# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <lukas.schrangl@tuwien.ac.at>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
import numpy as np
[docs]class RANSAC:
"""Perform a fit to noisy data using RANSAC
Take a subset of the data, fit to the subset and compute the error of the
remaining datapoints. Repeat. Finally use the best fit.
model: Any
"""Fitting model instance"""
n_fit: int
"""Number of datapoints to use for fitting"""
n_iter: int
"""Number of fitting iterations"""
max_outliers: float
"""Maximum fraction of outliers for a fit not to be rejected"""
max_error: float
"""Maximum error between data and fit for a datapoint to be considered
an inlier
norm: int
"""p-norm to use for error calculation"""
independent_vars: Sequence[str]
"""Names of independent variables"""
random_state: np.random.RandomState
"""Used for randomly drawing the sample to fit in each iteration"""
initial_guess: Optional[Callable[[], np.ndarray]]
"""If given, this is called before fitting in each iteration and should
return an initial guess for fitting values.
def __init__(self, model: Any, max_error: float, n_fit: int,
n_iter: int = 1000, max_outliers: float = 0.5, norm: int = 2,
random_state: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None,
initial_guess: Optional[Callable[[], np.ndarray]] = None,
independent_vars: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None):
Fitting model instance. Needs to have a ``fit`` method whose first
argument are the dependent variable values, which can take the
independent variable values via a keyword argument and which
returns a variable featuring an ``eval`` method taking the
independent variable values as a keyword argument and returning the
corresponding dependent values according to the fit. `lmfit` models
are an example for this.
Maximum error between data and fit for a datapoint to be considered
an inlier.
Number of datapoints to use for fitting.
Number of fitting iterations.
Maximum fraction of outliers for a fit not to be rejected.
Which (p-) norm to use for error calculation.
Used for randomly drawing the sample to fit in each iteration.
If given, this is called before fitting in each iteration. The
result is passed as the ``param`` keyword argument to the model's
``fit`` method. E.g., if using an `lmfit` model, the ``guess``
method can be used.
Names of independent variables. If not given, it will try to use
the ``indepenent_vars`` attribute of the model if present (e.g.,
for `lmfit` models) and fall back to ``["x"]`` otherwise.
self.model = model
self.n_fit = n_fit
self.n_iter = n_iter
self.max_outliers = max_outliers
self.max_error = max_error
self.norm = norm
if independent_vars is None:
self.independent_vars = getattr(model, "independent_vars", ["x"])
self.independent_vars = independent_vars
self.random_state = (np.random.RandomState() if random_state is None
else random_state)
self.initial_guess = initial_guess
def _indep_vars_subset(self, idx: np.ndarray,
arg_dict: Dict[str, np.ndarray]
) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
"""Get a subset of the independent variables' arrays
Index array specifying subset.
Maps variable name to value
For each entry in :py:attr:`independent_vars`, return the subset
of values specified by ``idx``.
ret = arg_dict.copy()
for v in self.independent_vars:
ret[v] = ret[v][idx]
return ret
[docs] def fit(self, data: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> Tuple[Any, np.ndarray]:
"""Perform fitting
Dependent variable values
Other parameters, including independent variable values. This is
passed to :py:meth:`model.fit`.
The return value of :py:meth:`model.fit` which produced the best
Indices of inliers of the best fit.
No fit produced at most :py:attr:`max_outliers` outliers.
if not 0 <= self.max_outliers <= 1:
raise ValueError("`max_outliers needs to be with 0 and 1")
max_error_norm = self.max_error**self.norm
best_fit = None
best_idx = None
best_err = np.inf
for n in range(self.n_iter):
idx = self.random_state.permutation(len(data))
fit_idx = idx[:self.n_fit]
test_idx = idx[self.n_fit:]
fit_data = data[fit_idx]
fit_args = self._indep_vars_subset(fit_idx, kwargs)
if callable(self.initial_guess):
guess = self.initial_guess(fit_data, **fit_args)
fit_args["params"] = guess
fit_res = self.model.fit(fit_data, **fit_args)
test_res = fit_res.eval(
**self._indep_vars_subset(test_idx, kwargs))
test_err = np.abs(data[test_idx] - test_res)
if data.ndim > 1:
# Only calculate p-norm if there is more than one dimension
test_err = np.sum(test_err**self.norm, axis=1)
# Use self.max_error**self.norm as upper bound for test_error
error_bound = max_error_norm
# As test_err has not been taken to the power of self.norm,
# don't use self.max_error**self.norm as upper bound
error_bound = self.max_error
good_test_idx = test_idx[test_err <= error_bound]
if len(good_test_idx) < (1 - self.max_outliers) * len(test_idx):
# Bad model
refine_idx = np.concatenate([fit_idx, good_test_idx])
refine_data = data[refine_idx]
refine_args = self._indep_vars_subset(refine_idx, kwargs)
if callable(self.initial_guess):
guess = self.initial_guess(refine_data, **refine_args)
refine_args["params"] = guess
refined_fit_res = self.model.fit(refine_data, **refine_args)
refined_err = np.mean(
np.abs(refine_data - refined_fit_res.eval(**refine_args)))
if refined_err < best_err:
best_fit = refined_fit_res
best_idx = refine_idx
best_err = refined_err
if best_fit is None:
raise RuntimeError("No appropriate model found.")
return best_fit, np.sort(best_idx)