Source code for sdt.roi.mask_roi

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

from contextlib import suppress
import math
from typing import Dict

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .. import config
from ..helper import pipeline

[docs]class MaskROI: """Region of interest defined by a boolean mask array This class represents a region of interest that is described by an array of boolean values It can crop images or restrict data (such as feature localization data) to a specified region. This works only for single channel (i. e. grayscale) images. """ yaml_tag = "!MaskROI" def __init__(self, mask, mask_origin=(0, 0), pixel_size=1.): """Parameters ---------- mask : numpy.ndarray, dtype(bool) Set the :py:attr:`mask` attribute. mask_origin : tuple of float, optional Set the :py:attr:`mask_origin` attribute. Defaults to (0, 0). pixel_size : float, optional Set the :py:attr:`pixel_size` attribute. Defaults to 1. """ self.mask = mask """Boolean mask array where each `True` entry represents a pixel with data to be accepted and each `False` entry represents a pixel with data to be rejected. """ self.mask_origin = mask_origin """Tuple of coordinates of the origin of the mask. This shifts the mask with respect to the data it is applied to using :py:meth:`__call__`. These are real coordinates, not array indices (whose order would be inverted and scaled by :py:attr:`pixel_size`). """ self.pixel_size = pixel_size """Size of a pixel. Used to scale the coordinates in DataFrames correctly. """
[docs] @config.set_columns def dataframe_mask(self, data: pd.DataFrame, columns: Dict = {} ) -> np.ndarray: """Get boolean array describing whether localizations lie within mask Parameters ---------- data Localization data Returns ------- Boolean array, one entry per line in `data`, which is `True` if the localization lies within the image mask, `False` otherwise. Other parameters ---------------- columns Override default column names as defined in :py:attr:`config.columns`. The only relevant name is `coords`. This means, if your DataFrame has coordinate columns "x" and "z", set ``columns={"coords": ["x", "z"]}``. """ pos = data.loc[:, columns["coords"]].values pos = pos - self.mask_origin if not math.isclose(self.pixel_size, 1.0): pos /= self.pixel_size pos = np.round(pos).astype(int) data_mask = np.ones(len(pos), dtype=bool) for p, bd in zip(pos.T, self.mask.shape[::-1]): # Find localizations that are with the bounds of the mask data_mask &= p >= 0 data_mask &= p < bd # Of the localizations that are in bounds, select only those where # the mask is `True` pos_in_bounds = tuple(p for p in pos[data_mask, ::-1].T) data_mask[data_mask] = self.mask[pos_in_bounds] return data_mask
[docs] @config.set_columns def __call__(self, data, rel_origin=True, fill_value=0, invert=False, columns={}): """Restrict data to the region of interest. If the input is localization data, it is filtered depending on whether the coordinates are within the path. If it is image data, all pixels for which the mask evaluates to `False` are set to `fill_value`. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame or pims.FramesSequence or array-like Data to be processed. If a pandas.Dataframe, select only those lines with coordinate values within the ROI path (+ buffer). Otherwise, :py:class:`pipeline` is used to crop image data to the bounding rectangle of the path and set all pixels not within the path to `fill_value` rel_origin : bool, optional If True, :py:attr:`mask_origin` will be subtracted off all feature coordinates, i. e. :py:attr:`mask_origin` will be the new origin. Only used if `invert` is False. Defaults to True. fill_value : number or callable, optional Fill value for pixels that are not contained in the mask. If callable, it should take the array of pixels within the mask as its argument and return a scalar that is used as the fill value. Not applicable for single molecule data. Defaults to 0. invert : bool, optional If True, only datapoints/pixels outside the mask are selected. Defaults to `False`. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame or helper.Slicerator or numpy.array Data restricted to the ROI represented by this class. Other parameters ---------------- columns : dict, optional Override default column names as defined in :py:attr:`config.columns`. The only relevant name is `coords`. This means, if your DataFrame has coordinate columns "x" and "z", set ``columns={"coords": ["x", "z"]}``. """ if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): data_mask = self.dataframe_mask(data, columns) if invert: data_mask = ~data_mask good = data[data_mask].copy() if rel_origin and not invert: good[columns["coords"]] -= self.mask_origin return good else: @pipeline def set_fv(img): nz = np.nonzero(self.mask) # Use only indices that are in bounds of `data` bounds_mask = np.ones(len(nz[0]), dtype=bool) for n, o, s in zip(nz, self.mask_origin[::-1], img.shape): # Add scaled origin coordinates n += np.round(o / self.pixel_size).astype(int) # Check bounds bounds_mask &= n >= 0 bounds_mask &= n < s nz = tuple(n[bounds_mask] for n in nz) if invert: if callable(fill_value): # There is probably no way around inverting the # index array m = np.ones_like(img, dtype=bool) m[nz] = False fv = fill_value(img[m]) else: fv = fill_value ret = img.copy() ret[nz] = fv else: img_sel = img[nz] fv = (fill_value(img_sel) if callable(fill_value) else fill_value) ret = np.full_like(img, fv) ret[nz] = img_sel return ret return set_fv(data)
[docs] @config.set_columns def reset_origin(self, data, columns={}): """Reset coordinates to the original coordinate system This undoes the effect of the `reset_origin` parameter to :py:meth:`__call__`. The coordinates of the top-left ROI corner are added to the feature coordinates in `data`. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Localization data, modified in place. Other parameters ---------------- columns : dict, optional Override default column names as defined in :py:attr:`config.columns`. The only relevant name is `coords`. This means, if your DataFrame has coordinate columns "x" and "z", set ``columns={"coords": ["x", "z"]}``. """ data[columns["coords"]] += self.mask_origin
[docs] @classmethod def to_yaml(cls, dumper, data): """Dump as YAML Pass this as the `representer` parameter to :py:meth:`yaml.Dumper.add_representer` """ m = (("mask", data.mask.astype(int)), # int gives nicer representation ("mask_origin", list(data.mask_origin)), ("pixel_size", data.pixel_size)) return dumper.represent_mapping(cls.yaml_tag, m)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, loader, node): """Construct from YAML Pass this as the `constructor` parameter to :py:meth:`yaml.Loader.add_constructor` """ m = loader.construct_mapping(node) return cls(m["mask"].astype(bool), m["mask_origin"], m["pixel_size"])
@property def area(self): """Area of `True` pixels in the mask""" return np.count_nonzero(self.mask) * self.pixel_size**self.mask.ndim def __eq__(self, other): if self.__class__ is not other.__class__: return False return (np.allclose(self.mask, other.mask) and np.allclose(self.mask_origin, other.mask_origin) and math.isclose(self.pixel_size, other.pixel_size))
with suppress(ImportError): from import yaml yaml.register_yaml_class(MaskROI)