# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <lukas.schrangl@tuwien.ac.at>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import threading
from typing import List
import ipywidgets
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import traitlets
from typing import Tuple
from .image_display import ImageDisplay
from .. import roi
class _ExtentsInput(ipywidgets.HBox):
"""Collection of numeric input widgets to specify a rectangle
by supplying origin coordinates, width, and height.
**Note that this is still experimental and may be subject to change.**
extents: tuple = traitlets.Tuple(default_value=(0, 0, 0, 0))
"""x coordinate, y coordinate, width, height of the rectangle"""
width: int = traitlets.Int()
"""Canvas width. The right border of the rectangle cannot go beyond."""
height: int = traitlets.Int()
"""Canvas height. The bottom border of the rectangle cannot go beyond."""
def __init__(self, color, alpha):
self._x_box = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText(description="x", min=0)
self._y_box = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText(description="y", min=0)
self._w_box = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText(description="width", min=0)
self._h_box = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText(description="height", min=0)
self._update_extents_lock = threading.Lock()
for b in self._x_box, self._y_box, self._w_box, self._h_box:
b.observe(self._box_value_changed, "value")
# Color input boxes
rgb = mpl.colors.to_rgb(color)
style = ("<style>.chan_{} input {{background-color: "
"rgba({}, {}, {}, {}) !important}}</style>").format(
id(self), *[r * 255 for r in rgb], alpha)
self._style_html = ipywidgets.HTML(style)
ipywidgets.VBox([self._x_box, self._y_box]),
ipywidgets.VBox([self._w_box, self._h_box])])
@traitlets.observe("width", "height")
def _update_bounds(self, change=None):
"""Update max values for text boxes"""
x, y, w, h = self.extents
self._x_box.max = self.width - w
self._y_box.max = self.height - h
self._w_box.max = self.width - x
self._h_box.max = self.height - y
def _extents_changed(self, change=None):
"""Extents traitlet changed"""
with self._update_extents_lock:
self._x_box.value = self.extents[0]
self._y_box.value = self.extents[1]
self._w_box.value = self.extents[2]
self._h_box.value = self.extents[3]
def _box_value_changed(self, change=None):
"""One of the input box values was changed"""
if self._update_extents_lock.locked():
# This was triggered by updating the extents traitlet. Do not
# update here.
self.extents = (self._x_box.value, self._y_box.value,
self._w_box.value, self._h_box.value)
[docs]class ChannelSplitter(ipywidgets.VBox):
"""Find regions of different imaging channels recorded with same camera
If several channels are recorded side-by-side on the same camera chip,
find the region for each channel by drawing corresponding rectangles on
representative images.
input: np.ndarray = traitlets.Instance(np.ndarray, allow_none=True)
"""Image to display"""
same_size = traitlets.Bool(default_value=True)
"""If True, all channels are forced to be the same size"""
colors: List[str] = ["C1", "C8", "C6", "C2", "C9"]
"""Colors to use for drawing the channel ROIs"""
rois: Tuple[roi.ROI, ...] = traitlets.Tuple()
"""ROIs selected using the widget"""
channel_names: Tuple[str, ...] = traitlets.Tuple()
"""Channel names as displayed in the tab titles"""
def __init__(self, n_channels=2, *args, **kwargs):
Number of channels present on the images
*args, **kwargs
Passed to superclass constructor
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
self.image_display = ImageDisplay(ax)
# Create boxes for entering ROI dimensions
dt_children = []
self._mpl_rois = []
for i in range(n_channels):
color = self.colors[i]
alpha = 0.3
c = _ExtentsInput(color, alpha)
c.observe(self._roi_extents_changed, "extents")
r = mpl.widgets.RectangleSelector(
self.image_display.ax, self._roi_drawn, interactive=True,
props={"facecolor": color, "alpha": alpha},
r.active = False
self._dimension_tabs = ipywidgets.Tab(dt_children)
# Checkbox to force same size on all channels
self._same_size_box = ipywidgets.Checkbox(
description="Same size", value=True)
