Source code for sdt.sim.sm_tracks

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Lukas Schrangl <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

"""Simulate single-molecule tracks"""
import itertools
from typing import Callable, Literal, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing
import pandas as pd

from .. import config

def brownian_tracks(n_tracks: int, track_len: int, diff_coeff: float,
                    size: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None,
                    initial: Optional[np.typing.ArrayLike] = None,
                    eps: float = 0.0, lagt: float = 1.0,
                    track_len_dist: Union[Literal["const", "exp"],
                                          Callable[[int, int],
                                                   np.ndarray]] = "const",
                    random_state: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None,
                    columns: Mapping = {}) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Simulate particles undergoing Brownian motion

        Number of tracks to simulate
        Average track length (see also `track_len_dist` parameter )
        Diffusion coefficient
        Size of the region where to simulate particles. If `initial` is `None`,
        this is used to randomly distribute the `n_tracks` particles.
        Initial positions of the particles. If `None`, the particles will be
        placed randomly; in that case, `size` needs to be given.
        Positional uncertainty.
        Time between two recorded positions.
        Track length distribution. If "const", all tracks will be of length
        `track_len`. If "exp", track lengths will be exponentially distributed
        with mean `track_len`. A callable has to take two arguments
        (`n_tracks`, `track_len`) and return a 1D array of ints containing
        the lengths of the tracks.

[docs]@config.set_columns def simulate_brownian(n_tracks, track_len, d, size=None, initial=None, pa=0, lagt=1, track_len_dist="const", random_state=None, columns={}): """Simulate particles undergoing Brownian motion Parameters ---------- n_tracks : int Number of tracks to simulate track_len : int Average track length (see also `track_len_dist` parameter ) d : float Diffusion coefficient size : tuple, optional Size of the region where to simulate particles. If `initial` is `None`, this is used to randomly distribute the `n_tracks` particles. initial : array-like, shape(n_tracks, m), optional Initial positions of the particles. If `None`, the particles will be placed randomly; in that case, `size` needs to be given. pa : float, optional Positional (in)accuracy. Defaults to 0. lagt : float Time between two recorded positions. Defaults to 1. track_len_dist : {"const", "exp"} or callable, optional Track length distribution. If "const", all tracks will be of length `track_len`. If "exp", track lengths will be exponentially distributed with mean `track_len`. A callable has to take two arguments (`n_tracks`, `track_len`) and return a 1D array of ints containing the lengths of the tracks. Defaults to "const" Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Simulated tracking data. Columns are coordinates, time, and particle columns as specified in the `columns` arg. Other parameters ---------------- random_state : numpy.random.RandomState, optional If given, it will use this to create random numbers. Otherwise, a new :py:class:`RandomState` object will be created and used. columns : dict, optional Override default column names as defined in :py:attr:`config.columns`. Relevant names are `coords`, `particle`, and `time`. This means, if your DataFrame has coordinate columns "x" and "z" and the time column "alt_frame", set ``columns={"coords": ["x", "z"], "time": "alt_frame"}``. """ if random_state is None: random_state = np.random.RandomState() if callable(track_len_dist): track_lens = track_len_dist(n_tracks, track_len) elif track_len_dist.startswith("const"): track_lens = np.full(n_tracks, track_len, dtype=int) elif track_len_dist.startswith("exp"): track_lens = np.round(random_state.exponential( track_len, n_tracks)).astype(int) if initial is None: initial = itertools.repeat(None) coords = [] frames = [] ps = [] for n, t, i in zip(itertools.count(), track_lens, initial): coords.append(brownian_track(t, d, size, i, pa, lagt, random_state)) ps.append(np.full(t, n)) frames.append(np.arange(t)) ret = pd.DataFrame(np.concatenate(coords), columns=columns["coords"]) ret[columns["time"]] = np.concatenate(frames) ret[columns["particle"]] = np.concatenate(ps) return ret
[docs]def brownian_track(track_len, d, size=None, initial=None, pa=0, lagt=1, random_state=None): """Simulate a single particle undergoing Brownian motion Parameters ---------- track_len : int Average track length (see also `track_len_dist` parameter ) d : float Diffusion coefficient size : tuple, optional Size of the region where to simulate particles. If `initial` is `None`, this is used to randomly distribute the `n_tracks` particles. initial : array-like, shape(n_tracks, m), optional Initial positions of the particles. If `None`, the particles will be placed randomly; in that case, `size` needs to be given. pa : float, optional Positional (in)accuracy. Defaults to 0. lagt : float Time between two recorded positions. Defaults to 1. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, shape(track_len, ndim) Simulated coordinates of the particle, one set of coordinates per row. Other parameters ---------------- random_state : numpy.random.RandomState, optional If given, it will use this to create random numbers. Otherwise, a new :py:class:`RandomState` object will be created and used. """ if random_state is None: random_state = np.random.RandomState() if initial is None and size is None: raise ValueError("Either `size` or `initial` have to be given.") if initial is not None: ndim = len(initial) elif size is not None: ndim = len(size) initial = random_state.uniform([0] * ndim, size) dx = random_state.normal(0, np.sqrt(2 * d * lagt), (track_len, ndim)) pos = initial + np.cumsum(dx, axis=0) if pa: pos = random_state.normal(pos, pa) return pos