Source code for sdt.roi.roi

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

"""Classes for dealing with regions of interest in microscopy data"""
from contextlib import suppress
import math
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl

from .. import spatial, config
from ..helper import pipeline
from .mask_roi import MaskROI

[docs]class ROI(object): """Rectangular region of interest in a picture This class represents a rectangular region of interest. It can crop images or restrict data (such as feature localization data) to a specified region. At the moment, this works only for single channel (i. e. grayscale) images. Examples -------- Let `f` be a numpy array representing an image. >>> f.shape (128, 128) >>> r = ROI((0, 0), (64, 64)) >>> f2 = r(f) >>> f2.shape (64, 64) """ yaml_tag = "!ROI" def __init__(self, top_left, bottom_right=None, size=None): """Parameters ---------- top_left : tuple of int Coordinates of the top-left corner. Pixels with coordinates greater or equal than these are excluded from the ROI. bottom_right : tuple of int or None, optional Coordinates of the bottom-right corner. Pixels with coordinates greater or equal than these are excluded from the ROI. Either this or `size` need to specified. size : tuple of int or None, optional Size of the ROI. Specifying `size` is equivalent to ``bottom_right=[t+s for t, s in zip(top_left, shape)]``. Either this or `bottom_right` need to specified. """ self.top_left = top_left """x and y coordinates of the top-left corner. Data with coordinates greater or equal than these are excluded from the ROI. """ self.bottom_right = None """x and y coordinates of the bottom-right corner. Data with coordinates greater or equal than these are excluded from the ROI. """ if bottom_right is not None: self.bottom_right = bottom_right else: self.bottom_right = tuple(t + s for t, s in zip(top_left, size)) @property def size(self): return tuple(b - t for t, b in zip(self.top_left, self.bottom_right)) @property def area(self): return
[docs] @config.set_columns def dataframe_mask(self, data: pd.DataFrame, columns: Dict = {} ) -> np.ndarray: """Get boolean array describing whether localizations lie within ROI Parameters ---------- data Localization data Returns ------- Boolean array, one entry per line in `data`, which is `True` if the localization lies within the ROI, `False` otherwise. Other parameters ---------------- columns Override default column names as defined in :py:attr:`config.columns`. The only relevant name is `coords`. This means, if your DataFrame has coordinate columns "x" and "z", set ``columns={"coords": ["x", "z"]}``. """ mask = np.ones(len(data), dtype=bool) for p, t, b in zip(columns["coords"], self.top_left, self.bottom_right): d = data[p].to_numpy() mask &= d > t mask &= d < b return mask
[docs] @config.set_columns def __call__(self, data, rel_origin=True, invert=False, columns={}): """Restrict data to the region of interest. If the input is localization data, it is filtered depending on whether the coordinates are within the rectangle. If it is image data, it is cropped to the rectangle. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame or pims.FramesSequence or array-like Data to be processed. If a pandas.Dataframe, select only those lines with coordinate values within the ROI. Crop the image. rel_origin : bool, optional If True, the top-left corner coordinates will be subtracted off all feature coordinates, i. e. the top-left corner of the ROI will be the new origin. Only valid if `invert` is False. Defaults to True. invert : bool, optional If True, only datapoints outside the ROI are selected. Works only if `data` is a :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`. Defaults to `False`. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame or slicerator.Slicerator or numpy.array Data restricted to the ROI represented by this class. Other parameters ---------------- columns : dict, optional Override default column names as defined in :py:attr:`config.columns`. The only relevant name is `coords`. This means, if your DataFrame has coordinate columns "x" and "z", set ``columns={"coords": ["x", "z"]}``. """ if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): mask = self.dataframe_mask(data, columns) if invert: roi_data = data[~mask].copy() else: roi_data = data[mask].copy() if rel_origin and not invert: roi_data[columns["coords"]] -= self.top_left return roi_data else: sl = tuple(slice(t, b) for t, b in zip(self.top_left[::-1], self.bottom_right[::-1])) @pipeline def crop(img): return img[sl] return crop(data)
[docs] @config.set_columns def reset_origin(self, data, columns={}): """Reset coordinates to the original coordinate system This undoes the effect of the `reset_origin` parameter to :py:meth:`__call__`. The coordinates of the top-left ROI corner are added to the feature coordinates in `data`. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Localization data, modified in place. Other parameters ---------------- columns : dict, optional Override default column names as defined in :py:attr:`config.columns`. The only relevant name is `coords`. This means, if your DataFrame has coordinate columns "x" and "z", set ``columns={"coords": ["x", "z"]}``. """ data[columns["coords"]] += self.top_left
