# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <lukas.schrangl@tuwien.ac.at>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Tools for finding immobilizations in tracking data"""
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing import Mapping, Literal
from .. import config, helper
from ..helper import numba
import numexpr
except ImportError:
numexpr_usable = False
numexpr_usable = True
def find_immobilizations(tracks, max_dist, min_duration, label_mobile=True,
longest_only=False, rtol=0., atol=0,
engine="numba", columns={}):
"""Find immobilizations in particle trajectories
Analyze trajectories and mark parts where all localizations of a particle
stay within a circle of radius `max_dist` from their center of mass for at
least a certain number (`min_length`) of frames as an immobilization.
The `tracks` DataFrame gets a new column ("immob") appended
(or overwritten), where every immobilzation is assigned a different number
greater or equal than 0. Parts of trajectories that are not immobilized
are assigned -1 (if `label_mobile` is `False`) or one negative number
per mobile section starting at -2 (if label_mobile is `True`).
:py:func:`find_immobilizations_int` uses a slightly different criterion
for finding immobilizations.
tracks : pandas.DataFrame
Tracking data
max_dist : float
Maximum radius within a particle may move while still being considered
min_duration : int
Minimum duration the particle has to stay at the same place
for a part of a trajectory to be considered immobilized. Duration
is the difference of the maximum frame number and the minimum frame
number. E. g. if the frames 1, 2, and 4 would lead to a duration of 3.
label_mobile : bool, optional
Whether to give each mobile track section a distinct label (a negative
number starting at -2). Defaults to True.
longest_only : bool, optional
If True, search only for the longest immobilzation in each track to
speed up the process. Defaults to False.
rtol : float, optional
The fraction of localizations that may not be within `max_dist` of
the center of mass while still recognizing the sub-track as immobile.
One also has to set the `a_tol` parameter to something non-zero if
using this since a sub-track will not be considered immobile if either
`r_tol` or `a_tol` are exceeded. Defaults to 0.
atol : int, optional
The number of localizations that may not be within `max_dist` of
the center of mass while still recognizing the sub-track as immobile.
One also has to set the `r_tol` parameter to something non-zero if
using this since a sub-track will not be considered immobile if either
`r_tol` or `a_tol` are exceeded. Defaults to 0.
Although the `tracks` DataFrame is modified in place, it is also
returned for convenience.
See also
find_immobilizations_int : Uses a slightly different criterion for finding
Other parameters
engine : {"numba", "python"}, optional
If `engine` is "numba" and the `numba` package is installed, use the
much faster numba-accelerated alogrithm. Otherwise, fall back to a
pure python one. Defaults to "numba"
columns : dict, optional
Override default column names as defined in :py:attr:`config.columns`.
Relevant names are `coords`, `time`, and `particle`.
This means, if your DataFrame has coordinate columns "x" and "z" and
the time column "alt_frame", set ``columns={"coords": ["x", "z"],
"time": "alt_frame"}``.
immob_counter = 0
mob_counter = -2
# New column for `tracks` that holds the immobilization number
immob_column = []
# corresponding indices
immob_index = []
if engine == "numba" and numba.numba_available:
count_immob_func = _count_immob_numba
label_mob_func = _label_mob_numba
count_immob_func = _count_immob_python
label_mob_func = _label_mob_python
t_sorted = tracks.sort_values([columns["particle"], columns["time"]])
t_split = helper.split_dataframe(
t_sorted, columns["particle"], columns["coords"] + [columns["time"]],
type="array_list", sort=False, keep_index=True)
for pn, t in t_split:
coords = np.array(t[1:-1]) # coordinates
frames = t[-1].astype(int)
# To be appended to immob_column
icol = np.full(len(frames), -1, dtype=np.intp)
# Count how many localizations are within max_dist to sub-track's
# center of mass.
# This is computationally expensive.
count = count_immob_func(coords, max_dist)
# We will divide by zero below
with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
# Number of localizations in sub-track (only valid for upper
# triangle)
num_locs = (np.arange(1, coords.shape[1]+1)[np.newaxis, :] -
np.arange(coords.shape[1])[:, np.newaxis])
# Find immobilizations within tolerance limits
immob = ((1 - count/num_locs <= rtol) &
(num_locs - count <= atol))
# Get longest possible immobilizations
duration = frames[np.newaxis, :] - frames[:, np.newaxis]
duration[~immob] = -1
while True:
mobile_idx = np.nonzero(icol < 0)[0]
if not len(mobile_idx):
