Source code for sdt.nbui.thresholder

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import threading
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Sequence, Union
import warnings

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import traitlets
import ipywidgets

from .image_display import ImageDisplay
from .image_selector import ImageSelector
from ..import image

class AdaptiveOptions(ipywidgets.GridBox):
    """UI for setting options for :py:func:`sdt.image.adaptive_thresh`"""
    name = "adaptive"
    """Method name ("adaptive")"""
    func = image.adaptive_thresh
    """Function that does the processing (py:func:`sdt.image.adaptive_thresh`

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        *args, **kwargs
            Passed to the :py:class:`HBox` constructor after the list of
        self._block_size_sel = ipywidgets.IntText(
            value=65, description="block size")
        self._c_sel = ipywidgets.FloatText(
            value=-2, description="const offset")
        self._smoothing_sel = ipywidgets.FloatText(
            value=3.0, description="smooth", step=0.1)
        self._method_sel = ipywidgets.Dropdown(
            options=["mean", "gaussian"], description="adaptive method")

        self._update_lock = threading.Lock()

        super().__init__([self._block_size_sel, self._c_sel,
                          self._smoothing_sel, self._method_sel],
                             grid_template_columns="repeat(2, max-content)"),
                         *args, **kwargs)

        for w in (self._block_size_sel, self._c_sel, self._smoothing_sel,
            w.observe(self._options_from_ui, "value")


    options: Dict = traitlets.Dict()
    """Options which can be passed directly to

    def _options_from_ui(self, change=None):
        """Set :py:attr:`options` from UI elements"""
        if self._update_lock.locked():
        o = {"block_size": self._block_size_sel.value,
             "c": self._c_sel.value,
             "smooth": self._smoothing_sel.value,
             "method": self._method_sel.value}
        with self._update_lock:
            self.options = o

    def _options_to_ui(self, change=None):
        """Set UI element values from :py:attr:`options`"""
        if self._update_lock.locked():
        o = self.options
        with self._update_lock:
            self._block_size_sel.value = o["block_size"]
            self._c_sel.value = o["c"]
            self._smoothing_sel.value = o["smooth"]
            self._method_sel.value = o["method"]

class OtsuOptions(ipywidgets.HBox):
    """UI for setting options for :py:func:`sdt.image.otsu_thresh`"""
    name = "otsu"
    """Method name ("otsu")"""
    func = image.otsu_thresh
    """Function that does the processing (:py:func:`sdt.image.otsu_thresh`)"""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        *args, **kwargs
            Passed to the :py:class:`HBox` constructor after the list of
        self._factor_sel = ipywidgets.FloatText(
            value=1, step=0.1, description="mult.")
        self._smoothing_sel = ipywidgets.FloatText(
            value=1.5, description="smooth", step=0.1)
        super().__init__([self._factor_sel, self._smoothing_sel],
                         *args, **kwargs)

        for w in (self._factor_sel, self._smoothing_sel):
            w.observe(self._options_from_ui, "value")

        self.observe(self._options_to_ui, "options")

    options: Dict = traitlets.Dict()
    """Options which can be passed directly to

    def _options_from_ui(self, change=None):
        """Set :py:attr:`options` from UI elements"""
        o = {"factor": self._factor_sel.value,
             "smooth": self._smoothing_sel.value}
        self.options = o

    def _options_to_ui(self, change=None):
        """Set UI element values from :py:attr:`options`"""
        o = self.options
        self._factor_sel.value = o["factor"]
        self._smoothing_sel.value = o["smooth"]

class PercentileOptions(ipywidgets.HBox):
    """UI for setting options for :py:func:`sdt.image.percentile_thresh`"""
    name = "percentile"
    """Method name ("percentile")"""
    func = image.percentile_thresh
    """Function that does the processing

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        *args, **kwargs
            Passed to the :py:class:`HBox` constructor after the list of
        self._pct_sel = ipywidgets.FloatText(
            value=75, description="percentile")
        self._smoothing_sel = ipywidgets.FloatText(
            value=1.5, description="smooth", step=0.1)
        super().__init__([self._pct_sel, self._smoothing_sel],
                         *args, **kwargs)

        for w in (self._pct_sel, self._smoothing_sel):
            w.observe(self._options_from_ui, "value")

        self.observe(self._options_to_ui, "options")

    options: Dict = traitlets.Dict()
    """Options which can be passed directly to

    def _options_from_ui(self, change=None):
        """Set :py:attr:`options` from UI elements"""
        o = {"percentile": self._pct_sel.value,
             "smooth": self._smoothing_sel.value}
        self.options = o

    def _options_to_ui(self, change=None):
        """Set UI element values from :py:attr:`options`"""
        o = self.options
        self._pct_sel.value = o["percentile"]
        self._smoothing_sel.value = o["smooth"]

algorithms: List[str] = [AdaptiveOptions, OtsuOptions, PercentileOptions]

class ThresholderModule(ipywidgets.Tab):
    """Notebook UI element for thresholding images

