Source code for

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

"""Analyze mean square displacements (MSDs)"""
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
import math
import types
import warnings

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize

from . import msd_base
from .. import config

[docs]class Msd: """Calculate and analyze mean square displacements (MSDs) from single moleclue tracking data. """ @config.set_columns def __init__(self, data, frame_rate, n_lag=20, n_boot=100, ensemble=True, e_name="ensemble", random_state=None, pixel_size=1, columns={}): """Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame or iterable of pandas.DataFrame Tracking data. Either a single DataFrame or a collection of DataFrames. frame_rate : float Frame rate n_lag : int or inf, optional Number of lag times (time steps) to consider at most. Defaults to 100. n_boot : int, optional Number of bootstrapping iterations for calculation of errors. Set to 0 to turn off bootstrapping for performance gain, in which case there will be no errors on the fit results. Defaults to 100. ensemble : bool, optional Whether to calculate the MSDs for the whole data set or for each trajectory individually. Defaults to True. pixel_size : float, optional Pixel size; multiply coordinates by this factor. Defaults to 1 (no scaling). Other parameters ---------------- e_name : str, optional If the `ensemble` parameter is `True`, use this as the name for the dataset. It shows up in the MSD DataFrame (see :py:meth:`get_msd`) and in plots. Defaults to "ensemble". random_state : numpy.random.RandomState or None, optional :py:class:`numpy.random.RandomState` instance to use for random sampling for bootstrapping. If `None`, use create a new instance with ``seed=None``. Defaults to `None`. columns : dict, optional Override default column names as defined in :py:attr:`config.columns`. Relevant names are `coords`, `particle`, and `time`. This means, if your DataFrame has coordinate columns "x", "y", and "z" and the time column "alt_frame", set ``columns={"coords": ["x", "y", "z"], "time": "alt_frame"}``. """ square_disp = msd_base._all_square_displacements( data, n_lag, ensemble, e_name, pixel_size, columns) # Generate bootstrapped data if desired if n_boot > 1: if random_state is None: random_state = np.random.RandomState() msd_set = OrderedDict() for p, sds_p in square_disp.items(): msds_p = np.empty((len(sds_p), n_boot)) for i, sd in enumerate(sds_p): if len(sd) > 0: b = random_state.choice(sd, (len(sd), n_boot), replace=True) m = np.mean(b, axis=0) else: # No data for this lag time m = np.NaN msds_p[i, :] = m msd_set[p] = msds_p msds = None # Calculate in `MsdData.__init__` err = None else: msds = OrderedDict([ (p, np.array([np.mean(v) if len(v) > 0 else np.NaN for v in s])) for p, s in square_disp.items()]) # Use corrected sample std as a less biased estimator of the # population std err = OrderedDict([ (p, np.array([np.std(v, ddof=1) / np.sqrt(len(v)) if len(v) > 1 else np.NaN for v in s])) for p, s in square_disp.items()]) msd_set = OrderedDict( [(p, m[:, None]) for p, m in msds.items()]) self._msd_data = msd_base.MsdData(frame_rate, msd_set, msds, err) @classmethod def _from_data(cls, data, e_name="ensemble"): """Create class instance from pre-calculated data With this, it is possible to create a class instance from legacy data as created by :py:func:`emsd`. For legacy interop purposes only. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Input data e_name : str, optional Name to be given to the input dataset. Defaults to "ensemble". Returns ------- class instance Instance create from `data` """ ret = cls([], 1, 1, 0) if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): if "lagt" in data.columns and "msd" in data.columns: # old `emsd` function output msds = data["msd"].values if "stderr" in data.columns: err = data["stderr"].values else: err = np.full_like(msds, np.NaN) msd_set = OrderedDict([(e_name, msds[:, None])]) msds = OrderedDict([(e_name, msds)]) err = OrderedDict([(e_name, err)]) lt0, lt1 = data["lagt"].iloc[:2] frame_rate = 1 / (lt1 - lt0) ret._msd_data = msd_base.MsdData(frame_rate, msd_set, msds, err) return ret raise ValueError("data in unrecognized format") Result = namedtuple("Result", ["msd", "msd_err"])
