# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <lukas.schrangl@tuwien.ac.at>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import warnings
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
import ipywidgets
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import traitlets
from sdt import loc
from .image_display import ImageDisplay
from .image_selector import ImageSelector
class D3DOptions(ipywidgets.GridBox):
"""Widget for setting :py:mod:`sdt.loc.daostorm_3d` options"""
name = "3D-DAOSTORM"
locate_func = loc.daostorm_3d.locate
batch_func = loc.daostorm_3d.batch
locate_roi_func = loc.daostorm_3d.locate_roi
batch_roi_func = loc.daostorm_3d.batch_roi
def __init__(self):
empty = ipywidgets.HTML()
self._radius_sel = ipywidgets.BoundedFloatText(
value=1., step=0.1, min=0.1, max=2.9, description="radius")
self._thresh_sel = ipywidgets.FloatText(
value=100., step=10, description="threshold")
self._model_sel = ipywidgets.Dropdown(
options=["2d_fixed", "2d", "3d"], description="model", value="2d")
self._min_dist_check = ipywidgets.Checkbox(
indent=False, layout=ipywidgets.Layout(width="min-content"))
self._min_dist_sel = ipywidgets.FloatText(
description="Min. distance", value=1., step=0.1)
size_label = ipywidgets.Label("Size range")
self._size_check = ipywidgets.Checkbox(
indent=False, layout=ipywidgets.Layout(width="min-content"))
self._min_size_sel = ipywidgets.FloatText(
value=0.5, step=0.1, description="min.",
self._max_size_sel = ipywidgets.FloatText(
value=2., step=0.1, description="max.",
size_box = ipywidgets.VBox([size_label, self._min_size_sel,
self._filter_sel = ipywidgets.Dropdown(
options=["Identity", "Crocker-Grier", "Gaussian"],
description="find filter")
self._filter_cg_size_sel = ipywidgets.IntText(
value=3, description="feat. size",
self._filter_gauss_sigma_sel = ipywidgets.FloatText(
value=1., step=0.1, description="sigma",
self._filter_box = ipywidgets.VBox([
self._filter_sel, self._filter_cg_size_sel,
children = [
empty, self._radius_sel,
empty, self._thresh_sel,
empty, self._model_sel,
empty, self._filter_box,
self._min_dist_check, self._min_dist_sel,
self._size_check, size_box]
children, layout=ipywidgets.Layout(
grid_template_columns="min-content min-content"))
self._filter_sel.observe(self._set_find_filter, names="value")
self._size_check.observe(self._enable_size_range, names="value")
for w in (self._radius_sel, self._thresh_sel,
self._model_sel, self._min_dist_check,
self._min_dist_sel, self._size_check, self._min_size_sel,
self._max_size_sel, self._filter_cg_size_sel,
w.observe(self._options_from_ui, names="value")
self.observe(self._options_to_ui, "options")
options = traitlets.Dict()
"""Options for :py:func:`sdt.loc.daostorm_3d.locate` and
def _options_from_ui(self, change=None):
"""Options changed in the UI"""
o = {"radius": self._radius_sel.value,
"threshold": self._thresh_sel.value,
"model": self._model_sel.value}
if self._filter_sel.value == "Gaussian":
o["find_filter"] = "Gaussian"
o["find_filter_opts"] = \
{"sigma": self._filter_gauss_sigma_sel.value}
elif self._filter_sel.value == "Crocker-Grier":
o["find_filter"] = "Cg"
o["find_filter_opts"] = \
{"feature_radius": self._filter_cg_size_sel.value}
o["find_filter"] = "Identity"
if self._min_dist_check.value:
o["min_distance"] = self._min_dist_sel.value
o["min_distance"] = None
if self._size_check.value:
o["size_range"] = (self._min_size_sel.value,
o["size_range"] = None
self.options = o
def _options_to_ui(self, change=None):
"""`options` traitlet changed"""
o = self.options
self._radius_sel.value = o["radius"]
self._thresh_sel.value = o["threshold"]
self._model_sel.value = o["model"]
if o["find_filter"] == "Gaussian":
self._filter_sel.value = "Gaussian"
self._filter_gauss_sigma_sel.value = o["find_filter_opts"]["sigma"]
elif o["find_filter"] == "Cg":
self._filter_sel.value = "Crocker-Grier"
self._filter_cg_size_sel.value = \
self._filter_sel.value = "Identity"
if o["min_distance"] is None:
