Source code for sdt.loc.raw_features

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import numpy as np

from .. import config, helper

[docs]@config.set_columns def get_raw_features(loc_data, img_data, size, columns={}): """Get raw image data surrounding localizations For each localization, return the raw image data in the proximity to the feature position. Parameters ---------- loc_data : pandas.DataFrame Localization data. Index should be unique. img_data : list-like of numpy.ndarray Image sequence size : int For each feature, return a square of ``2 * size + 1`` pixels. Returns ------- OrderedDict Image data for features. Uses the localization data indices as keys (therefore, the index of `loc_data` has to be unique) and square :py:class:`numpy.ndarrays` of ``2 * size + 1`` pixels as values. Other parameters ---------------- columns : dict, optional Override default column names as defined in :py:attr:`config.columns`. Relevant names are `coords` and `time`. This means, if your DataFrame has coordinate columns "x" and "z" and the time column "alt_frame", set ``columns={"coords": ["x", "z"], "time": "alt_frame"}``. """ ret = {} # Sort by frame; this avoids re-reading images if they are e.g. pims # image sequences. for f, arr in helper.split_dataframe(loc_data, columns["time"], columns["coords"], keep_index=True): f = int(f) img = img_data[f] for a in arr: i = a[:-len(columns["coords"])] if len(i) > 1: i = tuple(i) else: i = i[0] pos = np.round(a[-len(columns["coords"]):].astype(float)) pos = pos.astype(int) sl = tuple(slice(p - size, p + size + 1) for p in pos[::-1]) ret[i] = img[sl] return ret