tracks.loc[old_good & (flt == 0), ("filter", reason)] = 0
[docs] def bleach_step(self, condition: str = "donor or acceptor",
stat: str = "median", reason: str = "bleach_step"):
"""Find tracks with acceptable fluorophore bleaching behavior
What "acceptable" means is specified by the `condition` parameter.
``("fret", "d_seg")``, ``("fret", f"d_seg_{stat}")``, ``("fret",
"a_seg")``, and ``("fret", f"a_seg_{stat}")`` (where ``{stat}`` is
replaced by the value of the `stat` parameter) columns need to be
present in :py:attr:`tracks` for this to work, which can be achieved by
performing changepoint in both channels using :py:meth:`segment_mass`.
The donor considered bleached if its ``("fret", f"d_seg_{stat}")``
is below :py:attr:`bleach_thresh` ``[0]``. The acceptor considered
bleached if its ``("fret", f"a_seg_{stat}")`` is below
:py:attr:`bleach_thresh` ``[0]``
If ``"donor"``, accept only tracks where the donor bleaches in a
single step and the acceptor shows either no bleach step or
completely bleaches in a single step.
Likewise, ``"acceptor"`` will accept only tracks where the acceptor
bleaches fully in one step and the donor shows no partial
``donor or acceptor`` requires that one channel bleaches in a
single step while the other either also bleaches in one step or not
at all (no partial bleaching).
If ``"no partial"``, there may be no partial bleaching, but
bleaching is not required.
Statistic to use to determine bleaching steps. Has to be one that
was passed to via ``stats`` parameter to
Filtering reason / column name to use.
Consider acceptors with a brightness ``("fret", "a_mass")`` of less
than 500 counts and donors with a brightness ``("fret", "d_mass")`` of
less than 800 counts bleached. Remove all tracks that don't show
acceptable bleaching behavior.
>>> ana.bleach_thresh = (800, 500)
>>> ana.bleach_step("donor or acceptor")
time_col = ("donor", self.columns["time"])
trc = self.tracks.sort_values([("fret", "particle"), time_col])
trc_split = helper.split_dataframe(
trc, ("fret", "particle"),
[("fret", "d_seg"), ("fret", f"d_seg_{stat}"),
("fret", "a_seg"), ("fret", f"a_seg_{stat}")],
type="array_list", sort=False)
good_p = []
for p, trc_p in trc_split:
is_good = True
if -1 in trc_p[0] or -1 in trc_p[2]:
# -1 as segment number means that changepoint detection failed
# Get change changepoints upon acceptor exc from segments
cps_a = np.nonzero(np.diff(trc_p[2]))[0] + 1
split_a = np.array_split(trc_p[3], cps_a)
stat_a = [s[0] for s in split_a]
# Get change changepoints upon donor exc from segments
cps_d = np.nonzero(np.diff(trc_p[0]))[0] + 1
split_d = np.array_split(trc_p[1], cps_d)
stat_d = [s[0] for s in split_d]
if condition == "donor":
is_good = (self._bleaches(stat_d, 0) and not
self._bleaches_partially(stat_a, 1))
elif condition == "acceptor":
is_good = (self._bleaches(stat_a, 1) and not
self._bleaches_partially(stat_d, 0))
elif condition in ("donor or acceptor", "acceptor or donor"):
is_good = ((self._bleaches(stat_d, 0) and not
self._bleaches_partially(stat_a, 1)) or
(self._bleaches(stat_a, 1) and not
self._bleaches_partially(stat_d, 0)))
elif condition == "no partial":
is_good = not (self._bleaches_partially(stat_d, 0) or
self._bleaches_partially(stat_a, 1))
raise ValueError(f"unknown strategy: {condition}")
if is_good:
filtered = self.tracks["fret", "particle"].isin(good_p)
self._update_filter(np.asarray(~filtered, dtype=np.intp), reason)
def _eval(data: pd.DataFrame, expr: str, mi_sep: str = "_"):
"""Call ``eval(expr)`` for `data`
Flatten the column MultiIndex and call the resulting DataFrame's
`eval` method.
