Source code for sdt.optimize.exp_fit

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

r"""Fitting sums of exponential functions

This module provides routines to fit a sum of exponential functions. See the
module-level documentation for details.
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.legendre import legint, legval, legvander
from scipy.linalg import lu_factor, lu_solve
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

from .. import funcs

def _int_mat_legendre(n_coeff: int, int_order: int) -> np.ndarray:
    """Legendre polynomial integration matrix

        Number of Legendre coefficients
        Order of integration

    Legendre integral matrix
    return legint(np.eye(n_coeff), int_order)

class _ODESolver(object):
    """Class for solving the ODE involved in fitting"""
    def __init__(self, n_exp: int, poly_order: int):
            Number of exponentials to fit to the data
            Highest order Legendre polynomial in the series expansion
            approximating the actual fit model
        self._poly_order = poly_order
        self._n_exp = n_exp
        self._coeffs = np.zeros(n_exp)
        self._res_coeffs = np.zeros(n_exp)
        self._leg_coeffs = np.zeros(poly_order)

        # For improved conditioning, we don't actually look at the k-th
        # differentiation, but at the (p - k)-th integration; i. e.
        # integrate ODE p times (integration matrix B)
        self._b = []
        for n in range(n_exp + 1):
            iml = _int_mat_legendre(poly_order, n)
            self._b.append(iml[n_exp:-n or None, :])

    def coefficients(self):
        """1D array of coefficients of the ODE"""
        return self._coeffs

    def coefficients(self, coeffs):
        if self._coeffs is coeffs:

        self._coeffs = coeffs

        # \sum_{k=1}^p a_k D^k \hat{y} = e_1 is equivalent to
        # \sum_{k=1}^p a_k B^{p-k} \hat{y} = B^p e_1
        a = np.zeros((self._poly_order - self._n_exp, self._poly_order))
        for i in range(self._n_exp + 1):
            a += self._coeffs[i] * self._b[self._n_exp - i]

        # first n_exp coefficients are determined by residual orthogonal
        # requirement, therefore only consider a[:, n_exp:]
        self._factors = lu_factor(a[:, self._n_exp:])
        self._cond = a[:, :self._n_exp]

    def solve(self, res_coeffs: np.ndarray, rhs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Solve the ODE

            The first ``n_exp`` (where ``n_exp`` is the number of exponentials
            in the fit) Legendre coefficients, which can be calculated from the
            residual condition
            Right hand side of the ODE. For a fit with a constant offset,
            this is the (1, 0, 0, …, 0), without offset it is (0, 0, …, 0)

        1D array of Legendre coefficients of the numerical solution of
        the ODE
        self._res_coeffs = res_coeffs
        self._leg_coeffs[:self._n_exp] = res_coeffs
        # since residual orthogonal requirement already yields coefficients
        # subtract from RHS
        reduced_rhs = self._b[-1] @ rhs - self._cond @ res_coeffs
        self._leg_coeffs[self._n_exp:] = lu_solve(self._factors, reduced_rhs)
        return self._leg_coeffs.copy()

    def tangent(self) -> np.ndarray:
        d_y = np.zeros((self._poly_order, self._n_exp + 1))

        for i in range(self._n_exp + 1):
            b_y = self._b[self._n_exp - i] @ self._leg_coeffs
            d_y[self._n_exp:, i] = -lu_solve(self._factors, b_y)

