# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <lukas.schrangl@tuwien.ac.at>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Methods for background estimation and -subtraction in microscopy images"""
import numbers
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import scipy.ndimage
from .masks import CircleMask
from ..exceptions import NoConvergence
from ..helper import pipeline
def wavelet_bg(image, feat_thresh, feat_mask=None, wtype="db4", wlevel=3,
initial={}, ext_mode="smooth", max_iterations=20, detail=0,
conv_threshold=5e-3, no_conv="raise"):
"""Estimate the background using wavelets
This is an implementation of the algorithm described in [Galloway2009]_
for 2D image data. It works by iteratively estimating the background using
wavelet approximations and removing feature (non-background) data from
the estimate.
A :py:class:`NoConvergence` exception is raised if the estimate does not
converge within `max_iterations`.
This is a :py:func:`sdt.helper.pipeline`, meaning that it can be applied
to single images or image sequences (as long as they are of type
.. [Galloway2009] Galloway, C. M. et al.: "An iterative algorithm for
background removal in spectroscopy by wavelet transforms". Appl
Spectrosc, 2009, 63, 1370-1376
image : Slicerator or numpy.ndarray
Image data. Either a sequence (Slicerator) or a single image.
feat_thresh : float
Consider everything that is brighter than the estimated background by
at least `threshold` a feature and do not include it in the
consecutive iteration of the background estimation process.
feat_mask : int or numpy.ndarray or None, optional
Setting `feat_thresh` rather high will most probably cause unwanted
effects around the edges of a feature (since those, although above
background, will be treated as background). The can `feat_mask` be used
to increase the size of regions considered occupied by a feature by
dilation. If `feat_mask` is `None`, don't do that. If it is `int`,
create a circular mask with radius `feat_mask`. If it is an array,
use it as the mask for dilation. Defaults to `None`.
initial : dict
Parameters for the wavelet transform of the initial background guess.
The dict may contain "wtype", "wlevel", "ext_mode", and "detail" keys.
If any of those is not given, use the corresponding parameters from
the function call.
wtype : str or pywt.Wavelet, optional
Wavelet type. See :py:func:`pywt.wavelist` for available wavelet types.
Defaults to "db4".
wlevel : int, optional
Wavelet decomposition level. The maximum level depends on the
wavelet type. See :py:func:`pywt.dwt_max_level` for details. Defaults
to 3.
ext_mode : str, optional
Signal extension mode for wavelet de/recomposition. Refer to the
`pywavelets` documentation for details. Defaults to "smooth".
max_iterations : int, optional
Maximum number of cycles of background estimation and removing
features from the estimate. Defaults to 20.
detail : int, optional
Number of wavelet detail coefficients to retain in the background
estimate. Defaults to 0, i. e. only use approximation coefficients.
conv_threshold : float, optional
If the relative difference of estimates between two iterations is
less than `conv_threshold`, consider the result converged and return
it. If this does not happen within `max_iterations`, raise a
:py:class:`NoConvergence` exception instead (with the last result as
its `last_result` attribute).
no_conv : {"raise", "ignore"} or number, optional
What to do if the result does not converge. "raise" will raise a
:py:class:`NoConvergence` exception. If a number is passed,
construct an array of the same type and shape as the input that is
filled with the scalar.
Slicerator or numpy.ndarray
Estimate for the background
img = np.copy(image)
bg = np.zeros_like(img)
when the estimate did not converge within `max_iterations` and
``no_conv="raise"`` was passed.
img = np.copy(image)
if isinstance(feat_mask, int):
if feat_mask > 0:
# also add 0.5 extra radius to make it "rounder"
feat_mask = CircleMask(feat_mask, 0.5)
feat_mask = None
if not (feat_mask is None or isinstance(feat_mask, np.ndarray)):
raise TypeError("feat_mask has to be None, int, or numpy.ndarray")
# initial guess
bg = _wavelet_bg_single(img, initial.get("wtype", wtype),
initial.get("ext_mode", ext_mode),
initial.get("wlevel", wlevel),
initial.get("detail", detail))
converged = False
for i in range(max_iterations):
mask = image > (bg + feat_thresh)
if feat_mask is not None:
mask = scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation(mask, feat_mask)
img[mask] = bg[mask] # remove features
old_bg = bg
bg = _wavelet_bg_single(img, wtype, ext_mode, wlevel, detail)
if (np.abs(bg - old_bg).sum()/np.abs(bg).sum() < conv_threshold):
converged = True
if not converged:
if isinstance(no_conv, numbers.Number):
return np.full_like(image, no_conv)
elif no_conv == "raise":
raise NoConvergence(bg)
elif no_conv == "ignore":
raise ValueError('`no_conv` has to be a number, "raise", or '
return bg
def _wavelet_bg_single(img, wtype, ext_mode, wlevel, detail):
"""Single round of background estimation using wavelet transforms
For parameter documentation, see :py:func:`wavelet_bg`.
