Source code for sdt.sim.fluo_image

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

"""Simulation of fluorescence microscopy images"""
import numpy as np

from ..helper.numba import jit

[docs]def simulate_gauss(shape, centers, amplitudes, sigmas, cutoff=5., mass=False, engine="numba"): """Simulate an image from multiple Gaussian PSFs Given a list of coordinates, amplitudes and sigmas, simulate a fluorescent image. This is a frontend to the lower level functions :py:func:`gauss_psf_numba`, :py:func:`gauss_psf`, and :py:func:`gauss_psf_full`. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of int, len=2 Shape of the output image. First entry is the width, second is the height. centers : numpy.ndarray, shape=(n, 2) Coordinates of the PSF centers amplitudes : array_like Amplitudes of the PSFs. Either a scalar that is used for all Gaussians or an 1D array specifying the amplitude for each Gaussian. See also the `mass` parameter. sigmas : array_like If it is one number, this will be used as sigma for all Gaussians. An array of two numbers will be interpreted as sigmas in x and y directions for all Gaussians. A one-dimensional array of length n can be used to specify sigma for each Gaussian, and a 2D array of shape (n, 2) gives sigmas in x and y directions for each Gaussian. cutoff : float, optional Each Gaussian is only calculated in a box `cutoff` times sigma pixels around the center. Does not apply if `engine` is "python_full". Defaults to 5. mass : bool, optional If True, the value(s) given by `amplitude` are the integrated Gaussians. If False, they are amplitudes. Defaults to False. engine : {"numba", "python", "python_full"}, optional "numba" is a :py:mod:`numba`-optimized version, which is by far the fastest. "python" is written in pure python. "python_full" is also pure python and calculates each Gaussian for the whole image (not only in a region around the center, where it is significant), which makes it the slowest. Defaults to "numba". Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Simulated image. """ centers = np.asarray(centers) amplitudes = np.broadcast_to(amplitudes, len(centers)) sigmas = np.asarray(sigmas) if sigmas.ndim == 1 and sigmas.size != 2: sigmas = np.broadcast_to(sigmas[:, np.newaxis], centers.shape) else: sigmas = np.broadcast_to(sigmas, centers.shape) if mass: amplitudes = amplitudes / (2 * np.pi * np.product(sigmas, axis=1)) if engine == "numba": # There have been weird problems in unittest if `sigmas` was not # copied, which were only preset if JIT was turned on… # To be on the save side, also make a copy of `amplitudes`, which is # also broadcast. return gauss_psf_numba(np.asarray(shape), np.asarray(centers), np.array(amplitudes), np.array(sigmas), cutoff) if engine == "python": return gauss_psf(shape, centers, amplitudes, sigmas, cutoff) if engine == "python_full": return gauss_psf_full(shape, centers, amplitudes, sigmas) raise ValueError("Unknown engine: " + engine)
[docs]def gauss_psf_full(shape, centers, amplitudes, sigmas): """Simulate an image from multiple Gaussian PSFs Given a list of coordinates, amplitudes and sigmas, simulate a fluorescent image. For each emitter, the Gaussian is calculated over the whole image area, which makes this very slow (since calculating exponentials is quite time consuming.) Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of int, len=2 Shape of the output image. First entry is the width, second is the height. centers : numpy.ndarray, shape=(n, 2) Coordinates of the PSF centers amplitudes : list of float, len=n Amplitudes of the Gaussians sigmas : numpy.ndarray, shape(n, 2) x and y sigmas of the Gaussians Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Simulated image. """ arr_shape = shape[::-1] y, x = np.indices(arr_shape) sigmas = np.broadcast_to(sigmas, centers.shape) result = np.zeros(arr_shape) for (xc, yc), ampl, (sx, sy) in zip(centers, amplitudes, sigmas): # np.exp is by far the most time consuming operation, therefore we # can have this loop here. Doing broadcasting stuff easily runs out # of memory for lots of emitters arg = -((x - xc)**2/(2*sx**2) + (y - yc)**2/(2*sy**2)) result += ampl * np.exp(arg) return result
[docs]def gauss_psf(shape, centers, amplitudes, sigmas, cutoff): """Simulate an image from multiple Gaussian PSFs Given a list of coordinates, amplitudes and sigmas, simulate a fluorescent image. For each emitter, the Gaussian is calculated only in a square of 2*`roi_size`+1 pixels width, which can make it considerably faster than :py:func:`gauss_psf_full`. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of int, len=2 Shape of the output image. First entry is the width, second is the height. centers : numpy.ndarray, shape=(n, 2) Coordinates of the PSF centers amplitudes : list of float, len=n Amplitudes of the Gaussians sigmas : numpy.ndarray, shape(n, 2) x and y sigmas of the Gaussians cutoff : float Each Gaussian is only calculated in a box `cutoff` times sigma pixels around the center. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Simulated image. """ x_size, y_size = shape roi_sizes = np.round(cutoff*sigmas).astype(int) result = np.zeros(shape[::-1]) for (xc, yc), ampl, (sx, sy), (rx, ry) in zip(centers, amplitudes, sigmas, roi_sizes): xc_int = int(round(xc)) yc_int = int(round(yc)) x_roi = np.arange(max(xc_int - rx, 0), min(xc_int + rx + 1, x_size)) x_roi = np.reshape(x_roi, (1, -1)) y_roi = np.arange(max(yc_int - ry, 0), min(yc_int + ry + 1, y_size)) y_roi = np.reshape(y_roi, (-1, 1)) arg = -((x_roi - xc)**2/(2*sx**2) + (y_roi - yc)**2/(2*sy**2)) result[y_roi, x_roi] += ampl*np.exp(arg) return result
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, cache=True) def gauss_psf_numba(shape, centers, amplitudes, sigmas, cutoff): """Simulate an image from multiple Gaussian PSFs Given a list of coordinates, amplitudes and sigmas, simulate a fluorescent image. For each emitter, the Gaussian is calculated only in a square of 2*`roi_size`+1 pixels width. Also, the :py:mod:`numba` package is used, which can make it considerably faster than :py:func:`gauss_psf_full` and :py:func:`gauss_psf`. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of int, len=2 Shape of the output image. First entry is the width, second is the height. centers : numpy.ndarray, shape=(n, 2) Coordinates of the PSF centers amplitudes : list of float, len=n Amplitudes of the Gaussians sigmas : numpy.ndarray, shape(n, 2) x and y sigmas of the Gaussians cutoff : float Each Gaussian is only calculated in a box `cutoff` times sigma pixels around the center. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Simulated image. """ x_size, y_size = shape result = np.zeros((y_size, x_size)) for i in range(len(centers)): sx, sy = sigmas[i] ampl = amplitudes[i] xc, yc = centers[i] rx = int(round(sx*cutoff)) ry = int(round(sy*cutoff)) xc_int = int(round(xc)) yc_int = int(round(yc)) x_roi = np.arange(max(xc_int - rx, 0), min(xc_int + rx + 1, x_size)) y_roi = np.arange(max(yc_int - ry, 0), min(yc_int + ry + 1, y_size)) for x in x_roi: for y in y_roi: arg = -((x - xc)**2/(2*sx**2) + (y - yc)**2/(2*sy**2)) result[y, x] += ampl * np.exp(arg) return result