[docs] @classmethod def to_yaml(cls, dumper, data): """Dump as YAML Pass this as the `representer` parameter to :py:meth:`yaml.Dumper.add_representer` """ m = (("top_left", list(data.top_left)), ("bottom_right", list(data.bottom_right))) return dumper.represent_mapping(cls.yaml_tag, m)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, loader, node): """Construct from YAML Pass this as the `constructor` parameter to :py:meth:`yaml.Loader.add_constructor` """ m = loader.construct_mapping(node) return cls(m["top_left"], m["bottom_right"])
def __repr__(self): return "ROI(top_left={}, bottom_right={}, size={})".format( self.top_left, self.bottom_right, self.size) def __eq__(self, other): if self.__class__ is not other.__class__: return False return (self.top_left == other.top_left and self.bottom_right == other.bottom_right)
[docs]class PathROI(object): """Region of interest in a picture determined by a path This class represents a region of interest that is described by a path. It uses :py:class:`matplotlib.path.Path` to this end. It can crop images or restrict data (such as feature localization data) to a specified region. This works only for paths that do not intersect themselves and for single channel (i. e. grayscale) images. """ yaml_tag = "!PathROI" def __init__(self, path, buffer=0., no_image=False): """Parameters ---------- path : list of vertices or matplotlib.path.Path Description of the path. Either a list of vertices that will be used to construct a :py:class:`matplotlib.path.Path` or a :py:class:`matplotlib.path.Path` instance that will be copied. buffer : float, optional Add extra space around the path. This, however, does not affect the size of the cropped image, which is just the size of the bounding box of the :py:attr:`path`, without `buffer`. Defaults to 0. no_image : bool, optional If True, don't compute the image mask (which is quite time consuming). This implies that this instance only works for DataFrames. Defaults to False. """ self.path = None """:py:class:`matplotlib.path.Path` outlining the region of interest. Do not modifiy. """ if isinstance(path, mpl.path.Path): self.path = mpl.path.Path(path.vertices, else: if len(path) and np.allclose(path[0], path[-1]): vert = path else: vert = np.empty((len(path) + 1, 2)) vert[:-1, :] = path vert[-1, :] = path[0] self.path = mpl.path.Path(vert, closed=True) self.buffer = buffer """Float giving the width of extra space around the path. Does not affect the size of the image, which is just the size of the bounding box of the :py:attr:`path`, without :py:attr:`buffer`. Do not modify. """ # calculate bounding box self.bounding_box = self.path.get_extents().get_points() """numpy.ndarray, shape(2, 2), dtype(float) describing the bounding box of the path, enlarged by :py:attr:`buffer` on each side. """ self.bounding_box += np.array([-buffer, buffer]).reshape((2, 1)) self.bounding_box_int = np.array( [np.floor(self.bounding_box[0]), np.ceil(self.bounding_box[1])], dtype=int) """Smallest integer bounding box containing :py:attr:`bounding_box`""" self.area = spatial.polygon_area(self.path.vertices) # If the path is clockwise, the `radius` argument to # Path.contains_points needs to be negative to enlarge the ROI self.buffer_sign = -1 if self.area < 0 else 1 # Now that we know the sign, make the area positive self.area = abs(self.area) """Area of the ROI (without :py:attr:`buffer`)""" self.image_mask = None """Boolean pixel array; rasterized :py:attr:`path` or None if ``no_image=True`` was passed to the constructor. """ if no_image: self.image_mask = None return # Draw ROI path, but only in the bounding box of the polygon, for # performance reasons mask_shape = self.bounding_box_int[1] - self.bounding_box_int[0] mask_shape = mask_shape[::-1] # Move polygon to the top left, subtract another half pixel so that # coordinates are pixel centers trans = mpl.transforms.Affine2D().translate( *(-self.bounding_box_int[0] - 0.5)) # Checking a lot of points if they are inside the polygon, # this is rather slow idx = np.indices(mask_shape).reshape((2, -1))[::-1] # Using 2 * buffer seems to give the expected result (enlarge the # path by about `buffer` units) self.image_mask = self.path.contains_points( idx.T, trans, 2 * self.buffer_sign * self.buffer) self.image_mask = self.image_mask.reshape(mask_shape)
[docs] @config.set_columns def dataframe_mask(self, data: pd.DataFrame, columns: Dict = {} ) -> np.ndarray: """Get boolean array describing whether localizations lie within ROI Parameters ---------- data Localization data Returns ------- Boolean array, one entry per line in `data`, which is `True` if the localization lies within the ROI, `False` otherwise. Other parameters ---------------- columns Override default column names as defined in :py:attr:`config.columns`. The only relevant name is `coords`. This means, if your DataFrame has coordinate columns "x" and "z", set ``columns={"coords": ["x", "z"]}``. """ if not len(data): return np.zeros(0, dtype=bool) pos = data[columns["coords"]].to_numpy() # Using 2 * buffer seems to give the expected result (enlarge the # path by about `buffer` units) roi_mask = self.path.contains_points( pos, radius=2*self.buffer_sign*self.buffer) # If buffer > 0, the path + buffer can be larger than the # bounding rect. Restrict localizations to bounding rect so that # results are consistent with image data. roi_mask &= np.all(pos >= self.bounding_box_int[0], axis=1) roi_mask &= np.all(pos < self.bounding_box_int[1], axis=1) return roi_mask