# All localizations are part of immobilizations.
# We are done.
# Durations stripped of all sub-tracks that overlap with
# immobilizations that have already been found
cur_dur = duration[mobile_idx[:, np.newaxis],
mobile_idx[np.newaxis, :]]
longest = np.argmax(cur_dur)
i = longest // cur_dur.shape[1]
j = longest % cur_dur.shape[0]
if cur_dur[i, j] < min_duration:
# The longest duration is already below the threshold.
# We are done.
icol[mobile_idx[i:j+1]] = immob_counter
immob_counter += 1
if longest_only:
# We are not interested in shorter immobilizations.
if label_mobile:
mob_counter = label_mob_func(icol, mob_counter)
tracks["immob"] = pd.Series(np.concatenate(immob_column),
return tracks
def _count_immob_python(coords, max_dist):
"""Count immobilizations in sub-tracks
For each sub-track starting at one frame and ending on anther, count
how many localizations are within `max_dist` of the sub-track's center of
coords : numpy.ndarray, shape=(ndim, nloc)
Coordinate array. Each column is the set of coordinates for one
frames : numpy.ndarray, shape=(nloc,)
Frame number for each localization. This has to be in ascending order.
max_dist : float
Maximum distance that a localization may have from the sub-track's
center of mass to be counted.
numpy.ndarray, shape=(nloc, nloc)
The [i, j]-th entry of the array holds the number of localizations
within `max_dist` of the center of mass of the sub-track starting at
the i-th localization and ending at the j-th (inclusive). Only
localizations between the i-th and the j-th may be counted (e. g. if
the (j+1)-th is still close enough to the center of mass, it will be
discarded anyways.)
# Calculate centers of mass, i. e. means of coordinates of all
# sub-tracks
sums = np.cumsum(coords, axis=1) # sum coordinates
sums2 = np.hstack((np.zeros((coords.shape[0], 1)), sums[:, :-1]))
# cm[i, j, k] will be the cm coordinate i of track starting at index j
# and ending at k (provided j <= k)
# For fixed i, subtract from row j (where the k-th entry is the sum of
# coordinates 0 to k) subtract the sum of coordinates 0 to j-1,
# therefore calculating the sum of coordinates j to k.
cm = sums[:, np.newaxis, :] - sums2[:, :, np.newaxis]
# Save memory
del sums, sums2
# Divide sum by number of localizations in track to get center of mass
num_locs = (np.arange(1, coords.shape[1]+1)[np.newaxis, :] -
np.arange(coords.shape[1])[:, np.newaxis])
cm /= num_locs[np.newaxis, ...]
# dist_sq[i, j, k] is the distance of the k-th localization of the
# track from center of mass of subtrack from localization i through j
cm1 = cm[:, :, :, np.newaxis]
co1 = coords[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]
if numexpr_usable:
# numexpr is a lot faster in this case
dist_sq = numexpr.evaluate("sum((cm1 - co1)**2, axis=0)")
dist_sq = np.sum((cm1 - co1)**2, axis=0)
# Save some memory
del cm, cm1, co1
# Select only relevant (i. e. i <= k <= j) from dist_sq
i = np.arange(coords.shape[1])
m = ((i[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] > i[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]) |
(i[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] > i[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]))
# Set irrelevant entries to NaN. That way, we can sum over all True
# values below to get the number of matches in the relevant range
dist_sq[m] = np.nan
# count[i, j] gives the number of localizations within max_dist of the
# center of mass of the sub-track starting at i and ending at j
return np.nansum(dist_sq <= max_dist**2, axis=2)
@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def _count_immob_numba(coords, max_dist):
"""Count immobilizations in sub-tracks - numba-accellerated
Numba-accellerated implementation of
:py:func:`_immob_count_python` functionality. A lot faster and less
max_dist_sq = max_dist**2
ndim = coords.shape[0]
nloc = coords.shape[1]
count = np.zeros((nloc, nloc), dtype=np.int64)
for j in range(nloc): # Sub-track start index
s = np.zeros(ndim) # Cum. sum of coordinates
for k in range(j, nloc): # Sub-track end index
cm = np.zeros(ndim) # Center of mass for sub-track [j, k]
for i in range(ndim):
s[i] += coords[i, k] # Add to cum. sum
cm[i] = s[i] / (k - j + 1) # Divide by number of locs
for m in range(j, k+1): # for each loc of sub-track [j, k]
dist = 0.
for i in range(ndim): # sum up coord dist**2 to center of mass
dist += (cm[i] - coords[i, m])**2
if dist <= max_dist_sq:
count[j, k] += 1 # and count if within max_dist
return count
def find_immobilizations_int(tracks, max_dist, min_duration, label_mobile=True,
longest_only=False, columns={}):
"""Find immobilizations in particle trajectories
Analyze trajectories and mark parts where all localizations of a particle
stay within a circle of radius `max_dist` for at least a certain number
(`min_length`) of frames as an immobilization. In other words: If
consecutive localizations stay within the intersection of circles of
radius `max_dist` and coordinates of the localizations as centers, they
are considered immobilized.
