Source code for sdt.loc.daostorm_3d.api

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

"""API for the daostorm_3d feature finding and fitting algorithm

Provides the standard :py:func:`locate` and :py:func:`batch` functions.
import contextlib
import multiprocessing
from pathlib import Path
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.ndimage

from .data import col_nums, feat_status
from . import fit_impl
from . import find
from . import algorithm
from .. import make_batch
from .. import restrict_roi
from .. import z_fit
from .. import snr_filters

numba_available = False
    from . import fit_numba_impl
    from . import find_numba
    numba_available = True
except ImportError as e:
        "Failed to import the numba optimized fitter. Falling back to the "
        "slow pure python fitter. Error message: {}.".format(str(e)))

num_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

[docs]def locate(raw_image, radius, model, threshold, z_params=None, find_filter=snr_filters.Identity(), find_filter_opts={}, min_distance=None, size_range=None, engine="numba", max_iterations=20): """Locate bright, Gaussian-like features in an image Uses the 3D-DAOSTORM algorithm [Babc2012]_. Parameters ---------- raw_image : array-like Raw image data radius : float This is in units of pixels. Initial guess for the radius of the features. model : {"2dfixed", "2d", "3d", "z"} "2dfixed" will do fixed sigma 2d Gaussian fitting. "2d" does variable sigma 2d Gaussian fitting. "3d" means that x, y sigma are independently variables (elliptical Gaussian, this is intened for determining the z position from astigmatism). When using "z", the z position is varied to fit the signal x and y sigmas. threshold : float A number roughly equal to the value of the brightest pixel (minus the CCD baseline) in the dimmest peak to be detected. Local maxima with brightest pixels below this threshold will be discarded. z_params : z_fit.Parameters or str or pandas.DataFrame or None Only necessary if the `model` is "z" (then it cannot be `None`), otherwise it is ignored. One may pass a :py:class:`z_fit.Parameters` instance or a filename to load the parameters from or a :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` with calibration data (`z` vs. `size_x` and `size_y`). find_filter : str or :py:class:`snr_filters.SnrFilter`, optional Apply a filter to the raw image data for the feature finding step. Fitting is still done on the original image. `find_filter` can be the name of one of the filters in :py:mod:`snr_filters` (i. e. "Identity", "Cg", or "Gaussian") or an :py:class:`snr_filters.SnrFilter` instance. "Identity" is the identity transform, i. e. does nothing. "Cg" is the Crocker & Grier bandpass filter, see :py:func:``, and "Gaussian" is a Gaussian filter. Defaults to "Identity". find_filter_opts : dict Parameters to be passed to the filter. For "Cg", this is "feature_radius", for "Gaussian", this is "sigma" min_distance : float or None, optional Minimum distance between two features. This can be used to suppress detection of bright features as multiple overlapping ones if `threshold` is rather low. If `None`, use `radius` (original 3D-DAOSTORM behavior). Defaults to None. size_range : list of float or None, optional [min, max] of the feature sizes both in x and y direction. Features with sizes not in the range will be discarded, neighboring features will be re-fit. If None, use ``[0.25*radius, inf]`` (original 3D-DAOSTORM behavior). Defaults to None. Returns ------- DataFrame([x, y, z, signal, mass, bg, size]) x and y are the coordinates of the features. mass is the total intensity of the feature, bg the background per pixel. size gives the radii (sigma) of the features. If `raw_image` has a `frame_no` attribute, a `frame` column with this information will also be appended. Other parameters ---------------- engine : {"python", "numba"}, optional Which engine to use for calculations. "numba" is much faster than "python", but requires numba to be installed. Defaults to "numba" max_iterations : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for successive peak finding and fitting. Default: 20 """ if model == "z": if z_params is None: raise ValueError("Need to specify `z_params`") if isinstance(z_params, (str, Path)): z_params = z_fit.Parameters.load(z_params) elif isinstance(z_params, pd.DataFrame): z_params = z_fit.Parameters.calibrate(z_params) if engine == "numba" and numba_available: Finder = find_numba.Finder if model == "2dfixed": Fitter = fit_numba_impl.Fitter2DFixed elif model == "2d": Fitter = fit_numba_impl.Fitter2D elif model == "3d": Fitter = fit_numba_impl.Fitter3D elif model == "z": Fitter = fit_numba_impl.fitter_z_factory(z_params) else: raise ValueError("Unknown model: " + str(model)) elif engine == "python": Finder = find.Finder if model == "2dfixed": Fitter = fit_impl.Fitter2DFixed elif model == "2d": Fitter = fit_impl.Fitter2D elif model == "3d": Fitter = fit_impl.Fitter3D elif model == "z": Fitter = fit_impl.fitter_z_factory(z_params) else: raise ValueError("Unknown model: " + str(model)) else: raise ValueError("Unknown engine: " + str(engine)) if isinstance(find_filter, str): try: filter_class = getattr(snr_filters, find_filter) except AttributeError: raise ValueError( "There is no filter named {}.".format(find_filter)) find_filter = filter_class(**find_filter_opts) elif (isinstance(find_filter, type) and issubclass(find_filter, snr_filters.SnrFilter)): find_filter = find_filter(**find_filter_opts) elif isinstance(find_filter, snr_filters.SnrFilter): pass else: return ValueError("Invalid find-filter") if radius >= 3.0: warnings.warn("`radius` >= 3 may result in a crash. Keep below 3 " "unless you know what you are doing.") peaks = algorithm.locate(raw_image, radius, threshold, max_iterations, find_filter, Finder, Fitter, min_distance, size_range) # Create DataFrame converged_peaks = peaks[peaks[:, col_nums.stat] == feat_status.conv] df = pd.DataFrame(converged_peaks[:, [col_nums.x, col_nums.y, col_nums.amp,]], columns=["x", "y", "signal", "bg"]) if model == "z": df["z"] = converged_peaks[:, col_nums.z] # integral of the 2D Gaussian 2 * pi * amplitude * sigma_x * sigma_y df["mass"] = (2 * np.pi * converged_peaks[:, [col_nums.wx, col_nums.wy, col_nums.amp]], axis=1)) if model in ("3d", "z"): df["size_x"] = converged_peaks[:, col_nums.wx] df["size_y"] = converged_peaks[:, col_nums.wy] else: df["size"] = converged_peaks[:, col_nums.wx] if hasattr(raw_image, "frame_no") and raw_image.frame_no is not None: df["frame"] = raw_image.frame_no else: with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError, KeyError): # for frames from io.ImageSequence df["frame"] = raw_image.meta["frame_no"] return df
batch = make_batch.make_batch_threaded(locate) locate_roi = restrict_roi.restrict_roi(locate) batch_roi = restrict_roi.restrict_roi(batch) class Locator: bg_estimator = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter bg_estimator_args = {"sigma": 8} find_filter = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter find_filter_args = {"sigma": 1.} # Algorithm neighborhood_radius_factor = 5 # times radius new_peak_radius = 1. min_distance = None # Use radius max_iterations = 20 # Finder search_radius = 5 max_peak_count = 2 # Fitter hysteresis = 0.6 # TODO: subtract 0.5? default_clamp = np.array([1000., 1., 0.3, 1., 0.3, 100., 0.1, 1., 1.]) tolerance = 1e-6 max_fit_iterations = 200 def __init__(self, model="2d", pixel_size=None, engine="numba"): pass def locate(self, raw_image): pass def batch(self, frames): pass def locate_roi(self, raw_image, roi): pass def batch_roi(self, frames, roi): pass def save_settings(self, file): pass @classmethod def load_settings(cls, file): pass