Data frame
Argument for eval. See :py:meth:`pandas.DataFrame.eval` for
Use this to separate levels when flattening the column
MultiIndex. Defaults to "_".
pandas.Series, dtype(bool)
Boolean Series indicating whether an entry fulfills `expr` or not.
Get a boolean array indicating lines where ("fret", "a_mass") <= 500
in :py:attr:`tracks`
>>> filt._eval(filt.tracks, "fret_a_mass > 500")
0 True
1 True
2 False
dtype: bool
if not len(data):
return pd.Series([], dtype=bool)
old_columns = data.columns
data.columns = helper.flatten_multiindex(old_columns, mi_sep)
e = data.eval(expr)
except Exception:
data.columns = old_columns
return e
[docs] def query(self, expr: str, mi_sep: str = "_", reason: str = "query"):
"""Filter features according to column values
Flatten the column MultiIndex and filter the resulting DataFrame's
`eval` method.
Filter expression. See :py:meth:`pandas.DataFrame.eval` for
Separate multi-index levels by this character / string.
Filtering reason / column name to use.
Remove lines where ("fret", "a_mass") <= 500 from :py:attr:`tracks`
>>> filt.query("fret_a_mass > 500")
filtered = self._eval(self.tracks, expr, mi_sep)
filtered = np.asarray(~filtered, dtype=np.intp)
self._update_filter(filtered, reason)
[docs] def query_particles(self, expr: str, min_abs: int = 1,
min_rel: float = 0.0, mi_sep: str = "_",
reason: str = "query_p"):
"""Remove particles that don't fulfill `expr` enough times
Any particle that does not fulfill `expr` at least `min_abs` times AND
during at least a fraction of `min_rel` of its length is removed from
The column MultiIndex is flattened for this purpose.
Filter expression. See :py:meth:`pandas.DataFrame.eval` for
Minimum number of times a particle has to fulfill `expr`. If
negative, this means "all but ``abs(min_abs)``". If 0, it has
to be fulfilled in all frames.
Minimum fraction of data points that have to fulfill `expr` for a
particle not to be removed.
Use this to separate levels when flattening the column
MultiIndex. Defaults to "_".
Filtering reason / column name to use.
Remove any particles where not ("fret", "a_mass") > 500 at least twice
from :py:attr:`tracks`.
>>> filt.query_particles("fret_a_mass > 500", 2)
Remove any particles where ("fret", "a_mass") <= 500 in more than one
>>> filt.query_particles("fret_a_mass > 500", -1)
Remove any particle where not ("fret", "a_mass") > 500 for at least
75 % of the particle's data points, with a minimum of two data points:
>>> filt.query_particles("fret_a_mass > 500", 2, min_rel=0.75)
pre_filtered = self.apply_filters()
e = self._eval(pre_filtered, expr, mi_sep).to_numpy()
all_p = pre_filtered["fret", "particle"].to_numpy()
p, c = np.unique(all_p[e], return_counts=True)
p_sel = np.ones(len(p), dtype=bool)
if min_abs is not None:
if min_abs <= 0:
p2 = pre_filtered.loc[pre_filtered["fret", "particle"].isin(p),
("fret", "particle")].to_numpy()
min_abs = np.unique(p2, return_counts=True)[1] + min_abs
p_sel &= c >= min_abs
if min_rel:
p2 = pre_filtered.loc[pre_filtered["fret", "particle"].isin(p),
("fret", "particle")].to_numpy()
c2 = np.unique(p2, return_counts=True)[1]
p_sel &= (c / c2 >= min_rel)
good_p = p[p_sel]
bad_p = np.setdiff1d(all_p, good_p)
good = self.tracks["fret", "particle"].isin(good_p).to_numpy()
bad = self.tracks["fret", "particle"].isin(bad_p).to_numpy()
flt = np.full(len(self.tracks), -1, dtype=np.intp)
flt[good] = 0
flt[bad] = 1
self._update_filter(flt, reason)
[docs] def image_mask(self, mask: Union[np.ndarray, List[Dict]],
channel: str, reason: str = "image_mask"):
"""Filter using a boolean mask image
Remove all lines where coordinates lie in a region where `mask` is
Mask image(s). If this is a single array, apply it to the whole
:py:attr:`tracks` DataFrame.