This is different from :py:func:`find_immobilizations`.
The `tracks` DataFrame gets a new column ("immob") appended
(or overwritten), where every immobilzation is assigned a different number
greater or equal than 0. Parts of trajectories that are not immobilized
are assigned -1 (if `label_mobile` is `False`) or one negative number
per mobile section starting at -2 (if label_mobile is `True`).
tracks : pandas.DataFrame
Tracking data
max_dist : float
Maximum radius within a particle may move while still being considered
min_duration : int
Minimum duration the particle has to stay at the same place
for a part of a trajectory to be considered immobilized. Duration
is the difference of the maximum frame number and the minimum frame
number. E. g. if the frames 1, 2, and 4 would lead to a duration of 3.
label_mobile : bool, optional
Whether to give each mobile track section a distinct label (a negative
number starting at -2). Defaults to True.
longest_only : bool, optional
If True, search only for the longest immobilzation in each track to
speed up the process. Defaults to False.
Although the `tracks` DataFrame is modified in place, it is also
returned for convenience.
See also
find_immobilizations : Uses a slightly different criterion for finding
Other parameters
columns : dict, optional
Override default column names as defined in :py:attr:`config.columns`.
Relevant names are `coords`, `time`, and `particle`.
This means, if your DataFrame has coordinate columns "x" and "z" and
the time column "alt_frame", set ``columns={"coords": ["x", "z"],
"time": "alt_frame"}``.
max_dist_sq = max_dist**2
immob_counter = 0
mob_counter = -2
# new column for `tracks` that holds the immobilization number
immob_column = []
# corresponding indices
immob_index = []
t_sorted = tracks.sort_values([columns["particle"], columns["time"]])
t_split = helper.split_dataframe(
t_sorted, columns["particle"], columns["coords"] + [columns["time"]],
type="array_list", sort=False, keep_index=True)
for pn, t in t_split:
pos = np.array(t[1:-1]).T # coordinates
frames = t[-1].astype(int)
# To be appended to immob_column
icol = np.full(len(frames), -1, dtype=np.intp)
# d[i, j, k] is the difference of the k-th coordinate of
# loc `i` and loc `j` in the current track
d = pos[:, np.newaxis, :] - pos[np.newaxis, :, :]
# Euclidian distance squared
d = np.sum(d**2, axis=2)
close_enough = (d <= max_dist_sq)
# A block of `True` around the diagonal means that for each
# localization of a track all other localizations in temporal
# proximity are within `max_dist`
start, end = _find_diag_blocks(close_enough)
first = frames[start]
last = frames[end]
duration = last - first
# array that has start index, end index (+1 to include end in slices),
# duration as columns
immob = np.column_stack((start, end+1, duration))
# take only those that are long enough
immob = immob[duration >= min_duration]
if immob.size:
# sort by duration
immob = immob[immob[:, 2].argsort()[::-1]]
cur_row = 0
while cur_row < len(immob):
s, e, d = immob[cur_row]
is_overlap = icol[s:e] != -1
if is_overlap.any():
# if it overlaps with a longer immobilization, strip
# overlapping frames
if is_overlap.all():
# here argmin won't work
e = s
d = 0
s += np.argmin(is_overlap)
e -= np.argmin(is_overlap[::-1])
d = frames[e-1] - frames[s]
# re-sort remaining part of immob
immob[cur_row] = (s, e, d)
immob = immob[cur_row:]
immob = immob[immob[:, 2] >= min_duration]
immob = immob[immob[:, 2].argsort()[::-1]]
cur_row = 0
icol[s:e] = immob_counter
immob_counter += 1
cur_row += 1
if longest_only:
# break after first iteration
if label_mobile:
mob_counter = _label_mob_python(icol, mob_counter)
tracks["immob"] = pd.Series(np.concatenate(immob_column),
return tracks
def _find_diag_blocks(a):
"""Find diagonal blocks of in a boolean matrix
Find all square blocks of value `True` on the diagonal of a symmetric
a : numpy.ndarray
Boolean array, which has to be symmetric.