[docs] @config.set_columns def __call__(self, data, rel_origin=True, fill_value=0, invert=False, crop=True, columns={}): """Restrict data to the region of interest. If the input is localization data, it is filtered depending on whether the coordinates are within the path. If it is image data, it is cropped to the bounding rectangle of the path and all pixels not contained in the path are set to `fill_value`. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame or pims.FramesSequence or array-like Data to be processed. If a pandas.Dataframe, select only those lines with coordinate values within the ROI path (+ buffer). Otherwise, `slicerator.pipeline` is used to crop image data to the bounding rectangle of the path and set all pixels not within the path to `fill_value` rel_origin : bool, optional If True, the top-left corner coordinates of the path's bounding rectangle will be subtracted off all feature coordinates, i. e. the top-left corner will be the new origin. If a coordinate of the bounding rectangle is negative, 0 will be used as the origin instead. This is necessary to ensure that localization data to which the ROI is applied is consistent with image data to which the ROI is applied. Only valid if `invert` is False. Defaults to `True`. fill_value : number or callable, optional Fill value for pixels that are not contained in the path. If callable, it should take the array of pixels within the mask as its argument and return a scalar that is used as the fill value. Not applicable for single molecule data. Defaults to 0. invert : bool, optional If True, only datapoints/pixels outside the path are selected. Defaults to `False`. crop : bool, optional If True, crop image data to the (integer) bounding box of the path. Defaults to True. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame or slicerator.Slicerator or numpy.array Data restricted to the ROI represented by this class. Other parameters ---------------- columns : dict, optional Override default column names as defined in :py:attr:`config.columns`. The only relevant name is `coords`. This means, if your DataFrame has coordinate columns "x" and "z", set ``columns={"coords": ["x", "z"]}``. """ if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): roi_mask = self.dataframe_mask(data, columns) if invert: roi_data = data[~roi_mask].copy() else: roi_data = data[roi_mask].copy() if rel_origin and not invert: roi_data.loc[:, columns["coords"]] -= \ np.maximum(self.bounding_box_int[0], 0) return roi_data else: if self.image_mask is None: raise ValueError("Cannot crop image since no image mask " "was created during construction.") mask_roi = MaskROI(self.image_mask, self.bounding_box_int[0]) masked = mask_roi(data, fill_value=fill_value, invert=invert) if crop: tl = np.max([self.bounding_box_int[0], [0, 0]], axis=0) br = self.bounding_box_int[1] crop_roi = ROI(tl, br) return crop_roi(masked) else: return masked
[docs] @config.set_columns def reset_origin(self, data, columns={}): """Reset coordinates to the original coordinate system This undoes the effect of the `reset_origin` parameter to :py:meth:`__call__`. The coordinates of the top-left ROI corner are added to the feature coordinates in `data`. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Localization data, modified in place. Other parameters ---------------- columns : dict, optional Override default column names as defined in :py:attr:`config.columns`. The only relevant name is `coords`. This means, if your DataFrame has coordinate columns "x" and "z", set ``columns={"coords": ["x", "z"]}``. """ data[columns["coords"]] += np.maximum(self.bounding_box_int[0], 0)
[docs] def transform(self, trafo: Union[mpl.transforms.Transform, np.ndarray, None] = None, linear: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, trans: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> "PathROI": """Create a new PathROI instance with a transformed path Parameters ---------- trafo Full transform. If given as a an array, it has to have the form .. code-block:: text a c e b d f 0 0 1, where a, b, c, d give the linear part of the transform (see `linear` below) and e, f give the translation part (see `trans` below). linear Linear part (rotation, scaling, shear) of the transform, a 2x2 matrix. Only used if `trafo` is not given. trans Translation, 1D array of length 2. Only used if `trafo` is not given. Returns ------- ROI with transformed path and same :py:attr:`buffer`. The image mask is only created if this instance has an image mask. """ if trafo is not None: if isinstance(trafo, np.ndarray): t = mpl.transforms.Affine2D(trafo) else: # Assume it is already a Transform object t = trafo else: trafo = np.eye(3) if linear is not None: trafo[:2, :2] = linear if trans is not None: trafo[:2, 2] = trans t = mpl.transforms.Affine2D(trafo) return PathROI(self.path.transformed(t), self.buffer, self.image_mask is None)