This can also be a list of dicts, where each dict ``d`` has to have
a "key" and a "mask" (ndarray) entry. Then each ``d["mask"]`` is
applied separately to the corresponding
``self.tracks.loc[d["key"]]``. Additionally, the dicts may also
have "start" and "stop" entries, in which case the mask will be
applied only to datapoints with frames greater or equal `start` and
less than `stop`; all others will be discarded. With this it is
possible to apply multiple masks to the same key depending on the
frame number.
Channel to use for the filtering
Filtering reason / column name to use.
Create a 2D boolean mask to remove any features that do not have
x and y coordinates between 50 and 100 in the donor channel.
>>> mask = numpy.zeros((200, 200), dtype=bool)
>>> mask[50:100, 50:100] = True
>>> filt.image_mask(mask, "donor")
If :py:attr:`tracks` has a MultiIndex index, where e.g. the first
level is "file1", "file2", … and different masks should be applied
for each file, this is possible by passing a list of
dicts. Furthermore, we can apply one mask to all frames up to 100 and
another to the rest:
>>> masks = []
>>> for i in range(1, 10):
>>> masks.append({"key": "file%i" % i,
... "mask": numpy.ones((10 * i, 10 * i), dtype=bool),
... "stop": 100})
>>> masks.append({"key": "file%i" % i,
... "mask": numpy.ones((20 * i, 20 * i), dtype=bool),
... "start": 100})
>>> filt.image_mask(masks, "donor")
cols = {"coords": [(channel, c) for c in self.columns["coords"]]}
if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray):
r = roi.MaskROI(mask)
filtered = r.dataframe_mask(self.tracks, columns=cols)
filtered = np.asarray(~filtered, dtype=np.intp)
filtered = pd.Series(np.full(len(self.tracks), -1, dtype=np.intp),
for m in mask:
r = roi.MaskROI(m["mask"])
k = m["key"]
cur = self.tracks.loc[k]
except KeyError:
# No tracking data for the current image
filt = r.dataframe_mask(cur, columns=cols)
filt = np.asarray(~filt, dtype=int)
t_col = (channel, self.columns["time"])
t_mask = np.ones_like(filt, dtype=bool)
start = m.get("start", None)
if start is not None:
t_mask[cur[t_col] < start] = False
stop = m.get("stop", None)
if stop is not None:
t_mask[cur[t_col] >= stop] = False
fk = filtered[k].to_numpy(copy=True)
fk[t_mask] = np.maximum(filt[t_mask], fk[t_mask])
filtered.loc[k] = fk
filtered = filtered.to_numpy()
self._update_filter(filtered, reason)
[docs] def flatfield_correction(self, donor_corr: flatfield.Corrector,
acceptor_corr: flatfield.Corrector):
"""Apply flatfield correction to donor and acceptor localization data
If present, donor and acceptor ``f"{self.columns['mass']}_pre_flat"``
and ``f"{self.columns['signal']}_pre_flat"`` columns are used as inputs
for flatfield correction, results are written to
``self.columns["mass"]`` and `self.columns["signal"]``.
Otherwise, ``self.columns["mass"]`` and `self.columns["signal"]`` are
copied to ``f"{self.columns['mass']}_pre_flat"``
and ``f"{self.columns['signal']}_pre_flat"`` first.
Any values derived from those (e.g., apparent FRET efficiencies) need
to be recalculated manually.
donor_corr, acceptor_corr
Corrector instances for donor and acceptor channel, respectivey.