self._min_dist_check.value = False
self._min_dist_check.value = True
self._min_dist_sel.value = o["min_distance"]
if o["size_range"] is None:
self._size_check.value = False
self._size_check.value = True
self._min_size_sel.value, self._max_size_sel.value = \
def _set_find_filter(self, change=None):
"""Find filter selection has changed"""
v = self._filter_sel.value
if v == "Identity":
self._filter_cg_size_sel.layout.display = "none"
self._filter_gauss_sigma_sel.layout.display = "none"
self._filter_box.layout.border = "hidden"
if v == "Gaussian":
self._filter_cg_size_sel.layout.display = "none"
self._filter_gauss_sigma_sel.layout.display = None
elif v == "Crocker-Grier":
self._filter_cg_size_sel.layout.display = None
self._filter_gauss_sigma_sel.layout.display = "none"
self._filter_box.layout.border = "1px solid gray"
def _enable_size_range(self, change=None):
"""Size range check box was toggled"""
if self._size_check.value:
self._min_size_sel.layout.display = None
self._max_size_sel.layout.display = None
self._min_size_sel.layout.display = "none"
self._max_size_sel.layout.display = "none"
class CGOptions(ipywidgets.VBox):
"""Widget for setting :py:mod:`sdt.loc.cg` options"""
name = "Crocker-Grier"
locate_func = loc.cg.locate
batch_func = loc.cg.batch
locate_roi_func = loc.cg.locate_roi
batch_roi_func = loc.cg.batch_roi
def __init__(self):
self._radius_sel = ipywidgets.IntText(value=3, description="radius")
self._signal_thresh_sel = ipywidgets.IntText(
value=100, description="signal thresh.")
self._mass_thresh_sel = ipywidgets.IntText(
value=1000, step=10, description="mass thresh.")
children = [self._radius_sel, self._signal_thresh_sel,
children, layout=ipywidgets.Layout(
grid_template_columns="min-content min-content"))
for w in (self._radius_sel, self._signal_thresh_sel,
w.observe(self._options_from_ui, "value")
self.observe(self._options_to_ui, "options")
options = traitlets.Dict()
"""Options for :py:func:`sdt.loc.daostorm_3d.locate` and
def _options_from_ui(self, change=None):
"""Options changed in the UI"""
o = {"radius": self._radius_sel.value,
"signal_thresh": self._signal_thresh_sel.value,
"mass_thresh": self._mass_thresh_sel.value}
self.options = o
def _options_to_ui(self, change=None):
"""`options` traitlet changed"""
o = self.options
self._radius_sel.value = o["radius"]
self._signal_thresh_sel.value = o["signal_thresh"]
self._mass_thresh_sel.value = o["mass_thresh"]
algorithms = [D3DOptions, CGOptions]
"""List of algorithm option widget classes"""
[docs]class Locator(ipywidgets.VBox):
"""Notebook UI for finding parameters for single molecule localizations
This allows for loading single molecule image data, setting localization
algorithm parameters and inspecting the result.
This requires the use of the `widget` (`ipympl`) matplotlib backend.
**Note that this is still experimental and may be subject to change.**
The first line in each notebook should enable the correct backend.
>>> %matplotlib widget
In a notebook cell, create the UI:
>>> locator = nbui.Locator()
Set image data to localize and display the UI
>>> locator.input = img_array # assuming this is an array of pixels
>>> locator
or create use the built-in ImageSelector to go through multiple files
>>> files = sorted(pathlib.Path().glob("*.tif"))
>>> locator.images = files
Now one can play around with the parameters. Once a satisfactory
combination has been found, get the parameters in another notebook cell:
>>> locator.algorithm
>>> par = locator.options
>>> par
{'radius': 1.0,
'model': '2d',
'threshold': 800.0,
'find_filter': 'Cg',
'find_filter_opts': {'feature_radius': 3},
'min_distance': None,
'size_range': None}
``**par`` can be passed directly to :py:attr:`locate_func` and
>>> data = locator.batch_func(img_files, **par) # loc.daostorm_3d.batch
images: Union[Dict, List, None] = traitlets.Union(
[traitlets.Dict(), traitlets.List()], allow_none=True)
"""Image files/sequences passed to the built-in :py:class:`ImageSelector`.