[docs] @classmethod def to_yaml(cls, dumper, data): """Dump as YAML Pass this as the `representer` parameter to :py:meth:`yaml.Dumper.add_representer` """ vert = data.path.vertices.tolist() cod = None if is None else m = (("vertices", vert), ("vertex codes", cod), ("buffer", data.buffer)) return dumper.represent_mapping(cls.yaml_tag, m)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, loader, node): """Construct from YAML Pass this as the `constructor` parameter to :py:meth:`yaml.Loader.add_constructor` """ m = loader.construct_mapping(node, deep=True) vert = m["vertices"] codes = m.get("vertex codes", None) buf = m.get("buffer", 0) path = mpl.path.Path(vert, codes) return cls(path, buf)
def __repr__(self): return "PathROI(<{} vertices>)".format(len(self.path.vertices)) def __eq__(self, other): if self.__class__ is not other.__class__: return False return (np.allclose(self.path.vertices, other.path.vertices) and np.array_equal(, and math.isclose(self.buffer, other.buffer))
[docs]class RectangleROI(PathROI): """Rectangular region of interest in a picture This differs from :py:class:`ROI` in that it is derived from :py:class:`PathROI` and thus allows for float coordinates. Also, the :py:attr:`path` can easily be transformed using :py:class:`matplotlib.transforms`. """ yaml_tag = "!RectangleROI" def __init__(self, top_left, bottom_right=None, size=None, buffer=0., no_image=False): """Parameters ---------- top_left : tuple of float x and y coordinates of the top-left corner. bottom_right : tuple of float or None, optional x and y coordinates of the bottom-right corner. Either this or `shape` need to specified. size : tuple of float or None, optional Size of the ROI. Specifying `size` is equivalent to ``bottom_right=[t+s for t, s in zip(top_left, shape)]``. Either this or `bottom_right` need to specified. buffer, no_image see :py:class:`PathROI`. """ if bottom_right is None: bottom_right = tuple(t + s for t, s in zip(top_left, size)) path = mpl.path.Path.unit_rectangle() trafo = mpl.transforms.Affine2D().scale(bottom_right[0]-top_left[0], bottom_right[1]-top_left[1]) trafo.translate(*top_left) super().__init__(trafo.transform_path(path), buffer, no_image) self.top_left = top_left """x and y coordinates of the top-left corner.""" self.bottom_right = bottom_right """x and y coordinates of the bottom-right corner.""" @classmethod def to_yaml(cls, dumper, data): """Dump as YAML Pass this as the `representer` parameter to :py:meth:`yaml.Dumper.add_representer` """ m = (("top_left", list(data.top_left)), ("bottom_right", list(data.bottom_right)), ("buffer", data.buffer)) return dumper.represent_mapping(cls.yaml_tag, m) @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, loader, node): """Construct from YAML Pass this as the `constructor` parameter to :py:meth:`yaml.Loader.add_constructor` """ m = loader.construct_mapping(node, deep=True) buf = m.get("buffer", 0) return cls(m["top_left"], m["bottom_right"], buf) def __repr__(self): return "RectangleROI(top_left={}, bottom_right={})".format( self.top_left, self.bottom_right)
[docs]class EllipseROI(PathROI): """Elliptical region of interest in a picture Subclass of :py:class:`PathROI`. """ yaml_tag = "!EllipseROI" def __init__(self, center, axes, angle=0., buffer=0., no_image=False): """Parameters ---------- center : tuple of float axes : tuple of float Lengths of first and second axis. angle : float, optional Angle of rotation (counterclockwise, in radian). Defaults to 0. buffer, no_image see :py:class:`PathROI`. """ path = mpl.path.Path.unit_circle() trafo = mpl.transforms.Affine2D().scale(*axes).rotate(angle) trafo.translate(*center) super().__init__(trafo.transform_path(path), buffer, no_image) = center """x and y coordinates of the ellipse center.""" self.axes = axes """Lengths of first and second half-axis.""" self.angle = angle """Angle of rotation (counterclockwise, in radians).""" self.area = self.axes[0] * self.axes[1] * np.pi @classmethod def to_yaml(cls, dumper, data): """Dump as YAML Pass this as the `representer` parameter to :py:meth:`yaml.Dumper.add_representer` """ m = (("center", list(, ("axes", list(data.axes)), ("angle", data.angle), ("buffer", data.buffer)) return dumper.represent_mapping(cls.yaml_tag, m) @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, loader, node): """Construct from YAML Pass this as the `constructor` parameter to :py:meth:`yaml.Loader.add_constructor` """ m = loader.construct_mapping(node, deep=True) buf = m.get("buffer", 0) angle = m.get("angle", 0) return cls(m["center"], m["axes"], angle, buf) def __repr__(self): return "EllipseROI(center={}, axes={}, angle={})".format(, self.axes, self.angle)
with suppress(ImportError): from import yaml yaml.register_yaml_class(ROI) yaml.register_yaml_class(PathROI) yaml.register_yaml_class(RectangleROI) yaml.register_yaml_class(EllipseROI)