        return d_y

[docs]class ExpSumModel: r"""Fit a sum of exponential functions to data Determine the best parameters :math:`\alpha, \beta_k, \lambda_k` by fitting :math:`y(x) = \alpha + \sum_{k=1}^p \beta_k \text{e}^{\lambda_k x}` to the data using a modified Prony's method. """ n_exp: int """Number of exponential summands""" poly_order: int """Order of polynomial used for approximation""" def __init__(self, n_exp: int, poly_order: int = 30): """Parameters ---------- n_exp Number of exponential summands poly_order Order of polynomial used for approximation """ self.n_exp = n_exp self.poly_order = poly_order def _get_exp_coeffs(self, y: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, initial_guess: Optional[np.ndarray] = None ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: r"""Calculate the exponential coefficients As a first step to fitting, calculate the exponential "rate" factors :math:`\lambda_k`. Parameters ---------- y Function values corresponding to `x`. x Independent variable values Returns ------- exp_coeff List of exponential coefficients ode_coeff Optimal coefficients of the ODE involved in calculating the exponential coefficients. Other parameters ---------------- initial_guess An initial guess for determining the parameters of the ODE (if you don't know what this is about, don't bother). The array is 1D and has `n_exp` + 1 entries. If `None`, use ``numpy.ones(n_exp + 1)``. """ if initial_guess is None: initial_guess = np.ones(self.n_exp + 1) s = _ODESolver(self.n_exp, self.poly_order) # Map x to [-1, 1] x_min = np.min(x) x_range = np.ptp(x) x_mapped = 2 * (x - x_min) / x_range - 1 # Weights (trapezoidal) d_x = np.diff(x) w = np.zeros(len(x)) w[0] = d_x[0] w[1:-1] = d_x[1:] + d_x[:-1] w[-1] = d_x[-1] w /= x_range leg = legvander(x_mapped, self.n_exp - 1) def residual(coeffs): s.coefficients = coeffs # The following is the residual condition # \hat{y}_k = (k + 1 / 2) \sum_{i=1}^n w_i z_i P(t_i) rc = leg.T @ (w * y) rc *= np.arange(0.5, self.n_exp) # Solve the ODE in Legendre space # \sum_{k=0}^p a_k D^k \hat{y} = e_1 rhs = np.zeros(self.poly_order) rhs[0] = 1 sol_hat = s.solve(rc, rhs) # transform to real space sol = legval(x_mapped, sol_hat) return y - sol def jacobian(coeffs): s.coefficients = coeffs jac = np.zeros((len(x), self.n_exp + 1)) tan = s.tangent() for i in range(self.n_exp + 1): jac[:, i] = -legval(x_mapped, tan[:, i]) return jac ode_coeff = leastsq(residual, initial_guess, Dfun=jacobian)[0] exp_coeff = np.roots(ode_coeff[::-1]) * 2 / x_range return exp_coeff, ode_coeff
[docs] def fit(self, y: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, initial_guess: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> "ExpSumModelResult": r"""Perform the fit Determine the best parameters :math:`\alpha, \beta_k, \lambda_k`. Parameters ---------- y Function values corresponding to `x`. x Independent variable values Returns ------- Fit result. Other parameters ---------------- initial_guess An initial guess for determining the parameters of the ODE (if you don't know what this is about, don't bother). The array is 1D and has `n_exp` + 1 entries. If `None`, use ``numpy.ones(n_exp + 1)``. """ exp_coeff, ode_coeff = self._get_exp_coeffs(y, x, initial_guess) mat = np.exp(np.outer(x, np.hstack([0, exp_coeff]))) lsq = np.linalg.lstsq(mat, y, rcond=-1)[0] offset = lsq[0] mant_coeff = lsq[1:] return ExpSumModelResult(self, offset, mant_coeff, exp_coeff, ode_coeff)