traitlets.link((self, "same_size"), (self._same_size_box, "value"))
# Buttons for splitting horizontally and vertically
self._split_hor_button = ipywidgets.Button(
description="split horizontally")
self._split_ver_button = ipywidgets.Button(
description="split vertically")
# Button for swapping channels (i.e., reversing their order)
self._swap_button = ipywidgets.Button(description="swap channels")
self._n_channels = n_channels
self.channel_names = ["channel {}".format(i)
for i in range(n_channels)]
self._update_extents_lock = threading.Lock()
self._update_rois_lock = threading.Lock()
def _input_changed(self, change=None):
"""Callback if the `input` traitlet was changed"""
self.image_display.input = self.input
if self.input is None:
for c in self._dimension_tabs.children:
c.height, c.width = self.input.shape
def _split_hor(self, button=None):
"""'split horizontally' button pressed"""
if self.input is None:
split_width = self.input.shape[1] // self._n_channels
self.rois = tuple(roi.ROI((i * split_width, 0),
size=(split_width, self.input.shape[0]))
for i in range(self._n_channels))
def _split_ver(self, button=None):
"""'split vertically' button pressed"""
if self.input is None:
split_height = self.input.shape[0] // self._n_channels
self.rois = tuple(roi.ROI((0, i * split_height),
size=(self.input.shape[1], split_height))
for i in range(self._n_channels))
def _swap_chan(self, button=None):
"""'swap channels' button pressed"""
self.rois = self.rois[::-1]
def _active_channel_changed(self, change=None):
"""Active channel changed via tab"""
idx = self._dimension_tabs.selected_index
for i, r in enumerate(self._mpl_rois):
r.active = (i == idx)
def _roi_drawn(self, click, release):
"""A new ROI was drawn using the GUI"""
idx = self._dimension_tabs.selected_index
ext = np.add(self._mpl_rois[idx].extents, 0.5)
ext = np.round(ext).astype(int)
self._dimension_tabs.children[idx].extents = \
(ext[0], ext[2], ext[1] - ext[0], ext[3] - ext[2])
def _roi_extents_changed(self, change=None):
"""ROI extents changed by setting them via text boxes
Update the size of the other ROIs if :py:attr:`same_size` is True.
Redraw UI elements.
if self._update_extents_lock.locked():
if self._same_size_box.value:
idx = self._dimension_tabs.selected_index
new_w, new_h = self._dimension_tabs.children[idx].extents[2:4]
with self._update_extents_lock:
for i, text in enumerate(self._dimension_tabs.children):
if i == idx:
# This widget caused the changes, no need to change it
old_e = text.extents
new_e = (
min(old_e[0], self.input.shape[1] - new_w),
min(old_e[1], self.input.shape[0] - new_h),
text.extents = new_e
with self._update_rois_lock:
self.rois = tuple(roi.ROI(c.extents[0:2], size=c.extents[2:4])
for c in self._dimension_tabs.children)
def _redraw_rois(self):
"""Redraw the ROIs with values from the text boxes"""
for text, drawn in zip(self._dimension_tabs.children,
x, y, w, h = text.extents
drawn.extents = (x - 0.5, x + w - 0.5, y - 0.5, y + h - 0.5)
def _validate_rois_traitlet(self, proposal):
"""Ensure the correct number of ROIs is set"""
rois = proposal["value"]
if len(rois) != self._n_channels:
raise traitlets.TraitError(
"Number of ROIs must match number of channels")
return rois
def _rois_traitlet_changed(self, change=None):
"""`rois` traitlet was changed"""
if self._update_rois_lock.locked():
# This was triggered by the _roi_extents_changed method
with self._update_extents_lock:
# Set self.same_size = False if ROIs have different sizes
r = self.rois[0]
sz = r.size if r is not None else (0, 0)
for r in self.rois[1:]:
if sz != (r.size if r is not None else (0, 0)):
self.same_size = False
for r, c in zip(self.rois, self._dimension_tabs.children):
if r is None:
c.extents = (0,) * 4
c.extents = (*r.top_left, *r.size)
def _validate_channel_names(self, proposal):
"""Ensure the correct number of channel names is set"""
names = proposal["value"]
if len(names) != self._n_channels:
raise traitlets.TraitError(
"Number of channel names must match number of channels")
return names
def _channel_names_changed(self, change=None):
"""`channel_names` traitlet was changed"""
for i, name in enumerate(self.channel_names):
self._dimension_tabs.set_title(i, name)