[docs] def get_msd(self, series=True): """Get MSD and error DataFrames The columns contain data for different lag times. Each row corresponds to one trajectory. The row index is either the particle number if a single DataFrame was passed to :py:meth:`__init__` or a tuple identifying both the DataFrame and the particle. If :py:meth:`__init__` was called with ``ensemble=True``, there will only be one row with index `e_name`. The `series` parameter controls whether to return a :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` or a :py:class:`pandas.Series` if there is only one row. Parameters ---------- series : bool, optional If `True` and and there is only one entry (e.g., due to ``ensemble=True`` in the constructor), :py:class:`pandas.Series` objects will be returned. Otherwise, return :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`. Defaults to `True`. Returns ------- msd : pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series Mean square displacements msd_err : pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series Standard errors of the mean square displacements. If bootstrapping was used, these are the standard deviations of the MSD results from bootstrapping. Otherwise, these are caleculated as the standard deviation of square displacements divided by the number of samples. """ return self.Result(self._msd_data.get_data("means", series), self._msd_data.get_data("errors", series))
[docs] def fit(self, model="brownian", *args, **kwargs): """Fit a model function to the MSD data Parameters ---------- model : {"anomalous", "brownian"}, optional Type of model to fit. Defaults to "brownian". n_lag : int or inf, optional Number of lag times to use for fitting. Defaults to 2 for the Brownian model and `inf` for anomalous diffusion. exposure_time : float, optional Exposure time. Defaults to 0, i.e. no exposure time compensation initial : tuple of float, len 3, optional Initial guess for fitting anomalous diffusion. The tuple entries are diffusion coefficient, positional accuracy, and alpha. """ if not isinstance(model, str): return model(self._msd_data, *args, **kwargs) model = model.lower() if model.startswith("anomalous"): return AnomalousDiffusion(self._msd_data, *args, **kwargs) if model.startswith("brownian"): return BrownianMotion(self._msd_data, *args, **kwargs) raise ValueError("Unknown model: " + model)
[docs]class AnomalousDiffusion: r"""Fit anomalous diffusion parameters to MSD values Fit a function :math:`msd(t_\text{lag}) = 4 D t_\text{lag}^\alpha + 4 \epsilon^2` to the tlag-vs.-MSD graph, where :math:`D` is the diffusion coefficient, :math:`\epsilon` is the positional accuracy (uncertainty), and :math:`\alpha` the anomalous diffusion exponent. """ _fit_parameters = ["D", "eps", "alpha"] def __init__(self, msd_data, n_lag=np.inf, exposure_time=0., initial=(0.5, 0.05, 1.)): r"""Parameters ---------- msd_data : msd_base.MsdData MSD data n_lag : int or inf, optional Maximum number of lag times to use for fitting. Defaults to `inf`, i.e. using all. exposure_time : float, optional Exposure time. Defaults to 0, i.e. no exposure time correction initial : tuple of float, optional Initial guesses for the fitting for :math:`D`, :math:`\epsilon`, and :math:`\alpha`. Defaults to ``(0.5, 0.05, 1.)``. """ def residual(x, lagt, target): d, eps, alpha = x r = self.theoretical(lagt, d, eps, alpha, exposure_time) return r - target initial = np.asarray(initial) self._results = OrderedDict() self._err = OrderedDict() for particle, all_m in lagt = msd_data.get_lagtimes(all_m.shape[0]) r = [] for target in all_m.T: fin = np.isfinite(target) tgt = target[fin] lt = lagt[fin] nl = min(n_lag, len(tgt)) f = scipy.optimize.least_squares( residual, initial, bounds=([0, -np.inf, 0], [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf]), kwargs={"lagt": lt[:nl], "target": tgt[:nl]}) r.append(f.x) r = np.array(r) self._results[particle] = np.mean(r, axis=0) if r.shape[0] > 1: # Use corrected sample std as a less biased estimator of the # population std self._err[particle] = np.std(r, axis=0, ddof=1) self._msd_data = msd_data self.exposure_time = exposure_time