If empty or `None`, the selector is hidden. Using the selector to choose a
frame sets :py:attr:`input` accordingly.
input: Optional[np.ndarray] = traitlets.Instance(
np.ndarray, allow_none=True)
"""Image data"""
image_display: ImageDisplay
"""Image display widget"""
def __init__(self, cmap: str = "gray"):
Colormap to use for displaying images.
if plt.isinteractive():
warnings.warn("Turning off matplotlib's interactive mode as it "
"is not compatible with this.")
# Image selector
self._imsel = ImageSelector()
self._imsel.observe(self._image_selector_output_changed, "output")
# General options
self._algo_sel = ipywidgets.Dropdown(
options=[A.name for A in algorithms], description="algorithm")
self._loc_options = [A() for A in algorithms]
for lo in self._loc_options:
lo.observe(self._options_changed, "options")
# The figure
ax = plt.subplots()[1]
self.image_display = ImageDisplay(ax, cmap=cmap)
traitlets.directional_link((self, "input"),
(self.image_display, "input"))
# Display preview
self._show_loc_check = ipywidgets.Checkbox(
description="Show loc.", indent=False, value=True)
self._scatter_artist = None
left_box = ipywidgets.VBox([self._algo_sel, *self._loc_options,
ipywidgets.HBox([left_box, self.image_display])])
traitlets.link((self._algo_sel, "value"), (self, "algorithm"))
self.observe(self._update, "options")
self.observe(self._options_trait_changed, "options")
self._show_loc_check.observe(self._update, "value")
algorithm = traitlets.Enum(values=[A.name for A in algorithms])
"""Name of the algorithm"""
options = traitlets.Dict()
"""dict of options to the localizing function"""
def locate_func(self):
"""Currently selected single frame localization function"""
return algorithms[self._algo_sel.index].locate_func
def batch_func(self):
"""Currently selected batch localization function"""
return algorithms[self._algo_sel.index].batch_func
def locate_roi_func(self):
"""Currently selected single frame localization (+ ROI) function"""
return algorithms[self._algo_sel.index].locate_roi_func
def batch_roi_func(self):
"""Currently selected batch localization (+ ROI) function"""
return algorithms[self._algo_sel.index].batch_roi_func
def _algo_selected(self, change=None):
for i, a in enumerate(self._loc_options):
if i == self._algo_sel.index:
a.layout.display = None
a.layout.display = "none"
def _images_changed(self, change=None):
if not self.images:
self._imsel.layout.display = "none"
self._imsel.layout.display = None
self._imsel.images = self.images
def _image_selector_output_changed(self, change=None):
self.input = self._imsel.output
def _update(self, change=None):
"""Update displayed localizations"""
if self.input is None:
if self._scatter_artist is not None:
self._scatter_artist = None
if self._show_loc_check.value:
loc = self.locate_func(self.input, **self.options)
self._scatter_artist = self.image_display.ax.scatter(
loc["x"], loc["y"], facecolor="none", edgecolor="y")
def _options_changed(self, change=None):
"""Update `options` traitlet with current algorithm's options"""
self.options = self._loc_options[self._algo_sel.index].options
def _options_trait_changed(self, change=None):
"""Update current algorithm's options with `options` traitlet"""
self._loc_options[self._algo_sel.index].options = self.options
[docs] def get_settings(self):
"""Get all settings (algorithm and options)
:py:attr:`algorithm` and :py:attr:`options` attributes are
accessible via the "algorithm" and "options" keys, respectively.
return {"algorithm": self.algorithm, "options": self.options}
[docs] def set_settings(self, s):
"""Set all settings (algorithm and options)
s : dict
New values for the :py:attr:`algorithm` and :py:attr:`options`
attributes should be accessible via the "algorithm" and "options"
keys, respectively.
algo = s.get("algorithm", "3D-DAOSTORM")
if algo == "daostorm_3d":
algo = "3D-DAOSTORM"
elif algo == "cg":
algo = "Crocker-Grier"
self.algorithm = algo
if "options" in s:
self.options = s["options"]