Source code for sdt.fret.utils

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

"""Module containing tools related to images from FRET experiments"""
from contextlib import contextmanager

[docs]@contextmanager def numeric_exc_type(df): """Context manager temporarily turning ("fret", "exc_type") column to int This is useful e.g. in :py:func:`helper.split_dataframe` so that the resulting split array does not have `object` dtype due to ("fret", "exc_type") being categorical. Example -------- >>> tracks["fret", "exc_type"].dtype CategoricalDtype(categories=['a', 'd'], ordered=False) >>> with numeric_exc_type(tracks) as exc_cats: >>> tracks["fret", "exc_type"].dtype dtype('int64') >>> exc_cats[0] "a" ``exc_cats`` is an array that holds old categories. It can be used to find out which (new) integer corresponds to which category When leaving the ``with`` block, the old categorical column is restored. This works only for the original DataFrame, but not for any copies made within the block! Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe for which to temporarily use an integer ("fret", "exc_type") column. Yields ------ pandas.Index Maps integers to categories """ exc_types = df["fret", "exc_type"].copy() exc_cats = df["fret", "exc_type"] = try: yield exc_cats finally: df["fret", "exc_type"] = exc_types