[docs] @staticmethod def exposure_time_corr(t, alpha, exposure_time, n=100, force_numeric=False): r"""Correct lag times for the movement of particles during exposure When particles move during exposure, it appears as if the lag times change according to .. math:: t_\text{app}^\alpha = \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} \frac{1}{n^2} \sum_{m_1 = 0}^{n-1} \sum_{m_2 = 0}^{n-1} |t + \frac{t_\text{exp}}{n}(m_1 - m_2)|^\alpha - |\frac{t_\text{exp}}{n}(m_1 - m_2)|^\alpha. For :math:`\alpha=1`, :math:`t_\text{app} = t - t_\text{exp} / 3`. For :math:`t_\text{exp} = 0` or :math:`\alpha = 2`, :math:`t_\text{app} = t`. For other parameter values, the sum is computed numerically using a sufficiently large `n` (100 by default). See [Goul2000]_ for details. Parameters ---------- t : numpy.ndarray Lag times alpha : float Anomalous diffusion exponent exposure_time : float Exposure time n : int, optional Number of summands for the numeric calculation. The complexity of the algorithm is O(n²). Defaults to 100. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Apparent lag times that account for diffusion during exposure Other parameters ---------------- force_numeric : bool, optional If True, do not return the analytical solutions for :math:`\alpha \in \{1, 2\}` and :math:`t_\text{exp} = 0`, but calculate numerically. Useful for testing. """ if not force_numeric: if (math.isclose(exposure_time, 0) or math.isclose(exposure_time, 2)): return t if math.isclose(alpha, 1): return t - exposure_time / 3 m = np.arange(n) m_diff = exposure_time / n * (m[:, None] - m[None, :]) s = (np.abs(t[:, None, None] + m_diff[None, ...])**alpha - np.abs(m_diff[None, ...])**alpha) return (np.sum(s, axis=(1, 2)) / n**2)**(1/alpha)
[docs] @staticmethod def theoretical(t, d, eps, alpha=1, exposure_time=0, squeeze_result=True): r"""Calculate theoretical MSDs for different lag times Calculate :math:`msd(t_\text{lag}) = 4 D t_\text{app}^\alpha + 4 \epsilon^2`, where :math:`t_\text{app}` is the apparent time lag which takes into account particle motion during exposure; see :py:meth:`exposure_time_corr`. Parameters ---------- t : array-like or scalar Lag times d : float Diffusion coefficient eps : float Positional accuracy. alpha : float, optional Anomalous diffusion exponent. Defaults to 1. exposure_time : float, optional Exposure time. Defaults to 0. squeeze_result : bool, optional If `True`, return the result as a scalar type or 1D array if possible. Otherwise, always return a 2D array. Defaults to `True`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray or scalar Calculated theoretical MSDs """ t = np.array(t, ndmin=1, copy=False) d = np.array(d, ndmin=1, copy=False) eps = np.array(eps, ndmin=1, copy=False) alpha = np.array(alpha, ndmin=1, copy=False) if d.shape != eps.shape or d.shape != alpha.shape: raise ValueError("`d`, `eps`, and `alpha` should have same shape.") if t.ndim > 1 or d.ndim > 1 or eps.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("Number of dimensions of `t`, `d`, `eps`, and " "`alpha` need to be less than 2") ic = 4 * eps**2 ic[eps < 0] *= -1 t_corr = np.empty((len(t), len(alpha)), dtype=float) for i, a in enumerate(alpha): t_corr[:, i] = AnomalousDiffusion.exposure_time_corr( t, a, exposure_time) ret = 4 * d[None, :] * t_corr**alpha[None, :] + ic[None, :] if squeeze_result: if ret.size == 1: ret.item() # return scalar return np.squeeze(ret) return ret
Result = namedtuple("Result", ["fit", "fit_err"])
[docs] def get_results(self, series=True): """Get fit results The columns contain fitted parameters. Each row corresponds to one trajectory. The row index is either the particle number or a tuple identifying both the DataFrame and the particle; c.f. :py:class:`Msd`. If there is only one row, the `series` parameter controls whether to return a :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` or a :py:class:`pandas.Series`. Parameters ---------- series : bool, optional If `True` and and there is only one entry (e.g., due to ``ensemble=True`` in the :py:class:`Msd` constructor), :py:class:`pandas.Series` objects will be returned. Otherwise, return :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`. Defaults to `True`. Returns ------- fit : pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series Fit results. Columns are the fit paramaters. Each row represents one particle. fit_err : pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series Fit results standard errors. If