Source code for sdt.fret.sm_plot

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import math
import re
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .sm_analyzer import apply_track_filters
from .. import loc, config, plot

[docs]def smfret_scatter(track_data, xdata=("fret", "eff"), ydata=("fret", "stoi"), frame=None, columns=2, size=5, xlim=(None, None), ylim=(None, None), xlabel=None, ylabel=None, scatter_args={}, grid=True, ax=None): """Make scatter plots of multiple smFRET datasets Parameters ---------- track_data : dict of str: pandas.DataFrame dict keys are used to identify the smFRET datasets (dict values). The DataFrames have to have the same format as e.g. produced by :py:class:`SmFRETTracker`. x_data, y_data : tuple of str, optional Column indices of data to plot on the x (y) axis. Defaults to ``("fret", "eff")`` for `x_data` and ``("fret", "stoi")`` for `y_data`. frame : int or None, optional If given, only plot data from a certain frame. Defaults to None. columns : int, optional In how many columns to lay out plots. Defaults to 2. size : int, optional Size per plot. Defaults to 5. xlim, ylim : tuple of float, optional Set x (y) axis limits. Defaults to ``(None, None)``, i.e. automatic determination. xlabel, ylabel : str or None, optional Label for x (y) axis. If `None`, use `x_data` (`y_data`). Defaults to `None`. scatter_args : dict, optional Further arguments to pass as keyword arguments to the scatter function. Defaults to {}. grid : bool, optional Whether to draw a grid in the plots. Defaults to True. ax : array-like of matplotlib.axes.Axes or None, optional Axes to use for plotting. If `None`, a new figure with axes is created. Defaults to `None`. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure figure object used for plotting ax : numpy.ndarray of mpl.axes.Axes axes objects of the plots """ if ax is None: rows = math.ceil(len(track_data) / columns) fig, ax = plt.subplots(rows, columns, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False, figsize=(columns*size, rows*size), constrained_layout=True) else: ax = np.array(ax).reshape((-1, columns)) fig = ax.flatten()[0].figure for (k, f), a in zip(track_data.items(), ax.flatten()): f = apply_track_filters(f) if frame is not None: f = f[f["donor", "frame"] == frame] x = f[xdata].values.astype(float) y = f[ydata].values.astype(float) m = np.isfinite(x) & np.isfinite(y) x = x[m] y = y[m] try: plot.density_scatter(x, y, ax=a, **scatter_args) except Exception: a.scatter(x, y, **scatter_args) a.set_title(k) for a in ax.flatten()[len(track_data):]: a.axis("off") xlabel = xlabel if xlabel is not None else " ".join(xdata) ylabel = ylabel if ylabel is not None else " ".join(ydata) for a in ax.flatten(): if grid: a.grid() a.set_xlim(*xlim) a.set_ylim(*ylim) for a in ax[-1]: a.set_xlabel(xlabel) for a in ax[:, 0]: a.set_ylabel(ylabel) return fig, ax
[docs]def smfret_hist(track_data, data=("fret", "eff"), frame=None, columns=2, size=5, xlim=(None, None), xlabel=None, ylabel=None, group_re=None, hist_args={}, ax=None): """Make histogram plots of multiple smFRET datasets Parameters ---------- track_data : dict of str: pandas.DataFrame dict keys are used to identify the smFRET datasets (dict values). The DataFrames have to have the same format as e.g. produced by :py:class:`SmFRETTracker`. data, y_data : tuple of str, optional Column indices of data. Defaults to ``("fret", "eff")``. frame : int or None, optional If given, only plot data from a certain frame. Defaults to None. columns : int, optional In how many columns to lay out plots. Defaults to 2. size : int, optional Size per plot. Defaults to 5. xlim: tuple of float, optional Set x axis limits. Defaults to ``(None, None)``, i.e. automatic determination. xlabel, ylabel : str or None, optional Label for x (y) axis. If `None`, use `data` for the x axis and ``"# events"`` on the y axis. Defaults to `None`. group_re : tuple(str, int, int) or None, optional The first entry in the tuple should be a regular expression with at least two groups. Datasets from `track_data` will be plotted in the same plot if whichever regex group is specified by the second entry in the tuple is the same. The third entry identifies the label of the dataset in the plot. If None, do no grouping. Defaults to None. hist_args : dict, optional Further arguments to pass as keyword arguments to the histogram plotting function. Defaults to {}. ax : array-like of matplotlib.axes.Axes or None, optional Axes to use for plotting. If `None`, a new figure with axes is created. Defaults to `None`. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure figure object used for plotting ax : numpy.ndarray of mpl.axes.Axes axes objects of the plots """ if group_re is not None: g_re = group_re[0] if isinstance(g_re, str): g_re = re.compile(g_re) grouped = OrderedDict() for trc_key, trc in track_data.items(): m = grp =[1]) key =[2]) grouped.setdefault(grp, []).append((key, trc)) else: grouped = OrderedDict([(k, [(None, v)]) for k, v in track_data.items()]) if ax is None: rows = math.ceil(len(grouped) / columns) fig, ax = plt.subplots(rows, columns, squeeze=False, sharex=True, figsize=(columns*size, rows*size), constrained_layout=True) else: ax = np.array(ax).reshape((-1, columns)) fig = ax.flatten()[0].figure hist_args.setdefault("bins", np.linspace(-0.5, 1.5, 50)) hist_args.setdefault("density", False) for (g_key, items), a in zip(grouped.items(), ax.flatten()): show_legend = False for label, f in items: f = apply_track_filters(f) if frame is not None: f = f[f["donor", "frame"] == frame] x = f[data].values.astype(float) m = np.isfinite(x) x = x[m] a.hist(x, label=label, **hist_args) if label: show_legend = True a.set_title(g_key) if show_legend: a.legend(loc=0) for a in ax.flatten()[len(grouped):]: a.axis("off") xlabel = xlabel if xlabel is not None else " ".join(data) ylabel = ylabel if ylabel is not None else "# events" for a in ax.flatten(): a.set_xlabel(xlabel) a.set_ylabel(ylabel) a.grid() a.set_xlim(*xlim) return fig, ax
[docs]@config.set_columns def draw_track(tracks, track_no, donor_img, acceptor_img, size, n_cols=8, figure=None, columns={}): """Draw donor and acceptor images for a track For each frame in a track, draw the raw image in the proximity of the feature localization. Note: This is rather slow. Parameters ---------- tracks : pandas.DataFrame smFRET tracking data as e.g. produced by :py:class:`SmFRETTracker` track_no : int Track/particle number donor_img, acceptor_img : list-like of numpy.ndarray Image sequences of the donor and acceptor channels size : int For each feature, draw a square of ``2 * size + 1`` size pixels. n_cols : int, optional Arrange images in that many columns. Defaults to 8. figure : matplotlib.figure.Figure or None, optional Use this figure to draw. If `None`, use :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gcf`. Defaults to `None`. Returns ------- matplotlib.figure.Figure The figure object used for plotting Other parameters ---------------- columns : dict, optional Override default column names as defined in :py:attr:`config.columns`. The only relevant name is `coords`. This means, if your DataFrame has coordinate columns "x" and "z", set ``columns={"coords": ["x", "z"]}``. """ tracks = apply_track_filters(tracks, include_negative=False) if figure is None: figure = plt.gcf() trc = tracks[tracks["fret", "particle"] == track_no] don_px = loc.get_raw_features(trc["donor"], donor_img, size, columns=columns) acc_px = loc.get_raw_features(trc["acceptor"], acceptor_img, size, columns=columns) rows = int(np.ceil(len(trc)/n_cols)) gs = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(rows*3, n_cols+1, wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1) for i, idx in enumerate(trc.index): f = int(trc.loc[idx, ("donor", "frame")]) px_d = don_px[idx] px_a = acc_px[idx] r = (i // n_cols) * 3 c = (i % n_cols) + 1 fno_ax = figure.add_subplot(gs[r, c]) fno_ax.text(0.5, 0., str(f), va="bottom", ha="center") fno_ax.axis("off") don_ax = figure.add_subplot(gs[r+1, c]) don_ax.imshow(px_d, cmap="gray", interpolation="none") don_ax.axis("off") acc_ax = figure.add_subplot(gs[r+2, c]) acc_ax.imshow(px_a, cmap="gray", interpolation="none") acc_ax.axis("off") for r in range(rows): f_ax = figure.add_subplot(gs[3*r, 0]) f_ax.text(0, 0., "frame", va="bottom", ha="left") f_ax.axis("off") d_ax = figure.add_subplot(gs[3*r+1, 0]) d_ax.text(0, 0.5, "donor", va="center", ha="left") d_ax.axis("off") a_ax = figure.add_subplot(gs[3*r+2, 0]) a_ax.text(0, 0.5, "acceptor", va="center", ha="left") a_ax.axis("off") return figure