dest_cols = list(itertools.product(
("donor", "acceptor"),
(self.columns["mass"], self.columns["signal"])))
src_cols = [(c[0], f"{c[1]}_pre_flat") for c in dest_cols]
for src, dest in zip(src_cols, dest_cols):
# If source columns (i.e., "{col}_pre_flat") do not exist, create
# them
if src not in self.tracks:
self.tracks[src] = self.tracks[dest]
for chan, corr in (("donor", donor_corr), ("acceptor", acceptor_corr)):
typ = chan[0]
coord_cols = [(chan, col) for col in self.columns["coords"]]
sel = self.tracks["fret", "exc_type"] == typ
c = corr(self.tracks[sel],
columns={"coords": coord_cols, "corr": src_cols})
for src, dest in zip(src_cols, dest_cols):
self.tracks.loc[sel, dest] = c[src]
[docs] def calc_leakage(self):
r"""Calculate donor leakage (bleed-through) into the acceptor channel
For this to work, :py:attr:`tracks` must be a dataset of donor-only
molecules. In this case, the leakage :math:`alpha` can be
computed using the formula [Hell2018]_
.. math:: \alpha = \frac{\langle E_\text{app}\rangle}{1 -
\langle E_\text{app}\rangle},
where :math:`\langle E_\text{app}\rangle` is the mean apparent FRET
efficiency of a donor-only population.
The leakage :math:`\alpha` together with the direct acceptor excitation
:math:`\delta` can be used to calculate the real fluorescence due to
.. math:: F_\text{DA} = I_\text{DA} - \alpha I_\text{DD} - \delta
This sets the :py:attr:`leakage` attribute.
See :py:meth:`fret_correction` for how use this to calculate corrected
FRET values.
trc = self.apply_filters()
sel = ((trc["fret", "exc_type"] == "d") &
(trc["fret", "has_neighbor"] == 0))
m_eff = trc.loc[sel, ("fret", "eff_app")].mean()
self.leakage = m_eff / (1 - m_eff)
[docs] def calc_direct_excitation(self):
r"""Calculate direct acceptor excitation by the donor laser
For this to work, :py:attr:`tracks` must be a dataset of acceptor-only
molecules. In this case, the direct acceptor excitation :math:`delta`
can be computed using the formula [Hell2018]_
.. math:: \alpha = \frac{\langle S_\text{app}\rangle}{1 -
\langle S_\text{app}\rangle},
where :math:`\langle ES\text{app}\rangle` is the mean apparent FRET
stoichiometry of an acceptor-only population.
The leakage :math:`\alpha` together with the direct acceptor excitation
:math:`\delta` can be used to calculate the real fluorescence due to
.. math:: F_\text{DA} = I_\text{DA} - \alpha I_\text{DD} - \delta
This sets the :py:attr:`direct_excitation` attribute.
See :py:meth:`fret_correction` for how use this to calculate corrected
FRET values.
trc = self.apply_filters()
sel = ((trc["fret", "exc_type"] == "d") &
(trc["fret", "has_neighbor"] == 0))
m_stoi = trc.loc[sel, ("fret", "stoi_app")].mean()
self.direct_excitation = m_stoi / (1 - m_stoi)
[docs] def calc_detection_eff(self, min_seg_len: int = 5,
how: Union[Callable, str] = np.nanmedian,
stat: Union[Callable, str] = np.median):
r"""Calculate detection efficiency ratio of dyes
The detection efficiency ratio is the ratio of decrease in acceptor
brightness to the increase in donor brightness upon acceptor
photobleaching [MacC2010]_:
.. math:: \gamma = \frac{\langle I_\text{DA}^\text{pre}\rangle -
\langle I_\text{DA}^\text{post}\rangle}{
\langle I_\text{DD}^\text{post}\rangle -
\langle I_\text{DD}^\text{pre}\rangle}
This needs molecules with exactly one donor and one acceptor
fluorophore to work. Tracks need to be segmented already (see
The correction can be calculated for each track individually or some
statistic (e.g. the median) of the indivdual :math:`gamma` values can
be used as a global correction factor for all tracks.
The detection efficiency :math:`\gamma` can be used to calculate the
real fluorescence of the donor fluorophore,
.. math:: F_\text{DD} = \gamma I_\text{DD}.
This sets the :py:attr:`detection_eff` attribute.
See :py:meth:`fret_correction` for how use this to calculate corrected
FRET values.