no bootstrapping was performed for calculation of MSDs, this is all NaNs. """ if len(self._results) == 1 and series: name, res = next(iter(self._results.items())) series_args = {"name": name, "index": self._fit_parameters} res = pd.Series(res, **series_args) if self._err: err = pd.Series(next(iter(self._err.values())), **series_args) else: err = pd.Series(**series_args, dtype=float) return self.Result(res, err) res_df = pd.DataFrame(self._results, index=self._fit_parameters).T if self._err: err_df = pd.DataFrame(self._err, index=self._fit_parameters).T else: err_df = pd.DataFrame(index=res_df.index, columns=res_df.columns, dtype=float) for d in (res_df, err_df): = "parameter" if isinstance(d.index, pd.MultiIndex): d.index.names = ("file", "particle") else: = "particle" return self.Result(res_df, err_df)
[docs] def plot(self, show_legend=True, ax=None): """Plot lag time vs. MSD with fitted theoretical curve Parameters ---------- show_legend : bool, optional Whether to add a legend to the plot. Defaults to `True`. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes or None, optional Axes to use for plotting. If `None`, use ``pyplot.gca()``. Defaults to `None`. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes used for plotting """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel("lag time [s]") ax.set_ylabel("MSD [μm²]") for p in self._results: if isinstance(p, tuple): name = "/".join(str(p2) for p2 in p) else: name = str(p) m = self._msd_data.means[p] e = self._msd_data.errors[p] lt = self._msd_data.get_lagtimes(len(m)) eb = ax.errorbar(lt, m, yerr=e, linestyle="none", marker="o", markerfacecolor="none") self._plot_single(p, lt[-1], name, ax, eb[0].get_color()) if show_legend: ax.legend(loc=0) return ax
@staticmethod def _value_with_error(name, unit, value, err=np.NaN, formatter=".2g"): """Write a value with a name, a unit and an error Parameters ---------- name : str Value name unit : str Physical unit value : number Value err : number, optional Error of the value. If `NaN`, it is ignored. Defaults to `NaN`. formatter : str, optional Formatter for the numbers. Defaults to ".2g". Returns ------- str String of the form "<name>: <value> ± <err> <unit>" if an error was specified, otherwise "<name>: <value> <unit>". """ if not math.isfinite(err): s = f"{{name}} = {{value:{formatter}}} {{unit}}" else: s = (f"{{name}} = {{value:{formatter}}} ± {{err:{formatter}}} " f"{{unit}}") return s.format(name=name, value=value, err=err, unit=unit) def _plot_single(self, data_id, n_lag, name, ax, color): """Plot a single theoretical curve Parameters ---------- data_id A key in :py:attr:`_results` to plot n_lag : int Number of lag times to plot name : str Name of the data set given by `data_id` to be printed in the legend ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes to use for plotting color : str Color of the plotted line """ d, eps, alpha = self._results[data_id] d_err, eps_err, alpha_err = self._err.get(data_id, (np.NaN,) * 3) x = np.linspace(0, n_lag, 100) y = self.theoretical(x, d, eps, alpha, self.exposure_time) legend = [] if name: legend.append(name) legend.append(self._value_with_error("D", r"μm²/s$^\alpha$", d, d_err)) legend.append(self._value_with_error( "eps", "nm", eps * 1000, eps_err * 1000, ".0f")) legend.append(self._value_with_error("α", "", alpha, alpha_err)) legend = "\n".join(legend) ax.plot(x, y, c=color, label=legend)
[docs]class BrownianMotion(AnomalousDiffusion): r"""Fit Brownian motion parameters to MSD values Fit a function :math:`\mathit{msd}(t_\text{lag}) = 4 D t_\text{lag} + 4 \epsilon^2` to the tlag-vs.-MSD graph, where :math:`D` is the diffusion coefficient and :math:`\epsilon` is the positional accuracy (uncertainty). """ _fit_parameters = ["D", "eps"] def __init__(self, msd_data, n_lag=2, exposure_time=0): """Parameters ---------- msd_data : msd_base.MsdData MSD data n_lag : int or inf, optional Maximum number of lag times to use for fitting. Defaults to 2. exposure_time : float, optional Exposure time. Defaults to 0, i.e. no exposure time correction """ self._results = OrderedDict() self._err = OrderedDict() for particle, m in lagt = msd_data.get_lagtimes(m.shape[0]) # Handle NaNs that can appear if a particle/ensemble is # present only e.g. in every other frame fin = np.any(np.isfinite(m), axis=1) m = m[fin, ...] lagt = lagt[fin] nl = min(n_lag, m.shape[0]) if nl < 2: # Too few datapoints self._results[particle] = [np.NaN, np.NaN] if m.shape[1] > 1: self._err[particle] = [np.NaN, np.NaN] continue if nl == 2: dt = lagt[1] - lagt[0] s = (m[1, :] - m[0, :]) / dt i = m[0, :] - s * (dt - exposure_time / 3) else: s, i = np.polyfit(lagt[:nl] - exposure_time / 3, m[:nl, :], 1) d = s / 4 eps = np.sqrt(i.astype(complex)) / 2 eps = np.where(i > 0, np.real(eps), -np.imag(eps)) self._results[particle] = [np.mean(d), np.mean(eps)] if len(d) > 1: # Use corrected sample std as a less biased estimator of the # population std self._err[particle] = [np.std(d, ddof=1), np.std(eps, ddof=1)] self._msd_data = msd_data self.exposure_time = exposure_time
[docs] @staticmethod def theoretical(t, d, eps, exposure_time=0): r"""Calculate theoretical MSDs for different lag times Calculate :math:`msd(t_\text{lag}) = 4 D t_\text{app} + 4 \epsilon^2`, where :math:`t_\text{app}` is the apparent time lag which takes into account particle motion during exposure; see :py:meth:`exposure_time_corr`. Parameters ---------- t : array-like or scalar Lag times d : float Diffusion coefficient eps : float Positional accuracy. alpha : float, optional Anomalous diffusion exponent. Defaults to 1. exposure_time : float, optional Exposure time. Defaults to 0. squeeze_result : bool, optional If `True`, return the result as a scalar type or 1D array if possible. Otherwise, always return a 2D array. Defaults to `True`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray or scalar Calculated theoretical MSDs """ return AnomalousDiffusion.theoretical(t, d, eps, np.ones_like(d), exposure_time)
def _plot_single(self, data_id, n_lag, name, ax, color): d, eps = self._results[data_id] d_err, eps_err = self._err.get(data_id, (np.NaN,) * 2) x = np.linspace(0, n_lag, 100) y = self.theoretical(x, d, eps, self.exposure_time) legend = [] if name: legend.append(name) legend.append(self._value_with_error("D", "μm²/s", d, d_err)) legend.append(self._value_with_error( "ε", "nm", eps * 1000, eps_err * 1000, ".0f")) legend = "\n".join(legend) ax.plot(x, y, c=color, label=legend)
# Old API @config.set_columns def imsd(data, pixel_size, fps, max_lagtime=100, columns={}): """Calculate mean square displacements from tracking data for each particle .. deperecated:: 14.0 Use :py:class:`Msd` instead. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Tracking data pixel_size : float width of a pixel in micrometers. fps : float Frames per second max_lagtime : int, optional Maximum number of time lags to consider. Defaults to 100. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame([0, ..., n]) For each lag time and each particle/trajectory return the calculated mean square displacement. Other parameters ---------------- columns : dict, optional Override default column names as defined in :py:attr:`config.columns`. Relevant names are `coords`, `particle`, and `time`. This means, if your DataFrame has coordinate columns "x" and "z" and the time column "alt_frame", set ``columns={"coords": ["x", "z"], "time": "alt_frame"}``. """ warnings.warn("`imsd` is deprecated. Use the `Msd` class instead.", np.VisibleDeprecationWarning) msd_cls = Msd(data, fps, max_lagtime, n_boot=0, ensemble=False, columns=columns, pixel_size=pixel_size) return msd_cls.get_msd(series=False)[0].T @config.set_columns def emsd(data, pixel_size, fps, max_lagtime=100, columns={}): """Calculate ensemble mean square displacements from tracking data .. deperecated:: 14.0 Use :py:class:`Msd` instead. This is equivalent to consecutively calling :func:`all_displacements`, :func:`all_square_displacements`, and :func:`emsd_from_square_displacements`. Parameters ---------- data : list of pandas.DataFrames or pandas.DataFrame Tracking data pixel_size : float width of a pixel in micrometers. fps : float Frames per second max_lagtime : int, optional Maximum number of time lags to consider. Defaults to 100. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame([msd, stderr, lagt]) For each lag time return the calculated mean square displacement and standard error. Other parameters ---------------- columns : dict, optional Override default column names as defined in :py:attr:`config.columns`. Relevant names are `coords`, `particle`, and `time`. This means, if your DataFrame has coordinate columns "x" and "z" and the time column "alt_frame", set ``columns={"coords": ["x", "z"], "time": "alt_frame"}``. """ warnings.warn("`emsd` is deprecated. Use the `Msd` class instead.", np.VisibleDeprecationWarning) msd_cls = Msd(data, fps, max_lagtime, n_boot=0, columns=columns, pixel_size=pixel_size) msd = msd_cls.get_msd() msd[0].name = "msd" msd[1].name = "stderr" ret = pd.DataFrame(msd).T ret["lagt"] = ret.index = None = None return ret def fit_msd(emsd, max_lagtime=2, exposure_time=0, model="brownian"): r"""Get the diffusion coefficient and positional accuracy from MSDs .. deperecated:: 14.0 Use :py:class:`Msd` instead. Fit a function :math:`msd(t) = 4 D t^\alpha + 4 \mathit{PA}^2` to the tlag-vs.-MSD graph, where :math:`D` is the diffusion coefficient and :math:`\mathit{PA}` is the positional accuracy (uncertainty) and :math:`\alpha` the anomalous diffusion exponent. Parameters ---------- emsd : DataFrame([lagt, msd]) MSD data as computed by `emsd` max_lagtime : int, optional Use the first `max_lagtime` lag times for fitting only. Defaults to 2. exposure_time : float, optional Correct positional accuracy for motion during exposure. Settings to 0 turns this off. Defaults to 0. model : {"brownian", "anomalous"} If "brownian", set :math:`\alpha=1`. Otherwise, also fit :math:`\alpha`. Returns ------- d : float Diffusion coefficient pa : float Positional accuracy. If this is negative, the fitted graph's intercept was negative (i. e. not meaningful). alpha : float Anomalous diffusion exponent. Only returned if ``model="anomalous"``. """ warnings.warn("`fit_msd` is deprecated. Use the `Msd` class instead.", np.VisibleDeprecationWarning) msd_cls = Msd._from_data(emsd) fit_args = {"exposure_time": exposure_time} if model == "brownian": fit_args["n_lag"] = max_lagtime fit_res =, **fit_args) return fit_res._results["ensemble"] def plot_msd(emsd, d=None, pa=None, max_lagtime=100, show_legend=True, ax=None, exposure_time=0., alpha=1., fit_max_lagtime=2, fit_model="brownian"): """Plot lag time vs. MSD and the fit as calculated by `fit_msd`. .. deperecated:: 14.0 Use :py:class:`Msd` instead. Parameters ---------- emsd : DataFrame([lagt, msd, stderr]) MSD data as computed by `emsd`. If the stderr column is not present, no error bars will be plotted. d : float or None, optional Diffusion coefficient (see :py:func:`fit_msd`). If `None`, use :py:func:`fit_msd` to calculate it. pa : float Positional accuracy (see :py:func:`fit_msd`) If `None`, use :py:func:`fit_msd` to calculate it. max_lagtime : int, optional Maximum number of lag times to plot. Defaults to 100. show_legend : bool, optional Whether to show the legend (the values of the diffusion coefficient D and the positional accuracy) in the plot. Defaults to True. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes or None, optional If given, use this axes object to draw the plot. If None, use the result of `matplotlib.pyplot.gca`. exposure_time : float, optional Correct positional accuracy for motion during exposure. Settings to 0 turns this off. This has to match the exposure time of the :py:func:`fit_msd` call. Defaults to 0. alpha : float, optional Anomalous diffusion exponent. Defaults to 1. fit_max_lagtime : int Passed as `max_lagtime` parameter to :py:func:`fit_msd` if either `d` or `pa` is `None`. Defaults to 2. fit_model : str Passed as `model` parameter to :py:func:`fit_msd` if either `d` or `pa` is `None`. Defaults to "brownian". Returns ------- d : float Diffusion coefficient pa : float Positional accuracy. If this is negative, the fitted graph's intercept was negative (i. e. not meaningful). alpha : float Anomalous diffusion exponent. """ warnings.warn("`plot_msd` is deprecated. Use the `Msd` class instead.", np.VisibleDeprecationWarning) msd_cls = Msd._from_data(emsd) if d is None or pa is None: fit_args = {"exposure_time": exposure_time} if fit_model == "brownian": fit_args["n_lag"] = fit_max_lagtime fit_res =, **fit_args) fit_res.plot(show_legend, ax) else: fit_res = types.SimpleNamespace( _results={"ensemble": [d, pa, alpha]}, _err={}, exposure_time=exposure_time) AnomalousDiffusion.plot(fit_res, show_legend, ax) r = fit_res._results["ensemble"] if len(r) == 3: return tuple(r) return r[0], r[1], 1