    This can be used as part of a larger Jupyter notebook UI and allows for
    selecting thresholding algorithms and options. For a stand-alone UI
    see :py:class:`Thresholder`.
    input: Union[np.ndarray, None] = traitlets.Instance(
        np.ndarray, allow_none=True)
    """Image to apply thresholding algorithm"""
    output: Union[np.ndarray, None] = traitlets.Instance(
        np.ndarray, allow_none=True)
    """Binary threshold image"""
    algorithm: str = traitlets.Enum(values=[ for A in algorithms])
    """Name of the algorithm"""
    options: Dict = traitlets.Dict()
    """Options to the thresholding function"""

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            Passed to the superclass constructor.
        if plt.isinteractive():
            warnings.warn("Turning off matplotlib's interactive mode as it "
                          "is not compatible with this.")

        self.children = [A() for A in algorithms]
        for i, a in enumerate(self.children):
            a.observe(self._options_changed, "options")


    def _get_current_opts(self) -> ipywidgets.Widget:
        """Get currently selected algorithm options widget"""
        idx = self.selected_index
        if idx is None:
            return None
        return self.children[idx]

    def func(self) -> Callable:
        """Processing function of the currently selected algorithm"""
        return self._get_current_opts().__class__.func

    def _algo_selected(self, change=None):
        """Algorithm selection was changed using the dropdown menu"""
        self.algorithm = self._get_current_opts().name

    def _algo_trait_changed(self, change=None):
        """Algorithm selection was changed using `algorithm` traitlet"""
        for i, a in enumerate(self.children):
            if == self.algorithm:
                self.selected_index = i

    def _options_changed(self, change=None):
        """Update `options` traitlet with current algorithm's options"""
        self.options = self._get_current_opts().options

    def _options_trait_changed(self, change=None):
        """Update current algorithm's options with `options` traitlet"""
        self._get_current_opts().options = self.options

    @traitlets.observe("options", "input")
    def _update_output(self, change=None):
        """Compute thresholded image"""
        if self.input is None:

        mask = self.func(self.input, **self._get_current_opts().options)
        self.output = mask

[docs]class Thresholder(ipywidgets.VBox): """Notebook UI for finding image thresholding parameters This allows for loading image data, setting thresholding algorithm parameters and inspecting the result. This requires the use of the `widget` (`ipympl`) matplotlib backend. Examples -------- The first line in each notebook should enable the correct backend. >>> %matplotlib widget In a notebook cell, create the UI: >>> # Assume img_list is a list of 2D arrays containing image data >>> th = Thresholder(img_list) >>> th Now one can play around with the parameters. Once a satisfactory combination has been found, get the parameters in another notebook cell: >>> th.algorithm "adaptive" >>> par = th.options >>> par {'block_size': 65, 'c': -5.0, 'smooth': 1.5, 'method': 'mean'} ``**par`` can be passed directly to :py:attr:`func` >>> mask = th.func(img_list[0], **par) # image.adaptive_thresh """ algorithm: str = traitlets.Enum(values=[ for A in algorithms]) """Name of the algorithm""" options: Dict = traitlets.Dict() """Options to the thresholding function""" def __init__(self, images: Union[Sequence, Dict] = []): """Parameters --------- images List of image (sequences) to populate to pass to :py:class:`ImageSelector` instance. """ self.image_selector = ImageSelector(images) self.thresholder_module = ThresholderModule() fig, ax = plt.subplots() self.image_display = ImageDisplay(ax) super().__init__([self.image_selector, self.thresholder_module, self.image_display]) self.image_selector.observe(self._image_changed, "output") self.thresholder_module.observe(self._mask_changed, "output"), "algorithm"), (self, "algorithm")), "options"), (self, "options")) self._artists = [] self._image_changed() @property def func(self) -> Callable: """Processing function of the currently selected algorithm""" return self.thresholder_module.func def _image_changed(self, change=None): """A different image was selected""" self.thresholder_module.input = self.image_selector.output self.image_display.input = self.image_selector.output def _mask_changed(self, change=None): """Mask needs to be redrawn""" import cv2 while self._artists: self._artists.pop().remove() ax = img = self.thresholder_module.output.astype(np.uint8) cont = cv2.findContours(img, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) # Use cont[-2] as it works in OpenCV 3, where findContours returns # three values, and in OpenCV 4, where it returns two. for c in cont[-2]: pth = mpl.path.Path(c[:, 0, :], closed=True) pp = mpl.patches.PathPatch(pth, alpha=0.2, color="C1") a = ax.add_patch(pp) self._artists.append(a) ax.figure.canvas.draw_idle()