How many data points need to be present before and after the
bleach step to ensure a reliable calculation of the mean
intensities. If there are fewer data points, a value of NaN will be
If "individual", the :math:`\gamma` value for each track will be
stored and used to correct the values individually when calling
:py:meth:`fret_correction`. If a function, apply this function
to the :math:`\gamma` array and its return value as a global
correction factor. A sensible example for such a function would be
:py:func:`numpy.nanmean`. Beware that some :math:`\gamma` may be
Statistic to use to determine bleaching steps. If a string, it has
to be the name of a function from :py:mod:`numpy`.
trc = self.apply_filters()
sel = ((trc["fret", "exc_type"] == "d") &
(trc["fret", "has_neighbor"] == 0))
trc = trc[sel].sort_values(
[("fret", "particle"), ("donor", self.columns["time"])])
trc_split = helper.split_dataframe(
trc, ("fret", "particle"),
[("donor", self.columns["mass"]),
("acceptor", self.columns["mass"]), ("fret", "a_seg")],
type="array_list", sort=False)
if isinstance(stat, str):
stat = getattr(np, stat)
gammas = {}
for p, t in trc_split:
fin_mask = np.isfinite(t[0]) & np.isfinite(t[1])
pre_mask = (t[2] == 0) & fin_mask
post_mask = (t[2] == 1) & fin_mask
i_dd_pre = t[0][pre_mask]
i_dd_post = t[0][post_mask]
i_da_pre = t[1][pre_mask]
i_da_post = t[1][post_mask]
if len(i_dd_pre) < min_seg_len or len(i_dd_post) < min_seg_len:
gammas[p] = np.NaN
gammas[p] = ((stat(i_da_pre) - stat(i_da_post)) /
(stat(i_dd_post) - stat(i_dd_pre)))
if how == "individual":
self.detection_eff = pd.Series(gammas)
elif callable(how):
self.detection_eff = how(np.array(list(gammas.values())))
raise ValueError("`how` must be \"individual\" or a function "
"accepting an array as its argument.")
[docs] def calc_excitation_eff(self, n_components: int = 1, component: int = 0,
random_seed: int = 0):
r"""Calculate excitation efficiency ratio of dyes
This is a measure of how efficient the direct acceptor excitation is
compared to the donor excitation. It depends on the fluorophores and
also on the excitation laser intensities.
It can be calculated using the formula [Lee2005]_
.. math:: \beta = \frac{1 - \langle S_\gamma \rangle}{
\langle S_\gamma\rangle},
where :math:`S_\gamma` is calculated like the apparent stoichiometry,
but with the donor and acceptor fluorescence upon donor excitation
already corrected using the leakage, direct excitation, and
detection efficiency factors.
This needs molecules with exactly one donor and one acceptor
fluorophore to work. Tracks need to be segmented already (see
:py:meth:`segment_a_mass`). The :py:attr:`leakage`,
:py:attr:`direct_excitation`, and :py:attr:`detection_eff` attributes
need to be set correctly.
The excitation efficiency :math:`\beta` can be used to correct the
acceptor fluorescence upon acceptor excitation,
.. math:: F_\text{AA} = I_\text{AA} / \beta.
This sets the :py:attr:`excitation_eff` attribute.
See :py:meth:`fret_correction` for how use this to calculate corrected
FRET values.
If > 1, perform a Gaussian mixture fit on the 2D apparent
efficiency-vs.-stoichiomtry dataset. This helps to choose only the
correct component with one donor and one acceptor. Defaults to 1.
If n_components > 1, use this to choos the component number.
Components are ordered according to decreasing mean apparent FRET
efficiency. :py:func:`gaussian_mixture_split` can be used to
check which component is the desired one. Defaults to 0.
Seed for the random number generator used to initialize the
Gaussian mixture model fit.
trc = self.apply_filters()
trc = trc[(trc["fret", "exc_type"] == "d") &
(trc["fret", "a_seg"] == 0) &
(trc["fret", "d_seg"] == 0)]
if n_components > 1:
split = gaussian_mixture_split(trc, n_components,
trc = trc[split == component]
tmp_ana = SmFRETAnalyzer(trc)
tmp_ana.leakage = self.leakage
tmp_ana.direct_excitation = self.direct_excitation
tmp_ana.detection_eff = self.detection_eff
s_gamma = trc["fret", "stoi"].mean()
self.excitation_eff = (1 - s_gamma) / s_gamma
[docs] def calc_detection_excitation_effs(
self, n_components: int,
components: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, random_seed: int = 0):
r"""Get detection and excitation efficiency from multi-state sample
States are found in efficiency-vs.-stoichiometry space using a
Gaussian mixture fit. Detection efficiency factor :math:`\gamma` and
excitation efficiency factor :math:`\delta` are found performing a
linear fit to the equation
.. math:: S^{-1} = 1 + \beta\gamma + (1 - \gamma)\beta E
to the Gaussian mixture fit results, where :math:`S` are the
components' mean stoichiometries (corrected for leakage and direct
excitation) and :math:`E` are the corresponding FRET efficiencies
(also corrected for leakage and direct excitation) [Hell2018]_.