import pywt
d = pywt.wavedec2(img, wtype, ext_mode, wlevel)
# zero out detail coefficients
r = d[:detail+1] # keep wanted detail (d[0] is approximation)
r += [tuple(np.zeros_like(y) for y in x) for x in d[detail+1:]]
bg = pywt.waverec2(r, wtype, ext_mode)
bg = bg[:img.shape[0], :img.shape[1]] # remove padding
return bg
def wavelet(image, *args, **kwargs):
"""Remove the background using wavelets
This returns ``image - wavelet_bg(image, *args, **kwargs)``. See
the :py:func:`wavelet_bg` documentation for details.
This is a :py:func:`sdt.helper.pipeline`, meaning that it can be applied
to single images or image sequences (as long as they are of type
return image - wavelet_bg(image, *args, **kwargs)
def cg(image, feature_radius, noise_radius=1, nonneg=True):
r"""Remove background using a bandpass filter according to Crocker & Grier
Convolve with kernel
.. math:: K(i, j) = \frac{1}{K_0} \left[\frac{1}{B}
\exp\left(-\frac{i^2 + j^2}{4\lambda^2}\right) -
where :math:`w` is ``feature_radius``, :math:`\lambda` is the
``noise_radius``, and :math:`B, K_0` are normalization constants
.. math:: B = \left[\sum_{i=-w}^w \exp\left(-\frac{i^2}{4\lambda^2}\right)
.. math:: K_0 = \frac{1}{B} \left[\sum_{i=-w}^w
\exp\left(-\frac{i^2}{2\lambda^2}\right)\right]^2 -
The first term in the sum in :math:`K` does Gaussian smoothing, the
second one is a boxcar filter to get rid of long-range fluctuations.
The algorithm has been described in [Croc1996]_.
This is a :py:func:`slicerator.pipeline`, meaning that it can be applied
to single images or image sequences (as long as they are of type
image : numpy.ndarray
image data
feature_radius : int
This should be a number a little greater than the radius of the
noise_radius : float, optional
Noise correlation length in pixels. Defaults to 1.
nonneg : bool, optional
If True, clip values of the filtered image to [0, infinity). Defaults
to True.
Slicerator or numpy.ndarray
Bandpass filtered image (sequence)
w = max(feature_radius, 2*noise_radius)
gaussian_1d = np.exp(-(np.arange(-w, w+1)/(2*noise_radius))**2)
# normalization factors
B = np.sum(gaussian_1d)**2
# gaussian_1d**2 is exp(- i^2/(2*lambda))
K_0 = np.sum(gaussian_1d**2)**2/B - B/(2*w+1)**2
# convolution with kernel K
K = (np.outer(gaussian_1d, gaussian_1d)/B - 1/(2*w+1)**2)/K_0
filtered_img = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(image, K, "valid")
# pad to the same size as the original image
ret = np.zeros_like(image, dtype=float)
if nonneg:
ret[w:-w, w:-w] = np.clip(filtered_img, 0, np.inf)
ret[w:-w, w:-w] = filtered_img
return ret
def cg_bg(image, *args, **kwargs):
"""Estimate background using bandpass filter according to Crocker & Grier
This returns ``image - cg(image, *args, **kwargs)``. See
the :py:func:`cg` documentation for details.
This is a :py:func:`sdt.helper.pipeline`, meaning that it can be applied
to single images or image sequences (as long as they are of type
return image - cg(image, *args, **kwargs)
def gaussian_filter(*args, **kwargs):
"""`pipeline`'ed version of :py:func:`scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter`
See :py:func:`scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter` documentation for details.
return scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(*args, **kwargs)