start, end : numpy.ndarray
1D arrays containing start and end row numbers for each block
>>> a = numpy.array([[1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1]])
>>> _find_diag_blocks(a)
(array([0, 1]), array([1, 2]))
a = a.copy()
# Set lower triangle to True so that only entries in upper triangle
# are found when searching for False
a[np.tri(*a.shape, -1, dtype=bool)] = True
# Find first False entry in every row. If (and only if) there is none,
# min_col will be 0 for that column, thus set it to a.shape[1]
min_col = np.argmin(a, axis=1)
min_col[min_col == 0] = a.shape[1]
# If the difference of two consecutive indices is larger than 0, a new
# block starts
# e. g. for [[1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1]], min_col is [2, 3, 3],
# the diff is [1, 0]
while True:
col_diff = np.diff(min_col)
# if diff is < 0 somewhere, this may lead to false positives for the
# preceding rows. E. g. if diff is -3 here and was 4 for the previous
# row, the "net diff" is 1.
neg_idx = np.nonzero(col_diff < 0)[0]
if not len(neg_idx):
# overwrite the preceding value so that the diff is 0 and retry
# this is fine since we are only interested in positive diffs below
min_col[neg_idx] = min_col[neg_idx + 1]
is_start = np.hstack(([True], col_diff > 0)) # first row is always start
# To determine where blocks end, one has to basically do the same as for
# starts, only with rows in reversed order and look for diff < 0
min_row = np.argmin(a[::-1, :], axis=0)
min_row[min_row == 0] = a.shape[0]
while True:
row_diff = np.diff(min_row)
pos_idx = np.nonzero(row_diff > 0)[0]
if not len(pos_idx):
min_row[pos_idx + 1] = min_row[pos_idx]
is_end = np.hstack((row_diff < 0, [True]))
return is_start.nonzero()[0], is_end.nonzero()[0]
def _label_mob_python(immob_col, start):
"""Give each mobile section of a track a label (unique number)
immob_col : numpy.ndarray
The immobilization number column for one particle. Elements which are
-1 are considered unlabeled mobile localizations and will be assigned
a label.
start : int
Start label. Should be a negative number as this gets decreased for
each mobile section.
The last label decreased by one. This can be used as `start` for the
next particle.
mob = (immob_col == -1).astype(int)
d = np.diff(mob, 1)
begin = np.nonzero(d == 1)[0] + 1
end = np.nonzero(d == -1)[0] + 1
if mob[0] == 1:
begin = np.hstack(([0], begin))
if mob[-1] == 1:
end = np.hstack((end, [len(mob)]))
for b, e in zip(begin, end):
immob_col[b:e] = start
start -= 1
return start
@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def _label_mob_numba(immob_col, start):
"""numba-accelerated version of :py:func:`_label_mob_python`"""
if not immob_col.size:
return start
is_mob = False
for i in range(len(immob_col)):
if immob_col[i] == -1:
immob_col[i] = start
is_mob = True
elif is_mob:
# is_mob is True, so last entry was still mobile; decrease label
start -= 1
is_mob = False
if is_mob:
start -= 1
return start
def label_mobile(tracks: pd.DataFrame,
engine: Literal["numba", "python"] = "numba",
columns: Mapping = {}) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Give each mobile section of a track a label (unique number)
When calling :py:func:`find_immobilizations` with ``label_mobile=False``,
all mobile sections of tracks will have `-1` in their `immob` column.
This function assigns a unique (negative) number to each section,
starting at `-2`.
The `data` DataFrame will be modified in place, but also returned.
Tracking data with an `immob` column where all mobile sections of
tracks are assigned `-1`.
`tracks` with updated ``"immob"`` column.
Other parameters
If `engine` is "numba" and the `numba` package is installed, use the
much faster numba-accelerated alogrithm. Otherwise, fall back to a
pure python one. Defaults to "numba"
Override default column names as defined in
:py:attr:`config.columns`. The only relevant name is `particle`.
if engine == "numba" and numba.numba_available:
label_mob_func = _label_mob_numba
label_mob_func = _label_mob_python
new_immob_col = []
new_immob_index = []
t_sorted = tracks.sort_values([columns["particle"], columns["time"]])
t_split = helper.split_dataframe(
t_sorted, columns["particle"], ["immob"],
type="array_list", sort=False, keep_index=True)
counter = -2
for pn, t in t_split:
icol = t[1]
counter = label_mob_func(icol, counter)
tracks["immob"] = pd.Series(np.concatenate(new_immob_col),
return tracks