Number of components for Gaussian mixture model
List of indices of components to use for the linear fit. If `None`,
use all.
Seed for the random number generator used to initialize the
Gaussian mixture model fit.
trc = self.apply_filters()
tmp_ana = SmFRETAnalyzer(trc)
tmp_ana.leakage = self.leakage
tmp_ana.direct_excitation = self.direct_excitation
trc = trc[(trc["fret", "exc_type"] == "d") &
(trc["fret", "a_seg"] == 0) &
(trc["fret", "d_seg"] == 0)]
split = gaussian_mixture_split(
trc, n_components, columns=[("fret", "eff"), ("fret", "stoi")],
if components is None:
components = slice(None)
b, a = np.polyfit(split[components, 0], 1 / split[components, 1],
self.detection_eff = (a - 1) / (a + b - 1)
self.excitation_eff = a + b - 1
[docs] def fret_correction(self, invalid_nan: bool = True):
r"""Apply corrections to calculate real FRET-related values
By correcting the measured acceptor and donor intensities upon
donor excitation (:math:`I_\text{DA}` and :math:`I_\text{DD}`) and
acceptor intensity upon acceptor excitation (:math:`I_\text{AA}`) for
donor leakage into the acceptor channel :math:`\alpha`, acceptor
excitation by the donor laser :math:`\delta`, detection efficiencies
:math:`\gamma`, and excitation efficiencies :math:`\beta`
using [Hell2018]_
.. math:: F_\text{DA} &= I_\text{DA} - \alpha I_\text{DD} - \delta
I_\text{AA} \\
F_\text{DD} &= \gamma I_\text{DD} \\
F_\text{AA} &= I_\text{AA} / \beta
the real FRET efficiency and stoichiometry values can be calculated:
.. math:: E &= \frac{F_\text{DA}}{F_\text{DA} + F_\text{DD}} \\
S &= \frac{F_\text{DA} + F_\text{DD}}{F_\text{DA} + F_\text{DD} +
:math:`F_\text{DA}` will be appended to :py:attr:`tracks` as the
``("fret", "f_da")`` column; :math:`F_\text{DD}` as
``("fret", "f_dd")``; :math:`F_\text{DA}` as ``("fret", "f_aa")``;
:math:`E` as ``("fret", "eff")``; and :math:`S` as ``("fret",
If True, all "eff", and "stoi" values for excitation
types other than donor excitation are set to NaN, since the values
don't make sense. Defaults to True.
if isinstance(self.detection_eff, pd.Series):
gamma = self.detection_eff.reindex(self.tracks["fret", "particle"])
gamma = gamma.values
gamma = self.detection_eff
i_da = self.tracks["acceptor", self.columns["mass"]]
i_dd = self.tracks["donor", self.columns["mass"]]
i_aa = self.tracks["fret", "a_mass"]
f_da = i_da - self.leakage * i_dd - self.direct_excitation * i_aa
f_dd = i_dd * gamma
f_aa = i_aa / self.excitation_eff
if invalid_nan:
sel = self.tracks["fret", "exc_type"] != "d"
f_da[sel] = np.NaN
f_dd[sel] = np.NaN
self.tracks["fret", "f_da"] = f_da
self.tracks["fret", "f_dd"] = f_dd
self.tracks["fret", "f_aa"] = f_aa
self.tracks["fret", "eff"] = f_da / (f_dd + f_da)
self.tracks["fret", "stoi"] = (f_dd + f_da) / (f_dd + f_da + f_aa)