# TODO: Use numpy ArrayLike typehint once it is available
[docs] @staticmethod def eval(x, offset, mant, exp): """Evaluate the sum of exponentials Parameters ---------- x Independent variable offset Additive parameter mant Mantissa coefficients exp Coefficients in the exponent Returns ------- Function values at x. """ return funcs.exp_sum(x, offset, mant, exp)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for :py:meth:`eval`""" return self.eval(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ExpSumModelResult: """Result of fitting a sum of exponential functions to data""" model: ExpSumModel """Model instance used for fitting""" offset: float r"""Additive parameter :math:`\alpha`""" mant: np.ndarray r"""Mantissa coefficients :math:`\beta_k`""" exp: np.ndarray r"""Mantissa coefficients :math:`\lambda_k`""" ode_coeff: np.ndarray """ODE coefficients (from the modified Prony's method)""" best_values: Dict[str, float] """Fit parameters in a lmfit-compatible way""" def __init__(self, model: ExpSumModel, offset: float, mant: np.ndarray, exp: np.ndarray, ode_coeff: np.ndarray): """Parameters ---------- model Model used for fitting x Independent variable offset Additive parameter mant Mantissa coefficients exp Coefficients in the exponent ode_coeff ODE coefficients (from the modified Prony's method) """ self.model = model self.offset = offset self.mant = mant self.exp = exp self.ode_coeff = ode_coeff self.best_values = { "offset": offset, **{"mant{}".format(i): m for i, m in enumerate(mant)}, **{"exp{}".format(i): m for i, m in enumerate(exp)} } # compatibility with lmfit # TODO: Use numpy ArrayLike typehint once it is available
[docs] def eval(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate the sum of exponentials with fitted parameters Parameters ---------- x Independent variable Returns ------- Function values at x. """ return funcs.exp_sum(x, self.offset, self.mant, self.exp)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for :py:meth:`eval`""" return self.eval(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ProbExpSumModel(ExpSumModel): r"""Fit a mixture of exponential distribution CDFs Determine the best parameters :math:`\alpha, \beta_k, \lambda_k` by fitting :math:`\alpha + \sum_{k=1}^p \beta_k \text{e}^{\lambda_k t}`. Additionally, there are the constraints :math:`\sum_{k=1}^p -\beta_k = 1` and :math:`\alpha = 1`. Notes ----- Since :math:`\sum_{i=1}^p -\beta_i = 1` and :math:`\alpha = 1`, assuming :math:`\lambda_k` already known (since they are gotten by fitting the coefficients of the ODE), there is only the constrained linear least squares problem .. math:: 1 + \sum_{k=1}^{p-1} \beta_k \text{e}^{\lambda_k t} + (-1 - \sum_{k=1}^{p-1} \beta_k) \text{e}^{\lambda_p t} = y left to solve. This is equivalent to .. math:: \sum_{k=1}^{p-1} \beta_k (\text{e}^{\lambda_k t} - \text{e}^{\lambda_p t}) = y - 1 + \text{e}^{\lambda_p t}, which yields :math:`\beta_1, …, \beta_{p-1}`. :math:`\beta_p` can then be determined from the constraint. """
[docs] def fit(self, y: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, initial_guess: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> "ExpSumModelResult": r"""Perform the fit Determine the best parameters :math:`\alpha, \beta_k, \lambda_k`. Parameters ---------- y Function values corresponding to `x`. x Independent variable values Returns ------- Fit result. Other parameters ---------------- initial_guess An initial guess for determining the parameters of the ODE (if you don't know what this is about, don't bother). The array is 1D and has `n_exp` + 1 entries. If `None`, use ``numpy.ones(n_exp + 1)``. """ offset = 1.0 # get exponent coefficients as usual exp_coeff, ode_coeff = self._get_exp_coeffs(y, x, initial_guess) if self.n_exp < 2: # for only one exponential, the mantissa coefficient is -1 mant_coeff = np.array([-1.0]) else: # Solve the equivalent linear lsq problem (see notes section of the # docstring). mat = np.exp(np.outer(x, exp_coeff[:-1])) restr = np.exp(x * exp_coeff[-1]) mat -= restr.reshape(-1, 1) lsq = np.linalg.lstsq(mat, y - 1 + restr, rcond=-1) lsq = lsq[0] # Also recover the last mantissa coefficient from the constraint mant_coeff = np.hstack((lsq, -1 - lsq.sum())) return ExpSumModelResult(self, offset, mant_coeff, exp_coeff, ode_coeff)